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Blackwater was also the first nation to be annihilated from the realm of civclassic after a massive controversy surrounding a alt-griefing scandal in which most of the citizens of Blackwater was involved. The only known survivors of the holocaust were the leader Saren_Solaris and his buddy in crime Bewsiej. The captured members was scattered like dust in the wind. Two of the members who were captured / Dookoo782 & YegorDia was later released after a lengthy prison sentence inside Hjaltland's prison.
<big><big>/ The creation of Blackwater /</big></big>
The creation of Blackwater was highly controversial after it's creator, Saren_Solaris had engaged in a semi-coup in Westeros in order to secure a piece of land that belonged to Westeros, with the thought that he had the right to the land. Westeros in their anger attempted to strike back and retake it's land, a post was made on the subreddit looking for support to take out this newly created rogue nation. The retake failed after a stand-off / The lack of support from the community in Westeros fight against Saren_Solaris later lead to an negotiation in which the leader of Westeros / ComradeNick forfeited his land claims and told Saren_Solaris to not pursue his people and in return, they would leave Blackwater alone and let the new rogue nation keep its land.
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The starting roster of Blackwater : Saren_Solaris, Dookoo782, YegorDia, JustLiunet, AdminCrimes, theJKH, Bewsiej, SwiftFizz. And a few more.
<big><big>/ Brief history of Blackwater's role in civclassic /</big></big>
Blackwater operated as a fighting force for hire. Finding customer's proved to be difficult as Saren's reputation kept his corporation from making new potential allies, fearing that he might repeat his mischief's like he did back in Devoted 3.0 { Devoted was the previous Civ server before Civclassic } This limited Blackwater's influence on the server, but this did not discourage Saren from going out of his way to gain back the trust that he had lost.
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<big><big>/ Blackwater's conflicts and drama /</big></big>
The fight for zero zero against Westeros.