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Unfortunately, the fall-out of Druid and JayTeeR's alt-raids ended up doing considerable damage to Acadia as several Acadians eventually ended up leaving and activity went down. Bloof, who had recently become Acadia's second Prime Minister after Cortwade's retirement after hitting his three term limit and a burnout, had initially set out to improve Acadia's international relations, but, with voice-chat game-afternoons and group projects, saw herself now forced to deal with the increasingly growing problem of inactivity as well. In matters of foreign affairs however, Acadia began to make progress, with Acadia growing closer to [[Columbia]], which had helped out Acadia during Druid and JayTeeR's alt-raid spree and set up a kickback trap featuring as embassy in New Turing. as well as Icenia, due to JuniorTide's efforts.
Unfortunately, the fall-out of Druid and JayTeeR's alt-raids ended up doing considerable damage to Acadia as several Acadians eventually ended up leaving and activity went down. Bloof, who had recently become Acadia's second Prime Minister after Cortwade's retirement after hitting his three term limit and a burnout, had initially set out to improve Acadia's international relations, but, with voice-chat game-afternoons and group projects, saw herself now forced to deal with the increasingly growing problem of inactivity as well. In matters of foreign affairs however, Acadia began to make progress, with Acadia growing closer to [[Columbia]], which had helped out Acadia during Druid and JayTeeR's alt-raid spree and set up a kickback trap featuring as embassy in New Turing. as well as Icenia, due to JuniorTide's efforts.

In August 2021, Acadia was briefly brought to the world stage due to concerns of a military conflict with [[Caledonia]] and Caledonian occupied Adina. The Adinans that formed the Moloka-Javaya line had now been exiled from their original home Adina for two years, after what they considered to have been a Republican coup d'etat back in 2019, but with their return to CivClassic, largely through Acadia which they saw as a temporary home, they wished to eventually return to Adina. With Egi temporarily logboxed while on an 'illegal' pilgrimage through Adina, the matter was brought to the fore, and the [[Rajputana]], representing the exiled Adinans, began to campaign for international pressure against Caledonia to reach a settlement on their return to Adina.<ref>Rajputana campaign - 'Let Us Return': [ link] (reddit post)</ref><ref>Rajputana campaign - On the Resettlement of Adina: [ link] (reddit post)</ref> Due to Acadia's ties to the Rajputana and the Moloka/Javaya line, there were concerns that Acadia was planning an invasion of Adina against Caledonia, and that the public campaign of the Rajputana was simply an Acadian plot to establish PR before an invasion. These concerns partly originated from a public statement from the Acadian Senate calling on Caledonia to cede Adina to the Rajputana.<ref>Acadian Senate Call to Caledonia on Adina: [ link] (Google document)</ref> Prime Minister Bloof eventually resolved the tensions with a public statement that Acadia would not get involved directly. The campaign of the Rajputana failed to make any gains, and the exiled Adinans largely went fully inactive afterwards.

==== The First TNSC Crisis ====
==== The First TNSC Crisis ====
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The first reform was abolishing State Senators, so that demographic fragmentation and political power plots would no longer be institutionally encouraged. With the second reform Kannon restructured Acadia's military, making it more independent and hierarchical. The third reform was the Eight Amendment, drastically changing Acadia's governmental system as the National Assembly was completely dissolved and the Senate, comprised of elected ministers, turned into a National Council with full legislative powers. However, popular resistance against the Eight Amendment began to appear as people began to consider the system opressive, comparing it to a military junta. Meanwhile, the constitutional reform turned into a constitutional crisis as some of the powers and responsibilities of the National Assembly weren't properly redelegated and the general public heavily resisted the idea of delegating those powers and responsibilities to the National Council. As the Eight Amendment became increasingly unpopular and divisive, it was eventually repealed by the National Council by the end of October.
The first reform was abolishing State Senators, so that demographic fragmentation and political power plots would no longer be institutionally encouraged. With the second reform Kannon restructured Acadia's military, making it more independent and hierarchical. The third reform was the Eight Amendment, drastically changing Acadia's governmental system as the National Assembly was completely dissolved and the Senate, comprised of elected ministers, turned into a National Council with full legislative powers. However, popular resistance against the Eight Amendment began to appear as people began to consider the system opressive, comparing it to a military junta. Meanwhile, the constitutional reform turned into a constitutional crisis as some of the powers and responsibilities of the National Assembly weren't properly redelegated and the general public heavily resisted the idea of delegating those powers and responsibilities to the National Council. As the Eight Amendment became increasingly unpopular and divisive, it was eventually repealed by the National Council by the end of October.

Around this time, there were plans for the arrival of a large number of [[Veria|Verians]] and other Norlunders, who were to migrate to CivClassic from the long dead server CivRealms, and establish a new home for themselves in Acadia. This would have increased Acadia's population by a large margin, but the plans never quite materialized as the Norlunders largely ended up disliking CivClassic. However, the few Norlunders that did migrate to Acadia managed to revitalize Acadia's original democracy and were partly responsible for the succesful campaign against the Eight Amendment and the National Council.
Additionally, Acadia grew twice in size with a large westward expansion, claiming the land inbetween Acadia and its close ally Columbia to the west which, with East Columbia touching Acadia on its eastern borders, created a full Columbia / Acadia northwest-northeast world border corridor, linking the Columbian main holdings with Asu's vault Rhea in East Columbia with the last to-be completed part of the full ice road connection under construction. This was essentially part of the final answer to the question of how to establish further integration with Columbia, as the political landscape in Acadia would not allow for full integration into a Columbian Federation, with many Acadians disliking the idea of losing the sovereignty they had proudly gained on CivClassic, no longer having liege as they had with Javaya on CivUniverse. The expansion included the former Chanseatic town of Vanhoover, and grass-roots movement emerged under Acadian newfriends to repopulate and restore the town, which had the approval of the Acadian government as it would legitimize Acadia's claim on the larger area.

During Kannon's term, Acadia grew twice in size with a large westward expansion, claiming the land inbetween Acadia and its close ally Columbia to the west which, with East Columbia touching Acadia on its eastern borders, created a full Columbia / Acadia northwest-northeast world border corridor, linking the Columbian main holdings with Asu's vault Rhea in East Columbia with the last to-be completed part of the full ice road connection under construction. This was essentially part of the final answer to the question of how to establish further integration with Columbia, as the political landscape in Acadia would not allow for full integration into a Columbian Federation, with many Acadians disliking the idea of losing the sovereignty they had proudly gained on CivClassic, no longer having liege as they had with Javaya on CivUniverse. The expansion included the former Chanseatic town of Vanhoover, and grass-roots movement emerged under Acadian newfriends to repopulate and restore the town, which had the approval of the Acadian government as it would legitimize Acadia's claim on the larger area.
====The Second TNSC Crisis====
====The Second TNSC Crisis====
Around the end of September, Acadia was shocked by the sudden, short reappearance of Rainie, whose temporary ban had apparently been finished after one month. As Acadians never knew the lenght of the ban, they were surprised to see Rainie back again so quickly. After Rainie's temporary dissapearance the other members of TNSC had decided to rebrand their nation as Consortium with Hawkeye as their new leader, and relations between Acadia and Consortium were somewhat friendly, though there was not much contact with them as activity in Consortium had long been very low. According to Hawkeye, the TNSC members considered Rainie to be a dictator and they had effectively overthrown him after the events of the TNSC crisis. Hawkeye claimed that, after escaping from his bounty hunters, Rainie was then hunted by his fellow TNSC members, that they eventually had Rainie logboxed, and that they had not been in contact with him afterwards. Choosing to believe him, Acadia asked Consortium for the location of the logbox, so that they would be able to pearl him if Rainie logged in on his main account again.
Around the end of September, Acadia was shocked by the sudden, short reappearance of Rainie, whose temporary ban had apparently been finished after one month. As Acadians never knew the lenght of the ban, they were surprised to see Rainie back again so quickly. After Rainie's temporary dissapearance the other members of TNSC had decided to rebrand their nation as Consortium with Hawkeye as their new leader, and relations between Acadia and Consortium were somewhat friendly, though there was not much contact with them as activity in Consortium had long been very low. According to Hawkeye, the TNSC members considered Rainie to be a dictator and they had effectively overthrown him after the events of the TNSC crisis. Hawkeye claimed that, after escaping from his bounty hunters, Rainie was then hunted by his fellow TNSC members, that they eventually had Rainie logboxed, and that they had not been in contact with him afterwards. Choosing to believe him, Acadia asked Consortium for the location of the logbox, so that they would be able to pearl him if Rainie logged in on his main account again.
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''For an overview of election results, see: [[History of Acadia]]''
''For an overview of election results, see: [[History of Acadia]]''
==== Political System ====
==== Political System ====
[[File:Acadiaball politics.png|thumb|287x287px|Politics Acadiaball, made by Bloof]]Acadia was sometimes considered to be somewhat of a 'Norlund spin-off', as Acadia's governmental system was much inspired by Norlund's. On CivUniverse Acadia took the form of a parliamentary constitutional republic as a dominion of Javaya, while on CivClassic it was a federal parliamentary constitutional republic as an independent nation. The final Constitution of Acadia and its ten amendments can be found [ here] as well as on Acadia's discord. The head of state of Acadia was the Ymir, originally called the High Commissar, instituted part way through CivClassic, who held the namelayer groups and was responsible for organizing elections.<ref>The Seventh Amendment: [ link] (Google document)</ref> The head of government was the Prime Minister, who was the chief diplomat and presided over the Senate (''I'Nothlir Farroth''), the executive body, composed of all other ministers who were, with the Prime Minister, each individually elected. In the later stages of CivClassic, one exception to this was the Minister of Defense, who was then elected by the Sel'mean, a military council, who were in turn appointed by the National Assembly (''I'Dorei Sabar''). The Acadian Parliament consisted of the National Assembly and the Senate. The National Assembly was the primary legislative body, composed of all citizens, where people could propose and vote on legislation, which could then be vetoed by the Senate. The Senate also had the power to make legislation, with the National Assembly able to veto if a large majority was against. Outside of legislation, ministers could institute executive orders within their scope of discretion. The Prime Minister and the other ministers were elected for one month each term (not counting time between servers), with a limit of three terms for the Prime Minister. The Ymir was elected for six months, with a monthly vote of trust in the National Assembly. Additionally, while earlier a Chief Justice was temporarily appointed by the National Assembly when needed for criminal and constitutional matters, this later on became a permanent for-life position, evolving into a prominent national advisor to help the Senate and the National Assembly navigate Acadia's increasingly complex legal system.
[[File:Acadiaball politics.png|thumb|287x287px|Politics Acadiaball, made by Bloof]]Acadia was sometimes considered to be somewhat of a 'Norlund spin-off', as Acadia's governmental system was much inspired by Norlund's. On CivUniverse Acadia took the form of a parliamentary constitutional republic as a dominion of Javaya, with the Constitution at the grace of Emperor of Javaya who held the power to void it at any moment's notice. On CivClassic Acadia was a federal parliamentary constitutional republic as an independent nation. The final Constitution of Acadia and its ten amendments can be found [ here] as well as on Acadia's discord. The head of state of Acadia was the Ymir, originally called the High Commissar, instituted part way through CivClassic, who held the namelayer groups and was responsible for organizing elections.<ref>The Seventh Amendment: [ link] (Google document)</ref> The head of government was the Prime Minister, who was the chief diplomat and presided over the Senate (''I'Nothlir Farroth''), the executive body, composed of all other ministers who were, with the Prime Minister, each individually elected. In the later stages of CivClassic, one exception to this was the Minister of Defense, who was then elected by the Sel'mean, a military council, who were in turn appointed by the National Assembly (''I'Dorei Sabar''). The Acadian Parliament consisted of the National Assembly and the Senate. The National Assembly was the primary legislative body, composed of all citizens, where people could propose and vote on legislation, which could then be vetoed by the Senate. The Senate also had the power to make legislation, with the National Assembly able to veto if a large majority was against. Outside of legislation, ministers could institute executive orders within their scope of discretion. The Prime Minister and the other ministers were elected for one month each term (not counting time between servers), with a limit of three terms for the Prime Minister. The Ymir was elected for six months, with a monthly vote of trust in the National Assembly. Additionally, while earlier a Chief Justice was temporarily appointed by the National Assembly when needed for criminal and constitutional matters, this later on became a permanent for-life position, evolving into a prominent national advisor to help the Senate and the National Assembly navigate Acadia's increasingly complex legal system.

==== Political Culture ====
==== Political Culture ====