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Note: Like the distilling stand, you can place a brew in a barrel for a short while to pull up the brew's hidden lore for determining the quality of the drink.
=== Brew Lore ===
A brew's lore can be pulled up by placing the drink in a distillation stand or an aging barrel. This can only be done if you have a named drink and not one of the base drinks, indefinite brews or ruined potions. The following 5 values could show up on the brew:
* Ingredients: How accurate your ingredients in the brew are to the perfect recipe
* Minutes Fermented: How accurate the fermentation time is to the perfect recipe
* Distillation Runs: How many times the drink was distilled compared to the perfect recipe
* Aging: How long the brew was aged compared to the perfect recipe
* Wood Type: If the correct wood type is being used or not (This will only show up for brews that require a specific wood type)
Each of the above lore values will have a color associated with them; Green, Yellow, Orange or Red. If the value is perfect, it will show up green. Depending on the difficulty of the brew, the further you are away from the perfect amount, the lore values will show up yellow, orange and then red.
== Drinking Effects ==
While drinking, you can receive a multitude of side effects as a result of getting drunk. Each player has an alcohol limit of 100/100 and each drink will add to that limit until you reach 100. In addition to the effects a brew may give you, the following effects may occur depending on your alcohol limit:
* Slurred Speech- As you get more drunk, the Brewery Mod will detect certain combinations of letters or phrases and jumble them up in chat. A single word like hello could turn into a full sentence of random slurred speech.
* Stumbled Walk- You may find yourself moving in one direction on your own and have little control over moving in that direction. This becomes increasingly bad as you near the 100 alcohol limit.
* Passing Out- When you exceed your 100 alcohol limit (There isn't currently a way to check your current alcohol amount so be careful!), you will get kicked from the server. When trying to log back in, it may tell you that you're too drunk to log in! Just keep trying and eventually you'll be able to rejoin. Be careful though because you will be combat tagged on drunk log out and can be easily killed.
* Nausea- As you near the 100 alcohol limit, you may get increasingly bad spells of nausea that can last a few seconds or 30+ seconds. Stop being such a drunkard!
* Vomiting- After you reach a certain alcohol limit, you may start spewing soul sand everywhere. This is just a visual effect and you can't pick the soul sand up.
* Poison- Aside from a few brews having poison as an effect in the config, if you drink imperfect brews (Especially ruined potions) you have a chance of poisoning yourself.
* Hangover- If you log out while you are drunk, and log back in later that day, you may log in with weakness, hunger or slowness effects due to a hang over. This is more likely to occur if you got drunk off of imperfect brews.

Revision as of 19:14, 15 June 2018

Set Up

Welcome to the CivClassics Brewery Guide! Before you start brewing, you will need some supplies to set up your brewing location. You will need:

  • Wood for barrels. You will need wood stairs for small barrels and wood stairs/planks/fences for large barrels.
    • Note: For large brewing locations, you should make 6 barrels using each of the 6 types of wood. (Acacia, Spruce, Dark Oak, Oak, Jungle & Birch)
  • Cauldrons for fermenting.
  • A source of fire. Since fire spread is turned off, you can light any block on fire indefinitely with flint & steel. Lava will also work.
  • A source of water. You will want to make an infinity pool nearby.
  • Brewing stands for distilling. These do not require blaze powder when distilling.
  • Glass bottles for collecting your completed brew.
  • A clock to keep track of how long a brew has been fermenting.
  • Lots of different ingredients. A detailed list will be included in this guide for the items that are accepted into the cauldron.
  • Chests to store your brews in and to keep your ingredients safe.

The Basics


Let's start by setting up a cauldron to ferment brews in.

  1. Place the cauldron in a convenient spot and make sure the block underneath it is empty.
  2. Place your source of fire underneath the cauldron. Remember, this can either be lava or a flame lit with flint & steel.
  3. Place water from a water bucket into your cauldron. That's it! You're all done with setting up your fermentation cauldron.

In order to ferment ingredients into a brew, right click the cauldron with the ingredient in your hand. It is EXTREMELY important that you remove the item in your offhand because the Brewery Plugin will try to add both the item in your main hand and your off hand into the cauldron. Now that you have an ingredient or multiple ingredients in the cauldron, right click that cauldron with a clock. You will be able to track how long the brew has been fermenting. After you are satisfied with the duration of fermentation, use a bottle to remove the brew from your cauldron!


Let's start by setting up a distillery brewing stand.

  1. Place the brewing stand in your desired location and place exactly one glowstone dust in the top of the brewing stand. Distilling will not use up that one piece of glowstone dust, however, placing more than one glowstone dust will needlessly cause the glowstone to be used up until one is left. Additionally, blaze powder is not needed to distill drinks.
  2. Place your fermented brews into the brewing stand. After waiting for a short while, you will see the drink gain lore for the amount of times it was distilled. MOST of the time if you made an indefinable distillate, that means the recipe you used wasn't accurate or that the drink didn't need to be distilled.

Note: For brews that require distilling, the quality of the drink is affected by how many times the drink is distilled. Do some experimenting to find out the required number of distillations for the drink! Information about the drink can be obtained by leaving it in the distillation stand.


Let's start by setting up a small and large barrel.

  1. A small barrel is set up using 8 stairs and 1 sign in the pattern shown. The first layer is 4 stairs, the second layer is 4 stairs and then the barrel is completed by placing a sign with the word "Barrel" on it. Barrel created should appear in chat if done correctly. Small barrels are required to have the sign on them to work. The barrel is opened by right clicking the sign and has 9 inventory slots to age brews.
  2. A large barrel is set up using 5 fences, 16 stairs, 1 sign and 18 wood planks in the pattern shown. Start by visualizing a 4 by 3 rectangle and place signs in each of the 4 corners. The second layer will have upside down stairs on both sides and planks to finish out the rectangle. One fence post should be placed in front to act as the spout. The third layer is a hollow rectangle made with planks. Note: The two center blocks on this layer can either be filled up or left empty. This is a very handy spot for placing a snitch. The last layer will be stairs on both sides and planks down the center. Place a sign with the word "Barrel" and the message "Barrel created" should appear in chat. Unlike the small barrel, you can remove the sign and the barrel will still work. The large barrel is opened by right clicking the spout and has 27 inventory slots for aging brews. Civclassics' Brewery config only allows you to open a large barrel by the spout but there is an option to open the barrel from anywhere as well.

To age a brew, leave a drink in the barrel for 1 barrel year. A barrel year is 20 real life minutes. Brews will age even if you are offline so don't forget about them! Like distilling, only some brews require aging while others will be ruined by it. It is your job to experiment and figure out the right method to make each drink. You will get a ruined potion if a brew does not age properly.

Note: Breaking any part of the barrels will cause the contents to spill out and rendering the barrel useless. You will have to fix the barrel and replace the sign to recreate it.

Note: Like the distilling stand, you can place a brew in a barrel for a short while to pull up the brew's hidden lore for determining the quality of the drink.

Brew Lore

A brew's lore can be pulled up by placing the drink in a distillation stand or an aging barrel. This can only be done if you have a named drink and not one of the base drinks, indefinite brews or ruined potions. The following 5 values could show up on the brew:

  • Ingredients: How accurate your ingredients in the brew are to the perfect recipe
  • Minutes Fermented: How accurate the fermentation time is to the perfect recipe
  • Distillation Runs: How many times the drink was distilled compared to the perfect recipe
  • Aging: How long the brew was aged compared to the perfect recipe
  • Wood Type: If the correct wood type is being used or not (This will only show up for brews that require a specific wood type)

Each of the above lore values will have a color associated with them; Green, Yellow, Orange or Red. If the value is perfect, it will show up green. Depending on the difficulty of the brew, the further you are away from the perfect amount, the lore values will show up yellow, orange and then red.

Drinking Effects

While drinking, you can receive a multitude of side effects as a result of getting drunk. Each player has an alcohol limit of 100/100 and each drink will add to that limit until you reach 100. In addition to the effects a brew may give you, the following effects may occur depending on your alcohol limit:

  • Slurred Speech- As you get more drunk, the Brewery Mod will detect certain combinations of letters or phrases and jumble them up in chat. A single word like hello could turn into a full sentence of random slurred speech.
  • Stumbled Walk- You may find yourself moving in one direction on your own and have little control over moving in that direction. This becomes increasingly bad as you near the 100 alcohol limit.
  • Passing Out- When you exceed your 100 alcohol limit (There isn't currently a way to check your current alcohol amount so be careful!), you will get kicked from the server. When trying to log back in, it may tell you that you're too drunk to log in! Just keep trying and eventually you'll be able to rejoin. Be careful though because you will be combat tagged on drunk log out and can be easily killed.
  • Nausea- As you near the 100 alcohol limit, you may get increasingly bad spells of nausea that can last a few seconds or 30+ seconds. Stop being such a drunkard!
  • Vomiting- After you reach a certain alcohol limit, you may start spewing soul sand everywhere. This is just a visual effect and you can't pick the soul sand up.
  • Poison- Aside from a few brews having poison as an effect in the config, if you drink imperfect brews (Especially ruined potions) you have a chance of poisoning yourself.
  • Hangover- If you log out while you are drunk, and log back in later that day, you may log in with weakness, hunger or slowness effects due to a hang over. This is more likely to occur if you got drunk off of imperfect brews.