Canalism: Difference between revisions

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===The Second Reformation===
On February 18th, the religion was reformed again. Pope Dank created a Canalism group to record the members, and made a rank system. Mods in the group were Priests, admins Archbishops, owners Cardinals, and the primary owner is the Pope. Currently, there are 57 recorded believers (excluding alts), 62 including alts. You can also buy holy books in the Yoahtl Bookstores, and get one for free from the Pope himself, if you go to MTA.
===Lifting of Canalism ban in Lëtzebuerg===
On March 18th, the previous ban of the Canalist religion in Lëtzebuerg was lifted, after dicussion between the Pope and Margrave of Lëtzebuerg shadedoom
===Other Events===