Grasslands Gambit: Difference between revisions

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== Preliminary planning ==
=== Initial plotPlot ===
On the evening of November 29, 2023 a meeting was arranged between Fastestgrass and several Icenian and Yoahtlan officials where Fastestgrass stated that he intended to inside Gang Shi and damage the Black Mesa Vault as much as he possibly could. With the help of an insider, later revealed to be Antea4204, Fastest planned to add several of his friends to Black Mesa groups and then have them break as much of the vault as they could before being caught and pearled. Following the reveal of this information, the beginning of a significantly more detailed plan was drafted by Quanton_Biscuit, Gjum, Huskydog9988, and Shadno and a planning discord was created.
=== Information gatheringGathering ===
After speaking with Fastest and determining exactly what Antea had access to, Quanton requested a censored download of the Gang Shi discord as it was determined that Antea was still an admin in the Gang Shi discord. The download was scrubbed for personal information by Antea and Fastest prior to giving it to Quanton and access to the download was never extended further. Following the completion of the war, the download was deleted.
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Another major breakthrough occurred when Antea and Fastest were able to secure a schematic of the Black Mesa Vault. Additionally, a webapp was created that allowed the DGP to determine active times for Gang Shi's citizenry.
=== Assault planPlan ===
After gaining access to the Black Mesa schematic, Quanton examined the design and developed a detailed plan on how to assault the vault. A major obstacle that the team faced was that Antea only had "member" level access on bastion groups which prevented the assault team from placing anything inside of the vault, pearling, or removing the bastions. Due to this, a more complex plan was developed that would maximize attacker safety without the need to build structures within the vault. The plan included splitting the Assault team into three different groups:
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To assist with the plan, Gjum created a branch of Nexum (DGP's client mod) to include waypoints of lodestones, targets, and other useful utilities.
=== Subreddit postPost ===
After analyzing the discord leak, Quanton began writing a subreddit post designed to justify the use of a first strike, expose Gang Shi's server wide intentions, cause a diplomatic / public relations crisis, and convince members of Gang Shi's client states to stay out of the war. The belief held by the Planning Team was that hitting Gang Shi on every front (including the subreddit) would both shock them and cause mass chaos, further reducing their ability to retaliate following the strike on Black Mesa. There was also a significant portion of the post intended to inform and convince the Elysian Pact to join the war on the DGP's behalf by highlighting the threat Gang Shi posed to Nara, one of the Elysian Pact's members.
=== Other tacticsTactics ===
Gjum, Drekamor, and Husky developed a system where they could disable Gang Shi's snitch relay by adding a member to the snitch group and then spamming snitches via rapid movement. This tactic proved to be effective but also resulted in several player's game crashing so use was discontinued.
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Shadno and Drekamor determined a way to add DGP members to groups and then hide them from the group admin, thus allowing limited DGP members to continue to be on groups even after the initial insiding incident was discovered.
=== Day twoTwo planningPlanning ===
Once the Black Mesa assault plan was complete and the subreddit post prepared, Quanton, Husky, Gjum, Drekamor, and Shadno developed a broader strategy for the war and created a list of "next day" targets. Due to most of the DGP fighters needing sleep and the likelihood of a Gang Shi counter attack, it was determined that a shaping operation was best and the primary targets would be iceroads and exposed bunkers as this would limit Gang Shi's ability to consolidate fighters and launch counter attacks. Once the targets were identified, specific commanders were chosen to lead team that would target each Gang Shi position.
=== Final preparationsPreparations ===
The final question that remained was how to get the Assault Team to Black Mesa. The entirety of Gang Shi was city bastioned so any tunnel the attacker's were to dig would have to be unreinforced thus presenting a massive safety issue. Quanton determined that it would be safer to dig from Yoahtl's capital, Altepetl into a Gang Shi iceroad, then CTR that iceroad all the way to Black Mesa. This would provide a secure retreat route for the Assault Team and would also disable a Gang Shi owned iceroad.
