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== History ==
[[File:Old Bremerhaven.png|thumb|Bremerhaven before the NRC.]]
=== Founding and Separation from Vescau ===
In early January 2020 Narwhal_19 and OrcishTimmy founded Bremerhaven on the Weser river. New members quickly came in and the population grew to 4. on the 25th of January, the leader of Vescau, Jeanluccy Claimed all of Napistan then proceeded to declare war on Carbon. He promptly quit the server 2 hours later. The people of Vescau decided to shrink their claims and rebrand as Exarchos. The result of this is that on the 25th Bremerhaven officially declared it's Independence. Soon Bremerhaven decided to join the IWW to protect itself from future conflict.
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=== Influx of Newfreinds in March ===
[[File:Old Bremerhaven.png|thumb|Bremerhaven before the NRC.]]Bremerhaven slowly grew overtime not seeing much immediate growth. On March 19th Narwhal_19 posted a map of the IWW to the r/imaginarymaps subreddit. This led to a population boom of 20 players. Some went on to form other nations and towns such as Veria, and some became prominent Bremerians such as 4788888, and Dingo12. Dingo massively expanded the waterfront of Bremerhaven and set up a citadel on Nordenham island. 4788888 helped establish Bremahaven's Library with Goldencrunchcrms and went on the establish the Civrealms Library Association (CLA).
== Geography ==
== Politics ==
Bremerhaven while being a direct democracy is a functional One party state led by the Bremerhaven Communist Party (BCP)
{{Infobox political party
| name = Bremerhaven Communist Party
| logo = PLA.png
| general_secretary = Narwhal_19
| ideology = Left Communism, Democratic Socialism, Democratic Confederalism, Bremerian Nationalism, Bremerian irredentism, Left-wing Nationalism
| colorcode = #871010
| international = Civrealms International Workingmens' Association
| country = Bremerhaven
| headquarters = 3 krupskaya Street, Bremerhaven City
== Economy ==
