Bremerhaven: Difference between revisions

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[[Category:In Progress]]
{{Infobox civilization|name=People's Democratic Republic of Bremerhaven|image=Bremerhaven Flag small.png|caption=State Flag of Bremerhaven|image2=Map of Bremerhaven.png|caption2=Map of Bremerhaven|location=8010 -10170|activity_level=Medium (6/27/2020)|population=16 active players (as of census 6/27)|alliance=The Industrial Workers of the World|capital_city=Bremerhaven City|settlements=Bärenstadt, Nordenham|government_type=Socialist Direct Democracy|position_title1=Premier/General Secretary|position_title2=Grand Admiral/Committee of Transportation|position_title3=Governor of Bäranstadt|position_title4=The Central Committee|position_title5=The Committee for State Security|position_title6=Speaker of the People's AssemblyPresidium|position_name1=[[Narwhal_19]]|position_name2=OrcishTimmy|position_name3=KFR|position_name4=Rednotbread|position_name5=[[4788888]]|position_name6=goldencrunchcrm <br/>Adam (Coolking1500 <br/> Heyduckhi<br/>BennyZ<br/>Red_Medic_Leader <br/>|foundation_date=20th of January 2020|language=English|ideologyreligion=LeftDuckaporean Shia Islam Communism(unofficial)|motto="Workers of the World Unite"|national_anthem=Limp Bizkit - Break Stuff (unofficial)|discord=}}
'''Bremerhaven''', officially the '''People's Democratic Republic of Bremerhaven (PDRB)''' is a Nation Located on the Eastern Shore of the Continent of Napistan or Arctica as some Bremerians call it. It is Napistan's largest Country with a population of 18 Players. Bremerhaven is a member of the [[Industrial Workers of the World|IWW]] serving as it's economic center. Bremerhaven was founded on the 20th of January 2020 by Narwhal_19 and OrcishTimmy.
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After the IWW's counter-strike on Bobanga by 4788888, Red_Medic_Leader, heyduckhi, Nirvanguard, Comrade_Gus, and EmDubleYou, Bobangan and Eslenti forces rushed to Bremerhaven along with a Savaguard militia to end the war. Bremerhaven was overrun by invaders who griefed farms, structures, and houses. A notable casualty of the invasion was the griefing of the [[Library Association|CivRealms Library Association]] library and university, an international organization. Comrade_Gus was also pearled during the invasion. After the invasion, a ceasefire was called and Bremerians quickly got back to work rebuilding.
=== Constitution of Bremerhaven ===
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== Geography ==
Bremerhaven is broken down into three main geographic regions. The Hills, The Coastland, and the Riverland. The Coastland is dominated in the North by rolling fields of Carrot farms that fund the Bremerian Economy. while as you go south large cities start to appear, when you reach the capital region on the Weser river the rolling fields turn to the grey apartment complexes of Bremerhaven City. After heading farther south you will pass Fort Žižek on the southern road. Just South of fort Žižek lays the town of Bärenstadt settled by Kfr in March of 2020. even farther south you come to the Timmygrad-Falcon Autonomous zone where the ruins of Georgia lay. Going up the Weser River you come to the small town of Duckistan founded as a meme by HiduckHi. <br />
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=== Governorates of Bremerhaven ===
Bremerhaven is Divided into four Governorates and one special district. These are the Georgia Governorate, Bärenstadt Governorate, Rotstadt Governorate, and Weser Governorate. there is also the Bremerhaven Capital District. Each Governorate with a permanent population is led by a governor. The only governor at the moment is KFR who is governor of Bärenstadt.
== Economy ==
