The Commonwealth (CivClassic 2.0)

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The Commonwealth is a Constitution Monarchy based out of -,+. The current King is Brinton.<infobox>

 <title source="title1">
   <default>The Commonwealth (CivClassic 2.0)</default>
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</image> <label>Founded</label> <label>Demonym</label> <label>Government</label> <label>Leader</label> <label>Capital</label> <label>Location</label> <group collapse="open"> <header>Demographics</header> <label>Language</label> <label>Cities</label> <label>Population</label> </group> </infobox> The nation comprises of members of Civcraft 2.0's Commonwealth, Lio, Neverwhere, Thule, and 3.0's Concordia. The Commonwealth is a Federal state, with local administration handled by state/province-like entities known as 'boroughs'. Each Borough usually has its own leadership, build style, political ideology, and economic specialization, and it ensures that the Nation can be a home for different types of players. The Commonwealth's current public-facing boroughs are the Capital City, Strasborg, Yum Yum Land, and Southshire. The Commonwealth consistently prioritizes the following policies:

  • Free markets, to encourage the individual citizen's industriousness, and to decentralize power and authority
  • Internal security infrastructure (walls, moats, canals, maze-like city layouts, and tunnels) in its Capital
  • Free trade, through rail systems and Shopside (usually the server's premier, and most secure, marketplace)
  • Tough on crime
  • Being open, safe, and welcoming to newfriends

While there is considerable overlap between the Commonwealth's prevailing policy agenda with the traditional anarcho-capitalist or libertarian ideologies on Civ Servers, the Commonwealth espouses economically liberal policies purely out of pragmatism and is willing to enact regulations (building regulation), or support collective action (cooperatives, mass projects), when necessary. A railway connecting the nation to Impasse and MTA is in the works