
Not much can be said of this nation. Situated in the Ice Mountains of the far South +,+ region, Xalta Moro stands as a testament to will.


Xalta Moro (mutation of english "exalted morrow) means "place of rest", a metaphor based on night and day; based on the difficult terrain and long journey to get there the name fits for its position as both a literal and figurative resting place for players travelling in the remote regions of the +,+ (most of which is actually Hell).


The Sleep

Long before Xalta Moro was dreamed of, the idea of independence and homesteading filled the mind of the founder. A resident of Southshire, from the pre-Somber War days, there was plenty to do at the time. Building roads, helping clean - the activity was nice and always present. But after a while things slowed down. To the chagrin of Atraxas, there was nothing forward to do - nothing new to add, just demolition and decay. Many days were wasted experimenting with brews and mining ores to make a private tool set.

The Haze

Snapping Awake

One day, while minding his own business, a raider attacked Southshire. All - absolutely everything of value - was gone. So he went to investigate the issue, with TheGameOfLife (new at the time) and others about this raider. Turns out it was Kipse, a man with an old grudge... which, being in the wrong place in the wrong time, left Atraxas in the crossfire. Losing a couple months of progress, including a God Bow™, shocked him awake. He couldn't stay any longer, in this undefended, decaying city.


For a while after this, Atraxas had no idea what to do. Shortly thereafter, a mysterious user named Baes20 offered him a iob digging a vault hole - something he did not have much knowledge of at the time. So, going to the far west, he helped Baes20 and ComradeNick dig a large portion of their vault hole out (not really lol just a good chunk). For a while, settlement seemed in sight.

1.12: The Broken Update

When 1.12 came out, many mechanics were broken. People realized this quickly, full prot gear doing nothing to stop basic skeleton shots from killing them. As with the rest he found out the hard way - several times. Things slowed down after that for a while, and though activity has picked up again, an impatient worker is definitely not one to stick around long when nothing is planned.


"I thought to make my own way down here, by my own will." - Atraxas

The Search for a New Home

After being cucked by raiders and mobs, nearly nude from scrap gear breaking, and highly annoyed at overpowering leadership in local towns, Atraxas left the southwestern quadrant for somewhere more peaceful and alone. After checking many maps of useful land, claims, and reflecting on intent, the solitary ice mountains of the southeast seemed the best option for a reclusive lifestyle. With short negotiations between himself and BlueSylvaer, a deal was struck: "You are fine with all of your claims." With the only known neighbor totally fine with him settling, he set out to reach and realize the potential of this great land.

The Last Frontier

Unlike most of Civ's map, the Ice Mountains of the far South are much more challenging to navigate. Mapping and analyzing the area wasn't the easiest task, but it got done.


"That wilderness nearly defeated me the last time I was there." -bgbba1, on the difficult nature of the Ice Mountain terrain


Being an Ice Mountains biome, nearly all of Xalta Moro is not arable by its current form. Snow decorates all Y levels exposed to the sun, and all water frosts over.


Very little grows there naturally. Of the few scraggly plants that grow there, most are basic Fir trees, barely surviving a land that never warms up, as well as a stray dandelion or two. Rarely a peony can be spotted in an odd location.



The most impressive feature of these lands is the imposing mountains scattered throughout. Of all the mountains, a good number exceed 140m high, the tallest confirmed to be 240m tall from bedrock. Shapes vary greatly, with numerous, jet black shadows being projected on the bits of land stuck underneath the mountains.


Lakes are common, but two oceans rest in the Eastern portion of Xalta Moro. Undeveloped as of yet, these will likely function as centers of development for trade towns.


"If you don't want to be here, then don't come. If I don't like you, I won't go. I'd rather keep peace and talk things out than get in a hiffy about eLegos." -Atraxas



An odd format for a system, Xalta Moro has tiered leadership.

At base, towns vote on leadership, management of resources, and what not. If population is high enough, a representative (usually the mayor) is chosen by the people for the town, as to simplify trade and hegemony of the township in regards to the leadership of the nation.

The citizenry can vote directly whether or not they want someone removed, except for the Apulys Moro, whose absolute control over the tiny, unpopulated center and building nationally is required for national cohesiveness in culture and prevention of corruption within the state.

Within the Capital, the voted council resides over affairs around the nation in lieu of the Apulys Moro. Judges, 3 minimum, interpret the law and handle court cases. As for the Apulys Moro, their power is limited namely to the Capital. They interpret the laws if judgements are controversial / going slowly, and can replace council members with others for the rest of the original council member's term, if justified by legal precedent.


At its core, Xalta Moro is a resting place, where people can relax, get resources, and know they're safe from the world. Knowing the eye is important to the heart, cohesive aesthetic is critical to the design of the nation, and so a strict building code is kept to manage this appearance.

Security is required for peace, both physical and mental. Like Airhaven, bounty hunting is illegal on the grounds of the nation. However, if anyone within Xalta Moro is attacked without a warrant, this justifies an exile and reps from the attacker. If a known criminal sits within the walls, they are also subject to this; verification is automatic except in special cases, and POS is put out in them. This excludes farming colonies / additions - reaching these is difficult, and not generally worth fighting off party vans for.


Considered isolationist, little global interaction occurs. Ironically, the Apulys Moro gets involved in the politics of many nations - working to keep peace around the world for peace at home.

The only time Xalta Moro gets involved is when something threatens its sovereignty, its peace, or its economy.


Exp Prospects

Being an Ice Mountains biome, central Xalta Moro is unable to produce XP. Relying purely on trade, resources are gathered from nearby towns in exchange for other resources via arbitrage.






