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* [[Smal]]|logo=TheWorkersParty Logo.png|established=December 27, 2010|discord=|custom_founder_title=Founder}}
'''The Workers' Party''', often abbreviated to '''TWP''', is an organization founded on December 27th 2010<ref> </ref> in the GoldenCreeper server<ref name=":2" /> that has historically been mostly active, in CivClassic, in [[Mount Augusta (Civcraft 2.0)|Mount Augusta]] and is now one of the most important structures of the [[Confederation of Cities Communes and Protectorates|CCCP]]. With the creation of the charter of the Union of Socialist Augusta (later called Confederation of Socialist Augusta) and its later independence, the Party was not officially implicated in the governing of the territory of the USA but still had a large role to play in it, with many USA citizens being Party members, and the new CSA charter provided no change to the officiality of the Party in government. However, with the creation of the [[Confederation of Cities Communes and Protectorates|CCCP]] and its new charter in late 2021, the Party gained official powerful roles within the Confederation<ref name=":1"></ref>: namely that the Premier of the CCCP is the leader of TWP and the fact that only Party members may vote in CCCP-wide votes. Its motto is "Sécurité, Égalité, Fraternité"<ref></ref>.
== History ==
=== Foundation ===
Founded on the 27th of December 2010 in the GoldenCreeper server at the same time as a country or city called Leningrad<ref name=":2"></ref>.
=== In Mount Augusta (Civ Classic) ===
