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The First Siege of Sempiternal was a battle in the NATO-Mir war, fought by players from [[Columbia]], [[Hallow]], [[Rhodesia]], the [[Holy Jaded Empire]] and [[Valyria]], against [[Mir]]. It took place on the 17th of February, 2019, between the hours of 4am and 1pm (EST, Server time) at the Columbia's vault, which wasis named "Sempiternal," and has four rings total.
The siege is considered by [[NATO]] to be one of the first significant attempts at an assault by the Mirian forces., Asas previous engagements have been fought over lesser bunkers.
2Two players were pearled during the siege,: Doommad, the leader of Valyria, and Godclick, a VPN alt of unknown origin. Small skirmishes broke out at the bottom of the vault hole and in the ocean around it, however, the majority of the fighting occurred between the ColumbianSempiternal skySky bunkerBunker and the Mirian skybridgesky bridge at height limit.
== Defense of the vaultVault ==
At 6:34am Shadedoomshadedoom (Columbia) pinged everyone in the NATO discord, alerting the alliance that Mir had skybridged partway into the vault. The skybridgesky bridge had breached all 3three rings of the vault, and had reached a distance of 8eight blocks from the skybunkersky bunker. It is estimated that Mir had successfully broken roughly 10ten bastions before beforeshadedoom noticed and alerted the alertalliance. This relative success early on is due to the fact that, at the time of the attack, the Northern portion of Sempiternal's snitch curtain was sentincomplete, allowing Mir Team 6 to sneak by undetected from that direction.
A major aspect of the defense of Sempiternal was that, at the time, it was largely a work in progress, and lacked many features planned for later implementation. Additionally, the vault was not fully stocked with all of the potion materials and such needed for its defense, and this issue was further exacerbated by the poor initial reaction of shadedoom to destroy some materials in the sky bunker, not seeing the initial defensive response he had hoped for upon alerting NATO.
At the time of the siege, the Colombian vault was a work in process, which was severely under-finished and under-equipped, lacking many features to defend a vault.
TheTo mount a defense, the immediate first respondents (NATO) to the attack were Shadedoomshadedoom, followed by _SteveBuscemi (Altalt of General_ThomasGeneralThomas4 [leader, Rhodesia]), Camokool (Hallow), and BrunoTheMiner (Hallow)., Whowho all arrived to defend the vault within 1015 minutes of the alarmalert.
The following hour consisted of litelight skirmishing and baiting around the vault at bedrock. by Mir's. Their forces removed pressure plates and quick access to the vault on the ground level, forcing arriving defenders to pearl into the vault's rings while being chased about the hole. Mir also attempted to block up an ice road andat createthe anNorthwestern areacorner forof athe groundvault assaulthole from atwhich many of the vaultsdefenders Northhad Westbeen corner.arriving, Howeverhowever, they soon abandoned this exercise in favourfavor of consolidating their forceefforts on advancing the skybridgesky bridge. Shorty after doing so, NATO reinforcements arrived, most notably Doommad (leader, Valyria), and HanTzu (leader, Hallow).
During the skybridgessky bridge's push into the 8remaining blockeight bastionedblocks skybunkerof spacebastion field coverage outside the sky bunker, _SteveBuscemi suggested using debuff potions in dispensers to deter the skybridgerssky bridge and force the bastion breakers to back off. WhenBy using splasha poisons,combination thisof tacticpoison successfullyand deterredharming bastionpotions the debuff cannons, as well Combinedas withconstant archer fire throughat the face of the sky bridge, NATO forces were able to significantly slow down and halt bastion breaking holesefforts, itand becameharass difficultMir forTeam Mir6, togreatly consistentlyprolonging breaktheir effort to bastionsadvance.
HalfwayAt some point during the siege, thea player named Godclick left the skybunkersky bunker to pvpattempt PvP outside of the vault. He fought against Ez2Clutch in the watersurrounding ocean, and kitedwas backoutmatched, having to thekite Columbianback vaultto Sempiternal. When pearlingattempting intoto pearl back to the vault, his pearl landed against the wall on the side of the hole, and he died from fall damage, andthus was subsequentlygetting pearled by Ez2Clutch who had combat tagged him. A while after the Mirsiege was over, the admin Maxopoly discovered that the unknown fighter had been a VPN alt, furthering NATO's confusion about who he was.
[[File:SkybridgeProximityAtColumbia.png|left|thumb|Mirian skybridge's close proximity to the vault]]
Some time later, a team of Hallow fighters advanced against the skybridge towards the Mirian attack bunker to the North, attempting to disable it and end the siege. As the operation was under way, Doommad, who was attempting to arc arrows from the trapdoor at the top of the sky bunker, had stuck himself a little too far out, and was shot off the top and pearled as a result of fall damage and being combat tagged. When Mir escorted his pearl back to their attack bunker, the operation from Hallow was discovered, and Ahrimanazu (Hallow, Mount Augusta) was almost pearled, but managed to evade death under the direction of HanTzu.
Mir soon returned to the front of the sky bridge, where they were met with a secondary barrage from the debuff cannons. The sky bridge managed to get within four blocks of the Sempiternal Sky Bunker before the advance became too difficult for Mir Team 6, under constant fire from archers and debuff cannons, and now in range of NATO defenders breaking blocks on the front of the bridge. They broke it off, abandoning their attack positions and kiting the pearled defenders back to the Mir Vault.
NATO defenders were quick to seize the opportunity by breaking deep into the Mirian sky bridge and attack bunker, greatly disabling and destroying both. Around the ninth hour of the attack, Mir completely withdrew to other bunkers and to Mir Proper, ending the siege.
Some time later, members of Hallow breached the skybridge towards the Mirian bunker. At the same time, Doommad had been shot off the top of the Columbian skybunker, and subsequently pearled. When Mir escorted the pearl to their bunker, Ahrimanazu, a member of both [[Mount Augusta]] and Hallow, was almost killed, but managed to evade death.
Mir returned to the forefront of the skybridge, where they were met with a secondary barrage of poison potions. The skybridge managed to get within 4 blocks of the Columbian skybunker, NATO members were able to reach and break blocks of the Mirian skybridge.
Around the 9th hour of the siege, Mir began to withdraw, ending the siege.
[[Category:Good Article]]