Aurora–New Leningrad conflict

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Dates 16 July 2013 - 17 July 2013
Location New Leningrad
Result Pearling of ZombieLenin

Destruction of Leningrad Economy
Guerilla attacks on Aurora
Temporary pearling of Aurorans, Brynnians, and Leningradians

FlagMrGerbic FlagNew Leningrad
Leaders and Commanders
FlagMrGerbic FlagZombieLenin


4 6
1 2




After boldly claiming control of the entire +,- and declaring that the True Neutral League was officially part of his new "Federal Workers Republic of Plusminus", ZombieLenin started production of his new paper currency, the Lenning. He then began traveling around the quadrant to offer his new currency to the workers of all cities, handing out free Lennings, and encouraging shops to switch to his new currency. While some welcomed the new paper currency and a chance at true communism, it also led to outrage and resistance from other citizens all over the quadrant, and especially in Aurora and Bryn.

During this, Bryn citizen MrGerbic uncovered evidence that ZombieLenin was hiring griefers to attack Bryn and Aurora to destablise their governments. This included notable griefer The_BadAsh.

Before the Attacks

Tensions were high between New Leningrad and the citizens of Aurora and Bryn. Arguements were breaking out on the sub-reddit, and accusations were flying wildly. New Leningrad was on high alert.

Things went south when three foreign citizens in New Leningrad were caught up in the mess. Kovio, who had been in New Leningrad waiting to talk to ZombieLenin, was walking around town when he came across a guard named Oleg. Oleg was nervous of Kovio, and so Kovio disarmoured himself. Oleg then took the chance to stab Kovio in the back, and pearl him. Around the same time two Aurorans who had travelled to new Leningrad to purchase Lennings, were also killed and pearled by Oleg. Though ZombieLenin declared that Oleg had acted against his orders, these events became the sparks that lit a massive fire.

The Attacks

MrGerbic's Freeing of Prisoners

After hearing of the pearling of the two Aurorans and Kovio, MrGerbic (under alt Ice_9) and a team of others from Bryn and Aurora made their way to New Leningrad with the intent of freeing everyone pearled, and pearling ZombieLenin. They arrived and freed Kovio and one of the captured Aurorans (the other was left behind later to be freed by ZombieLenin himself). MrGerbic then turned his attention toward Oleg and chased Oleg, only for Oleg to log out.

In the confusion of the situation, it was incorrectly believed that Aurora was officially behind the "attack" on New Leningrad, and tensions between the two cities remained strained throughout the course of the event.

1st Attack on Leningrad and Pearling of ZombieLenin

The next day the Leningradians retaliated to the attack, however MrGerbic was able to fend off the forces. MrGerbic found ZombieLenin, who gave up without a fight, and pearled him. In the end, many Leningrad residents were either pearled or had fled the city and New Leningrad was left without their leader.

2nd Attack on Leningrad

The following day day MrGerbic was joined by Killyourfacego and CatZombies. They intended on retreiving stolen goods and freeing a citizen of Bryn who had recently been pearled. The Leningradians had accused MrGerbic's group of planting snitches in the area around the city, and had pearled the Brynnian in response.

In the battle two more Leningradians were pearled, and lots of verbal abuse was seen in chat by Leningradians who were in hiding. In the end, MrGerbic's group was able to free the Bryn citizen.

Vault Break and Printing Press Sabotage

Joined with some more support, MrGerbic's group intended to search for stolen items from previously pearled Auroran and Bryn citizens. The vault was broken, and they claim to have taken nothing of value, while Leningrad reports immense loss of items. The attackers were also accused of shutting down the printing press by allegedly destroying it and replacing it with DRO, though MrGerbic denied ever touching it and no snitches properly recorded what actually happened. It was later addmitted by ZombieLenin that he had destroyed the printing press and blamed it on MrGerbic.

The Aftermath

Most of the Leningradians were released as the attackers left town, by having their pearls deposited in random unprotected chest locations.


The attackers called the event a success and claimed everything was just. The Leningradians claimed the attacking group were nothing but lowly griefers and they should all be pearled. ZombieLenin also posted the coords on the sub-reddit to the vault in Bryn where he was being held, and urged many people to come free him. There was also a leaked conversation with the Chief Diplomat of New Leningrad, BolleDeBoll, discussing plans on freeing ZombieLenin pearling Bryn residents and griefing the town. Meanwhile, the New Leningrad propaganda machine continued on, proclaiming that the glorious leader was on vacation in Brimstone.

An outraged ZombieLenin broke character and declared that he had only been roleplaying and that it was no excuse for his pearling or any of the subsequent attacks. He and others declared the Aurora and Bryn were the enemies who had conspired against him to destroy New Leningrad and his government. Auroran government officials pointed out that they had had no part in the attacks and were not responsible. Bryn, being a state comprised solely of individuals, had no official statement.

ZombieLenin is currently sentenced to one week in the End, but an arbitration by Erich_Honeker will decide the length of his sentence. MrGerbic has also stated that any attacks to free ZombieLenin will add one week to his sentence.

Following Battle(s)

MrGerbic is defending against people attacking and trying to break the vault to free ZombieLenin. Meanwhile, New Leningrad is on high alert and nervous citizens in Aurora and Bryn are being watchful and vigilant. Many people have pledged their support for ZombieLenin, and many people have also pledged their support for MrGerbic and his group, as well as Bryn and Aurora. Currently a large Downvote Brigade battle is going on, on the sub-reddit, with each side is furiously downvoting the opposition. This has led to TTK2 and the moderators of the sub-reddit to begin hiding votes while they search for a better solution.

Down-With-Oppression Square Massacre

At the call of ZombieLenin a peaceful protest in the form of surrounding Ice9's vault was made. A cobblestone and dirt floor was built, covering everything but the two topmost tiers of the vault. Above and below this floor shacks of low-end material were erected as a sign of solidarity towards ZombieLenin. On July the 20th, Ice9 logged into the server to find his vault in such a state. He took immediate action by pearling who he could and calling for people to leave the premises. Vast amount of people were sent to the End to join ZombieLenin. As a sign of support it has been called out for people to put a rose outside their window, for ZombieLenin and his supporters. After the massacre became public, MrGerbic chose to enter arbitration with ZombieLenin, officially because he was too tired to deal with him. Both parties agreed on Dr_Oracle being the arbitrator.

The arbitration ended with ZombieLenin being freed and receiving 50 iron blocks as compensation. The pearled protesters were freed with him, but did not receive any compensation for lost items.


He-said she-said situation. Nobody really knows what was lost and what is being made up. The Leningrad Priting Press was replaced by DRO, and some cows were killed to feed the soldiers occupying the city.