Nara: Difference between revisions

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Added the international relations section, as well as some links and a single word change, as a treat
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North of Shiroyama lay the Noto peninsula, flanking the diverging rivers Ebi and Beartooth. It is the northernmost geographical region of Shiroyama, reaching a northern extremity at Noto Point, the tip of the peninsula. There is a small, unincorporated agricultural community on the peninsula. Notable features include the headquarters of the Naran Agricultural Department and its expansive farm, spanning the entire northern half of the peninsula. It produces mass quantities of products to be used both nationally and abroad. A lighthouse is planned to be built on Noto Point.
==== '''Ichinokawa''' ====
Ichinokawa is a planned logging and quarry village in central Nara. It will act as a local hub for resource gathering to support construction of and exports from Shiroyama.
'''Feudal System'''
=== '''Feudal System''' ===
Nara is a Feudalist Shogunate led by Shikken [[SwordMaster7777]]. Reporting to the Shikken is his Rensho, Prawny331, and the Komuin, who oversee specific parts of the government. Currently, the only Komuin is Bronnakus as Komuin of Player Acquisition ("Newfriend Wrangler"). Vacant positions currently include Domestic Affairs, Transportation, Treasury, and Competition, as well as Taisho.
Also to be part of the government will be Samurai and Daimyo as the need arises.
=== '''International Relations''' ===
Nara has a very close relationship with the bordering nation of [[Dalgon]]. This is due to the fact that the Shikken [[SwordMaster7777]] is a good friend of the founder of Dalgon, [[fredhun14]]. This close allyship also assisted both nations during the [[CivMC]] launch as they could guard eachothers' backs from the roaming players at the time, merging their territory until official claims maps could be posted. Although this did lead to some confusion with many people believing that the two seperate nations were but one.
At this moment Nara does not yet have any other notable diplomatic relationships, although as the capital of Shiroyama is planned to host a large international district meant for other nations' embassies it will remain to be seen if Nara can stand as neutral as it is now in the future.
== Culture ==
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# Environmentalism
Vibing has been integral to the DNAfoundation of Nara ever since its roots began in the [[Far Seas Alliance]], with Shikken [[SwordMaster7777]] leading the nation of [[Vibeville]]. As a principle, Nara does not seek out war with other nations, nor does it engage in wanton expansion. Nara claims that its national interests are to harmonize with its neighbors, to cooperate thoroughly, and to prioritize industry.
Environmentalism is also integral to Nara's roots. Komuin Bronnakus and Rensho Prawny331 ran the colony of [[New Providence]], which was built in a Solarpunk style and strongly valued environmental integration and architectural passivity. This translates today into the careful consideration of terrain that is present in all of Shiroyama's construction. While other nations see little issue with wiping out entire flower fields and cutting across mountains with trenches, Nara is keen on avoiding such things.
== Economy ==