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=== Borders ===
Icarus is a country full of jungles and rivers. From west to east the country begins at the western world border and ends in old [[Mercurial Market States|Mercurian]] territory were a narrow strip of land touches the [[Geographical Regions (CivMC)|Karydian Sea]]. From North to south the country begins in the northern jungles at the border with [[Neo- Sovia]] and ends in the south at it's border with the [[境界の西部共和国|Western Boundary]], a part of the [[Imperial Federation]]. The Country lies in the middle of the [[Geographical Regions (CivMC)|Karydian continent]] and borders the [[Imperial Federation]] and [[Valyria (CivMC)|Valyria]] to the south and [[Neo Sovia]] to the north.
=== Settlements ===
==== Blue Cove ====
The Icarian capital Blue Cove is the by far biggest and most famous of the settlements. It is also very likely that it is the biggest city on the [[Geographical Regions (CivMC)|Karydian continent]]. The town is jungle styled with tropical houses styled made by jungle wood being all over the town. The town is currently going trough a rebuilding project ([[New Cove Project™️]]) to make the city make more greek and fit more with Icarian style and theme so the Jungle theme wont last for long tho. The city's most notable landmark is probably The Lighthouse, which is a mall in the eastern part of the town and [[BikMik511|BikMik]]'s Book library also in the eastern part of the town. Other notable sites include the Turtle Sanctuary, The [[SOGGYHOBO]] statue, [[6114]]'s 3 part house, [[SZEfdf21]]'s house and general storage and the Sugar Cane tower. The Town lies on ths shores of the Blue Cove, a Cove in the middle of the town. Altough while most buildings are located on the beach below the mountains there are some located up on the mountains, for example [[Grumpywalnut96|Grumpy]]'s mansion and the [[Cascadia (CivMC)|Atlas]]/Living Fungi[[LivingFungi]] memorial, dedicated to [[Cascadia (CivMC)|Atlas]], the first city of Icarus on [[CivMC]] located in [[Impendia]], and [[LivingFungi|LivingFung]]<nowiki/>i, [[LIQUID STEREO|Liquidstereo]]'s girlfriend who tragically took her own life in November 2021.
==== Swamp Town ====
Swamp town is a small town located in the Swamps west of the Mountains that surround Blue Cove. It's only resident is [[6114]]. The town is known for it's great jungle wood statuepyramid and it's castle, the only one in Icarus.
==== Shrekville ====
The old town of Shrekville was the second town to be built in Icarus and lies on the Swamps south east of the mountains that surround Blue Cove. It has no current residents and has been abandoned since [[LIQUID STEREO|Liquidstereo]], the town's only resident, became less active in Icarus.
== Government and Politics ==


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