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====== States, Territories, and Settlements on CivClassic ======
On CivClassic, '''New Turing''' was the capital city of Acadia, situated on the island within Lake Elizabeth, featuring the Perseverance Square, the heart of Acadian life, the factory building, the skybunker, rail station, and ice road center. More than on CivUniverse, Acadia's social and economic reality revolved around the capital. Whereas Old Turing's architecture was low in height, New Turing increasingly featured larger buildings, with an ever developing skyline. Close to New Turing lay the State of '''Thompson''', a country-side de facto residential suburb of New Turing; The Territory of '''Nordvest''', [[Skraeyling]]'sa personal build project featuring Art Deco towers and an airport; the State of '''Babbage''' with the town of '''Lovelace''', a settlement focussing on commerce and industry, which thrived during Acadia's earlier beginnings but eventually fell prey to New Turing's magnitude; the '''Stonegate''' project, an early abandoned project to build a settlement consisting of a grid of bunkers; as well as '''Eden''', a mostly underground settlement with a medieval theme and a large statue.To the east of Acadia lay the Territory and town of '''Kanava''', built around canals, featuring a water tunnel connecting it to Lovelace; the Territory andof '''Wilson''' with the village of '''WilsonConway''', which was to become a victorian country-side village; and the Territory / State of the '''Lewis Islands''', with the settlements of '''Pajnitov''' and '''Mallorca'''. The Lewis Islands were widely believed to be cursed due to several separate incidents of Lewis Islanders committing treason as well as the fact that the islands are floating on water due to a world generation error. According to rumors, a number of [[NATO]] fighter accounts were logged in this area, and an old hidden Acadian bunker with great treasure was to be found on one of these islands. To the west of New Turing lay the State of '''Mana'Thalas''' with the old pre-Acadian town of '''Vanhoover''', as well as the remnants of the pre-Acadian settlements '''[[New Jerusalem]]''' and '''[[Holy Tree (CivClassic)|Holy Tree]]'''.
== Media ==
