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[[Category:In Progress]]
{{Infobox civilization|name=People's Democratic Republic of Bremerhaven|image=Bremerhaven Flag small.png|caption=State Flag of Bremerhaven|image2=Map of Bremerhaven.png|caption2=Map of Bremerhaven|location=8010 -10170|activity_level=Medium (6/27/2020)|population=16 active players (as of census 6/27)|alliance=TheCarbon<br/> IndustrialNapistan WorkersEconomic of the WorldPact|capital_city=Bremerhaven City|settlements=Bärenstadt, Nordenham|government_type=Socialist Direct Democracy|position_title1=Premier|position_title2=Presidium|position_name1=[[Narwhal_19]]|position_name2=[[4788888]] <br/>Adam (Coolking1500 <br/> Heyduckhi<br/>BennyZ<br/>Red_Medic_LeaderDesire Cube<br/>Ælar|foundation_date=20th of January 2020|language=English|religion=Duckaporean Shia Islam (unofficialOfficial)|motto="Workers of the World Unite"|national_anthem=Limp Bizkit - Break Stuff (unofficial)|discord=}}
'''Bremerhaven''', officially the '''People's Democratic Republic of Bremerhaven (PDRB)''' is a Nation Located on the Eastern Shore of the Continent of Napistan or Arctica as some Bremerians call it. It is Napistan's largest Country with a population of 18 Players. Bremerhaven is a member of the [[Industrial Workers of the World|IWW]] serving as it's economic center. Bremerhaven was founded on the 20th of January 2020 by Narwhal_19 and OrcishTimmy.
