Amicitia: Difference between revisions

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(Updated to reflect recent events such as Holy State no longer being on official map and government position changes due to Luxian Hall Bombing terrorist attack)
(→‎The Corminian Age: Updates to the June 26th terrorist attack)
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One day later, Amicitia's Prime Minister, MrMattimation, resigned his position and dissolved Parliament quite suddenly. This is most attributed to his failed and highly unpopular push to replace Trombone as the Amicitian mascot although some suggest that the resignation is in some way tied to the circumstances surrounding jjonthan's depature.
One day later, Amicitia's Prime Minister, MrMattimation, resigned his position and dissolved Parliament quite suddenly. This is most attributed to his failed and highly unpopular push to replace Trombone as the Amicitian mascot although some suggest that the resignation is in some way tied to the circumstances surrounding jjonthan's depature.

=== The Corminian Age ===
=== Start of the Corminian Age ===
On June 23rd, 2024, the King appointed player Cormin as the 2nd Prime Minister of Amicitia.
On June 23rd, 2024, the King appointed player Cormin as the 2nd Prime Minister of Amicitia.

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In his acceptance speech, Cormin promised to usher in an "Amicitian Golden Age", by focusing on increasing industry, defense, and the influence of the free market while also noting the governments need for reform and better personel.
In his acceptance speech, Cormin promised to usher in an "Amicitian Golden Age", by focusing on increasing industry, defense, and the influence of the free market while also noting the governments need for reform and better personel.

On June 26th, 2024, only three days into his term, Cormin experienced his first crisis. A newfriend raider had joined the server and began griefing across +,+. Finding their way to Amicitia, the raider spread their griefing to the Lux Capital which culminated in a bombing on the interior of the Luxian Hall Courthouse. Nearly the entire interior was destroyed but, by far, the greatest loss was the death of Lord Chancellor and Minister of Agriculture and Eire native, tdavis232 who was the only player in the building at the time of the attack. King BlueBox quickly came to the scene of the crime and pearled the raider himself, bringing an end to his reign of terror. But the damage was already done.

tdavis's death sent shockwaves across the Kingdom. Cormin, who was in Ammos at the time of the attack, responded swiftly by strengthening the Amicitian military by appointing player [[TophatAlexYT]] to the newly established position of Minister of Defense. Cormin expressed deep regret over not being in the Capital when the attack happened and took personal responsibility for the losses, vowing that his term would see far more fortified and stronger Amicitia.

== Government ==
== Government ==