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Canalism was founded in late january by Pope Dankmemestopkek. At first, it was not a public religion, but a secret cult with a cult room in the MTA[[Mount RailsAugusta]] rails. It had several different religious trials and practices, such as the Trial of the Holy Hall, in which a cult member would have to jump across fences in a mini-canal in order to gain the right to read the holy books, and Divine Rest, in which someone would lay in water for 3 seconds and come back up, in order to become closer with the canal, the deeper the hole, the closer you got. The Holy books were seperated into two different books, totaling 35 pages. A few of the pages were translated into greek to hide the fact they were about human sacrifice, which was removed in The First Reformation. At it's peak, The Cultists of the Canal had 11 members, notable members being Cult Leader Dank, Cult Co-Leader Chaos Canadian, and Cult Captain Gantoe.
===The First Reformation===
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Although the majority of MTA is canalist, there are still some who belong to other religions, such as Jumpism, Daoism, Blood Paganism, the Possum Cult, Cult of the Supreme Being, and the Cult of the All-Father.
Believers are mostly in MTA[[Mount Augusta]] and TDC[[Tierra de Conciencia]], though there is a good amount of canalists in [[Southshire]] and [[Yoahtl]], and others in the HJE, Oistins, and other nations
==Holy Days==