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'''Around the World in 12 Days''', or known more simply as '''Around the World''' is a seminal text by [[4788888]] (SalmonDinner) detailing some of his first experiences as a new friend on CivRealms. The series takes place over three volumes, with a final fourth volume remaining unpublished and its manuscript hidden in Napistan.
'''Around the World in 12 Days''', or known more simply as '''Around the World''' is a seminal text by [[4788888]] (SalmonDinner) detailing some of his first experiences as a new friend on CivRealms. The series takes place over three volumes, with a final fourth volume remaining unpublished and its manuscript hidden in Napistan.

=== Background ===
4788888 first joined the CivRealms server on March 20th, 2020 after one of his friends on Discord told him about the server. Interested in the idea, he spawned in and teleported to join a nascent Bremerhaven and the rebranded IWW. For several weeks, 4788888 learned the mechanics of the server, building his first house and contributing to Bremerhaven's economy, such as by discovering the Aqua Nether portal nearby. During this time goldencrunchcrms and [[Narwhal 19]] also began collecting books to found the CivRealms [[Library Association]], and 4788888 was inducted as the Head Archivist several days after. After several weeks of largely remaining in Bremerhaven, however, 4788888 realized that there were many books which existed uncatalogued all across the CivRealms world, and contacted Lanax, ieatazz69, and noahravn to meet up with them and find them. Having never left Napistan nor having a horse, 4788888 was given a boat and some basic gear by Narwhal_19 and set off on his famous journey.

=== Volume One ===

==== Synopsis ====
<br />

==== Places Traveled ====

* [[Bremerhaven]]
* [[Makhnovia]]
* [[Exarchos]]
* [[Tolstoy]]
* [[Villa Mare]] (TRE)
* [[Carbon]] Island
* [[Amaryllis]]

=== Volume Two ===

==== Synopsis ====
<br />

==== Places Traveled ====

* [[Agotep]]
* [[Wheatistan]]
* [[Savaguard]]
* [[Carbon]] exclave
* [[Chicao]] ruins
* [[Sexlahoma]]
* [[Yamato]]
* [[Miletos]]
* [[Anvard]]
* [[Alexandria]]

=== Volume Three ===

==== Synopsis ====
<br />

==== Places Traveled ====

* [[Agotep]]
* [[Savaguard]]
* [[Wheatistan]] (Volcano Island)
* [[I.C.O.R.]] (Volcano Island)
* [[Carbon]] exclave (Volcano Island)
* Antium (renamed to [[Valhalla]])
* [[Georgia]]
* [[Bremerhaven]]
* [[Wheatistan]]
* [[CivCorp]]
* Rob's Historic Town
* Emmertown

=== Volume Four ===
<br />

==== Places Traveled ====

* CivCorp
* Accelerada
* Norlund
* Bremerhaven

=== Reviews ===

==== Advertisements ====
The general copypasta used by 4788888 for advertising the book was as follows:<blockquote>An original travel "journal" by myself. The first two books describe my first journey across CivRealms as a new player, collecting books, meeting players, and evading danger. Think of an epic like the Odyssey, but in Minecraft.</blockquote>

==== Saren's Realms Roleplay Texture Pack ====
[[File:Custom book covers - Roleplay Pack v.1.3.png|thumb|The custom covers for ''Around the World'' Volumes 1 through 3.]]
[[File:Custom book covers2 - Roleplay Pack v.1.3.png|thumb|Close-up of Around the World V1's front cover texture.]]
Around the World was one of the few books to be featured in the early versions of Saren's CivRealms Roleplay Texture Pack, receiving custom covers designed by Longboyy and 4788888 which include much more detail than vanilla books and distinguish the novel from others when viewed in one's inventory or in an item frame. Currently, the ''Around the World'' series, 4788888's transcription of ''The Tell-Tale Heart'' by Edgar Allan Poe, and tweetabix's ''The Secession of Ansgar'' are the only books included in this texture pack.

==== Reception ====
After the release of the second title, goldencrunchcrms wrote this about the Around the World series:<blockquote>I'm going to make a bold claim here, but I stand by it: if you're going to read any of the books in [the CLA] collection, you should make it this one. Its epic scope is unmatched by any other in-game book I've read, and 4788888's skillful prose vividly brings the people and places of Civrealms to life while never losing sight of the deeply personal narrative that forms the book's emotional core. ''Around the World'' is a marvellous achievement, and I think I speak for all of us when I say that I'm eagerly awaiting future additions to the series.<ref></ref></blockquote>Henderwicz, ChChris, Milipede, Narwhal, TWIMKIEminer, HiImPosey, Chomer, UnrealJesus, and others also expressed their adulation for the work in-game, on the subreddit, and over Discord.