Orinnari: Difference between revisions

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Orinnari (talk | contribs)
Clarified some things, rewrote some portions to make it more readable, added media, and added release date.
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In addition, [[Yoahtl]] was becoming more and more zealously controlling of its citizens. On 11th July 2022, Orinnari left [[Yoahtl]] for [[Icenia]], becoming a [[Bloom|Bloomean]] once again.
=== The Buttsecs War===
On 6th June 2023, Orinnari was AFK'ing in his shop when he alt-tabbed to see [[Ez2Clutch]] running to [[Raeders]], killing and pearling him. [[Ez2Clutch]] then spotted Orinnari and started breaking into his shop. Orinnari asked [[Ez2Clutch]] to leave but to no avail. When it seemed like [[Ez2Clutch]] was using fast-break hacks, Orinnari collected his wealth and /logged out. During a lull that Orinnari mistook for an all-clear, he started to repair his shop, but that was quickly interrupted by the arrival of [[chosentwicelol]], who ran into Orinnari's shop and began breaking-in in the exact same place and way as [[Ez2Clutch]] had, and since there had been little opportunity for his reinforcements to mature, Orinnari had mere seconds to /logout, which he only just managed. Later on, Orinnari was able to ugly-patch his shop and move his wealth to [[Vault#Whole Foods (Icenia)|Whole Foods]].
[[File:Chosen-orinnari-anyway-see-u-next-iteration.png|thumb|chosentwicelol implying that Orinnari will never be able to play again]]
On 11th June 2023, there was a full-scale attack on [[Vault#Whole Foods (Icenia)|Whole Foods]]. Prior to this, Orinnari had spent most of his time there either AFK'ing within athe central glass room of the ground bunker, or fishing behindone a protective wall onof the surface.-lakes Atbehind somea point,protective thewall. snitchDuring relaysanother Orinnarimistakenly hadperceived access to seemed to indicate that the coast was relatively clear where he was loggedlull, so heOrinnari logged in to collectsecure thehis itemswealth, he had chested infinding the ground-bunker.griefed Theto placeall washell, in ruin and he had towhich spendtook precious time gettingto aroundclimb some obby griefthrough. Moments later, [[chosentwicelol]] came charging down to pearl Orinnari, but was waylaid by that same obby grief long enough for Orinnari to /logout. [[Chosentwicelol]] then mentioned Orinnari in the [[CivMC]] discord saying ''"anyway see u next iteration"'' which indicated to Orinnari that he was likely logboxed and would never be let out.
On 12th June 2023, [[Drekamor]] asked whether Orinnari had used his [[OTT|One-Time Teleport]] ([[OTT]]). He was confused at first, since that's usually a mechanic for newfriends, but [[Drekamor]] quickly explained [[OTT]]'s issues and suggested the idea of using [[OTT]] to escape from [[Vault#Whole Foods (Icenia)|Whole Foods]]. The [[Security Enhancement Coalition|SEC]] quickly verified with the admins that this was legal, finding out that it was since [[Butternut County|Butternut]] had already used this exploit to teleport-in reinforcements to a fight. At least five people, including Orinnari, were able to escape that day, and many more in the following days, which caused quite a stir. Despite the elation of having wily-escaped a permanent logbox, Orinnari was appalled by the exploit and would put aside [https://blog.protonull.uk/2023-05-12-gpl-drama/ his licensing principles] to [https://github.com/CivMC/SimpleAdminHacks/pull/70 fix the exploit].
[[File:Chosens-see-u-next-iteration-logbox.png|thumb|The "anyway see u next iteration" logbox Orinnari was trapped within before OTT'ing out.]]
Orinnari and at least four others were able to escape that day, and many more in the following days, which caused quite a stir. Despite the elation of having made a wily escape from [[Chosentwicelol]], he was nonetheless appalled by the exploit and would put aside [https://blog.protonull.uk/2023-05-12-gpl-drama/ his licensing principles] to [https://github.com/CivMC/SimpleAdminHacks/pull/70 fix the exploit].
On 13th June 2023, [[Gwua]] and Orinnari exchanged some slam poetry. <blockquote>"We don't kill buildfriends", clearly a lie, as your pursuits to kill me shall belie. Yet you repeat this nonsense, thinking you're sly. I honestly don't know why you want me to die.
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all is not lost, you can end this feud,
all you need do is send me your nudes.</blockquote>On 19th June 2023, Orinnari sparked some controversy by comparing a screenshot of a homophobic slur used by [[JuniorTide]] to the negative impacts the war has had on LGBT players in [[Icenia]], saying in part: ''"that slur didn't make me feel anywhere near as belittled or unsafe as being repeatedly and personally targeted."'' Orinnari felt that the screenshot being spread around for all to see for war-propaganda purposes was dishonest given their stated position that the slur iswas inherently hurtful to see and hashad no place whatsoever in the civ-community. Orinnari had a [https://np.reddit.com/r/CivMC/comments/14dmrh4/rip_the_gay_bunker/jos9ilb/?context=7 back and forth] with a seeming [https://np.reddit.com/user/NotHostileIntentions throwaway account] which further explored this idea. This was apparently not received well by [[Butternut County|Butternut]]:
[[File:Bewsiej-mad-at-orinnari-philosophising.png|alt=Bewsiej pretending that Orinnari is unhinged]]
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On 3rd July 2023, Butternut posted sentences. Most sentences ranged between a week or two to a month or two. However, Orinnari received the third-longest sentence given: three months. As a result, Orinnari felt extreme vindication in what he had argued in that [https://np.reddit.com/r/CivMC/comments/14dmrh4/rip_the_gay_bunker/jos9ilb/?context=7 back and forth], that [[Butternut County|Butternut]] only cared about the aesthetic of fighting homophobia while directly and unflinchingly mistreating queer people. His sentence being so long while having contributed comparatively little to the war also caused controversy. Orinnari believes that his sentenced was likely spearheaded by [[chosentwicelol]] and so was unlikely to be negotiated down.
On 4th July 2023, Orinnari travelled to [[Vault#Whole Foods (Icenia)|Whole Foods]] to turn himself in, but when [[PhysicsGamer]] appeared on radar and seemed to be trying to intercept him, not wanting to be pearled by a [[Temporal Isles#Secession from Icenia|secessionist]], he jumped to his death. Orinnari would later travel, as instructed, to [[Butternut County|Butternut]]'s vault, the [[Nuthole]], andto getturn himself in. He was pearled moments later by [[XxTBxX3276]].
On 5th July 2023, Orinnari began to truly appreciate how obnoxious and buggy the [[RandomSpawn]] experience was in the Nether. After [https://discord.com/channels/912074050086502470/952314898317189120/1125915354330316931 joking about this] in the [[CivMC]] discord, [[SoundTech]] said he'd appreciate any fix to it. Since [[RandomSpawn]] was one of the few [https://blog.protonull.uk/2023-05-12-gpl-drama/ correctly-licenced] civ-plugins, [https://github.com/CivMC/RandomSpawn/pull/15 he submitted a fix] within the same day.
On 20th September 2023, Orinnari was released three weeks early alongside [[JuniorTide]] and [[ChrisChrispie|President ChrisChrispie]].