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Ichinokawa was thought of within the first week, but it was not until week three that [[Paragonius]] began the project in earnest. In that time Shiroyama also was expanding quickly and drawing in newfriends, as well as advancing through the tech tree with the help of Greltam and his farms in the Greltam Special Economic Zone (GSEZ), which is located in north Dalgon. A public factory room was set up, and Komuin Bronnakus continued to encourage settlement and home construction throughout Shiroyama. New parts of the city were seeing growth, and the SpeedyJustice Manor Neighborhood began to take shape at this time with the construction of the eponymous manor.
===Second Month and Onwards===
The second month of the server did not go as smoothly as the first, though Nara is still flourishing. During this time the Nara Royal Academy of Sciences, an academy with the mission to collect every written book in the world and allow free access to them, as well as the Nara Brewers Guild, were created. The settlements of Kajitsu and Sunatoride sprung up and many new recruits joined the citizenry of Nara.
However, notorious raider [[Vah]] decided to set his set his sights on the continent of Alenarith in this time period. Due to his slippery nature, for quite some time [[Vah]] was able to raid with impunity. However, one fateful day [[Vah]] decided to raid the newly-founded Nara Brewers Guild while Komuin and famous build, book, and brewfriend Daiymo [[Bronnakus]] was online and attempting to brew Nara no Uisuki. Despite at first not wanting confrontation with [[Vah]] and logging out, Bronnakus quickly came back to defend his work. [[Vah]] killed him and destroyed all of his brewing materials. In anger, Bronnakus charged at him six times without armor. On the sixth time, knowing reinforcements were inbound, [[Vah]] attempted to escape. He was chased by [[Bronnakus]] (still armorless and weaponless) and [[Earyx]] (who was in gold prot) and eventually suffered the dreaded connection issues known to have plagued the server that day, which had been running at 20TPS without problems. Seizing the moment, the duo of buildfriends attacked without mercy and killed [[Vah]]. Despite not being able to pearl him, the kill was not without its benefits, as [[Vah]] lost multiple weapons, potions, tools, and armor pieces, most of which was burnt or dropchested far from Nara.
Wanting revenge, after waiting for the buildfriends to go to bed, [[Vah]] obbybombed downtown Shiroyama with a stack of IRO before being chased off. This was easily cleaned up with the help of allies, and peace temporarily returned to Shiroyama once more.
For the next short while, due to Vah being banned, Shiroyama expanded and welcomed the businesses and embassies of many nations. This peace was enjoyed but it was known it was temporary. Upon the end of Vah's ban, raids returned intermittently.
Since then, Shiroyama has blossomed, with new residents and citizens arriving daily attracted by the city's aesthetically-pleasing architecture and burgeoning economy.
=== The Southern Border Kerfuffle ===
During August 2022, Naran citizen Saren_Solaris was searching for bunkers belonging to the raiders harassing Nara and strayed into Gensokyo. He was immediately confronted in DMs by Topaz4293 and was told to leave. Due to the amount and intensity of messages, Saren chose to /ignore her, but did turn to leave. Seeing the available opportunity to attack, Topaz ordered Ferro_Vir and Asu to pearl Saren. In the resulting skirmish, Saren quick-dropped Ferro but was unable to pearl him due to a server glitch. He then turned his attention to Asu and defeated her, securing the pearl. Upon Ferro's return to the scene, Saren re-engaged with him and chased him down to secure the pearl in Tenseimiya. This caused a boiling-over of tensions with Gensokyo, whom already had grievances against Nara due to perceived slights in the form of Naran newfriends mining in Gensokyo's southern claims and accidentally discovering their bunker earlier in the month. Topaz demanded multiple prot sets and stacks of diamond blocks in reparations, while Saren demanded an apology for the attack. Eventually, Saren was banned for comments made to Asu and Asu was banned for doxxing Saren. Ferro was later freed, and Gensokyo went inactive for a long period.
=== The Generic War and its Conclusion ===
While Nara was not party to the Generic War, due to the raiding of Vah and Ez2Clutch (both of which were associated with Rhode Island), Nara suffered declining activity and a scarcity of wealth during the war. There were some wins, such as future Taisho BlankestAtlas quick-dropping clutch in central Shiroyama, but it was a stressful time in Nara. Great focus was placed on building up defenses in the form of bunker upgrades and traps.
In early September, to the relief of most of the server, the Rhode Island group was largely banned, meaning Nara was once again at peace. However, the war took it's toll, and burnout set in. Several mainstays of Nara took extended breaks at this point, and the nation appeared to be in decline. Great effort was still expended by the remaining members of government to turn the tide.
=== The Revival ===
Due to the efforts of the charismatic newfriend BlankestAtlas, Shiroyama started to see great increases in mega-builds, first the Atlas Palace Library then the Shiroyama Hockey Rink. These buildings made great usage of land and added amenities to the city. They also sparked further development of the city of Shiroyama, as more businesses were attracted to the larger city. Notable meme maker and current Komuin of the Interior mTfUJi began taking on the role of grindfriend at this point, which greatly facilitated economic reinvigoration. As activity begets activity, and due to the changes to force newfriends to spawn in cities with people online, Shiroyama began to be the spawn point for many newfriends, leading to a large slew of newfriend arrivals joining the nation. These newfriends built houses and businesses, and returned life to the streets of Shiroyama. Concurrently, former citizens returned to activity as their school semesters ended, which bolstered the activity of the nation. It was during this time that the village of Yoshiwara was settled in Central Nara, that Q'Barra and Ichinokawa expanded and gained branches of the Nara Library System, and that the Castle Trench was completed. Presently, the national focus is the building of the castle, the beautification and expansion of the cities and towns, and developing and fostering the newfriends into the next generation of Narans.
Line 39 ⟶ 50:
Port Shiroyama is located on the Beartooth River. It acts as the central area for shipping to and from Nara. It connects to roads Ninjin St. and Taru Terr. which host many of Nara's businesses and residences, respectively.
Within Shiroyama are multiple neighborhoods. The Old Town, centered on the intersection of Bokuso-chi Ave. and Ninjin St. is the most developed of them all, and is the place of residence for most citizens. AlsoIt notableextends arefrom the [[SpeedyJustice]]port Manorin Neighborhood,the Beartooth River to the ModernCanal Areain (whichthe hostsnorth, the railBrewer's station)guild in the south, and Sakurato Forest,the aWest plannedCastle communityWall in Southeastthe Shiroyamaeast. Also notable neighborhoods are:
Katanishi-ku, a subdivision of the Old Town known for its density and incorporation of natural elements. It is home of the Venne Brewery.
The Atlas Library Neigborhood, which hosts several shops, quite a few houses, and the largest library in Alenarith.
The Modern Area, which contains the rail station, the casino, and the Hockey Rink. It is built in a much larger, more modern style and is developing in its own right.
Sakura Forest, a planned nature reserve in Southeast Shiroyama anchored by the two Bannedsions of Saren_Solaris and TwigBranch. It is to be filled with built Sakura trees.
[[File:Bokuso-Chi.png|thumb|A view down one of Old Town Shiroyama's main avenues, Bokuso-Chi Ave.]]
=====Noto Peninsula=====
North of Shiroyama lays the Noto peninsula (named for a place in Japan), flanked by the diverging rivers Ebi and Beartooth. It is the northernmost geographical region of Shiroyama, reaching a northern extremity at Noto Point, the tip of the peninsula. There is a small, unincorporated agricultural community on the peninsula founded by former KomiunKomuin [[dynamicbeez|dynamiczbee]]. Notable features include the headquarters of the Naran Agricultural Department and its expansive farm, spanning the entire northern half of the peninsula. Itit producesis massa quantitiessource of productseasy to be used both nationallyfood and abroad.XP Amaterials lighthousefor is plannednewfriends to beuse builtto onget Notothemselves Pointestablished.
Ichinokawa ("Rock Quarry Village") is a village in the central birch forest of Nara, located south-east of Shiroyama, right below Ebi river. Almost entirely constructed by mayor Paragonius, the village now features, following quite rapid development in December of 2022, a community center for all residents, the Ichinokawa Public Library, the Amaterasu Tea Shop and a shinto shrine dedicated to Tsukuyomi, kami of the moon. Although originally intended as a place for an aesthetically pleasing quarry to satisfy the stone needs of ever-growing Shiroyama, it took until December to fulfill that intention, making that name a misnomer for just over six months. The focus shifted to Ichinokawa being a serene and atmospheric retreat from the busy capital for the residents of Nara.
==== Q'Barra ====
====Kajitsu ====
Line 52 ⟶ 73:
==== Sunatoride====
On July 22, 2022, it was discovered that a trio of newfriends began building a village in an Arabian style on a small beach in central Nara, unaware of the claims. At the time Komuin of Citizen Management Bronnakus, as well as [[HPLaptop]], discovered the settlement on a trip southwards. After some investigation, the pair was able to determine the owners of the settlement. Rather than reacting harshly, the group was invited to join Nara as an official village. Sunatoride ("Sand Fort") was given as a temporary name while the group decides for itself a proper settlement name. However, due to inactivity of said newfriends, the settlement is abandoned, with its materials being cannibalized for the development of the industrial center of Nara and supplies for Yoshiwara.
==== Yoshiwara ====
Yoshiwara was founded by an IRL friend duo of AnbuBlack0ps and T0astyAce in Central Nara. The two were joined by MrDarkini on the day of founding, who was coincidentally looking for a small village to found in a taiga. The trio set to work developing their village with the help of Bronnakus, and the settlement is now the second largest by population in Nara.
Line 72 ⟶ 96:
* '''Komuin of Citizen Management'''
Handles recruitment, plot assignment, coordination of zoning, and promotion from resident to citizen, works with the population to ensure citizens are happy and having fun. Currently held by [[Bronnakus]]. Several of these responsibilities were merged into Bronnakus' appointment as Daimyo of Shiroyama.
* '''Komuin of the Interior'''
Line 84 ⟶ 108:
* '''Komuin of Culture'''
Responsible for organising international sports events (like the hockey league and winter olympics) as well as furthering Nara's unique cultural identity. It is currently held by BlankestAtlas.
====Naran Infrastructure Committee====
Line 119 ⟶ 143:
==National Associations and Organizations ==
=== Libraries ===
===Nara Royal Academy of Sciences===
Nara is home to three libraries. The largest library, Atlas Palace Library in Shiroyama, is home to a collection of over forty in-game books. It operates using a library card system, where one library card costs 1 diamond and can be exchanged for any book in the library. This library card is compatible with the Ichinokawa Library and the Q'Barra Library, which host collections of 6 books and 5 books, respectively. The library card is usable internationally as well, working in Lambat as well as planned expansion to Danzilona.
The Nara Royal Academy of Sciences is an academy and library offering wisdom to all knowledge-seekers of the Civ world. The Academy hosts a library boasting over thirty player-written books, as well as an exchange system allowing for one to borrow and return books via a library card at a low initial cost. Currently, the NRAS offers five courses:
===Nara Royal Academy of Sciences===
InThe additionNara Royal Academy of Sciences is an academy offering wisdom to theseall courses,knowledge-seekers of the NaraCiv Royal Academyworld. alsoIt hosts several new player guides in the Naran Discord<ref></ref>.
*World Politics
*History and Social Sciences
In addition to these courses, the Nara Royal Academy also hosts several new player guides in the Naran Discord<ref></ref>.
=== Brewer's Guild===
Line 136 ⟶ 156:
Nara's Brewer's Guild boasts of having discovered and perfected to 5 stars almost 40 different recipes in the first 4 days of brewing being added to the server.
The guild is currently ledsearching byfor [[Superbgamer5225]]a asnew Brewbrewmaster, Masterdue to the desertion of Superbgamer5225.
Nara has two national brews:


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