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//Republic of Beneshire //
Capital Agricola
Official Languages English
Demonym Beneshirian
Government Democracy
President Magmus
Establishment July 19th, 2015
Population 1
Allies [[[towns/Kaiserinreich|Commonwealth of the Kaiserinreich]], Iria,

Chanadian Confederation, Abyssima Empire, Arran


The Republic of Beneshire, also known as just Beneshire, was a democratic state that bordered Oz to the south and the Abyssima Empire to the east. In December 2015, it was ceded to Oz.


Beneshire was founded by the Irian citizen Magmus on the nineteenth of July, 2015, having been named by the Citadel group "MTA_Nether" At first Beneshire lacked land, but Rekvia, queen of the nearby nation of Requiem found land soon after. Progress was slow, with Magmus finishing the first building in town on the second of August, but farms and a rail to the bordering Abyssi Empire were created soon after. In late August, Beneshire expanded it's borders drastically, annexing the ruins of Ravenport. Due to a lack of progress, Magmus abandoned the nation, and sold the land to Oz.

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Map of Beneshire