Bombas Self-Governing Area

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Revision as of 20:59, 15 March 2023 by Silersky (talk | contribs) (I changed a lot of description and the Template)
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Bombas-Self Governing Area is a region of The Federation of Warmia situated in the Northwest quadrant. (about -1700 , -2500) it's also a part of Warmia, exactly Starosielce county/region. New governor of Starosielce, Silersky want to create a mini-industrial zone in this Area. Now he only created a canals from sea to the Marchukovsky lake (now Gulf).

Bombas region of Starosielce
AllianceNitro Alliance
Capital cityBiałstok
SettlementsBiałystok, Choroshch, Bobole
TerritoriesBombas territory, Bielsko-Centauri Island
• Mayor of Bombas
• The Great Bladdermouth
LanguageKallosian , Bombasy, Warmian
ReligionNitro Ritual 71 % / Christianity 29 %
Motto"Now here is stubble, in future here will be San Francisco"
National anthemChoroshchan Lullaby

Bombas Islands Era

Bombas Self-Governing Area was previously made up of two islands, Nibembenie and Niżarłaku Islands until they got connected to mainland Warmia and renamed from Bombas Islands to Bombas Self-Governing Area.

Now that era can back with government in Starosielce!