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[[File:VolkstaatMapOld.png|thumb|270px|An early map of the Volkstaat, with New Salisbury visible.]]
The Great Swamp of the Volkstaat's new home was an overwhelmingly large and treacherous biome on which to live. Dangerous creatures made their home on the outskirts of New Salisbury, and as such the Grundeswegian people hardly ever wandered outside the safety of urbanisation. A few brave explorers, the original Katars, decided to head out and find new places to explore.
====42 and Prussian Detente====
To the northwest of New Salisbury was a giant cat statue, apparently belonging to one of the LSIF communes that surrounded the Volkstaat. Grundeswald quietly claimed the slime farm surrounding the statue as part of their natural territory, as it was within the same swamp as New Salisbury. The cat statue also betrayed the location of the Commune of 42 to the west, which the intrepid explorers sought out as a matter of principle. The city was abandoned, and upon looting it of anything valuable (including an entire vault full of poison potatoes), Grundeswald annexed the town as well. Realising they were within spitting distance of the 2.0 iteration of Prussia, Grundeswegian diplomats set out to normalise relations, which remained frigid after Kovio and Chris's assault on the town of Danzig in 1.0. Things with Prussia went surprisingly well, and the two nations bonded over their mutual dislike of the LSIF communes nearby.
This era is marked with high levels of expansion, including the annexation of the town of Torp (renamed Drakensberg), the Bulawayo Swamp, and various settlements between New Salisbury and their new border at the 0-axis to the north. Things became quiet, decadent even. The Grundeswegian government sought out new places to exploit, and such a town came in the form of Aytos.
====Sable League====
The City of Aytos was a decently sized urbanised area in the shadow of the much larger city of Orion, located in the Northwest quadrant of the map. It had recently become active and open to new citizens in the waning months of 2013, and the Grundeswegian government saw an opportunity to spread its influence in the region. The Aytian political system allowed anyone with citizenship to vote in their comprehensive electoral system, making it possible to even supplant the founding members of the city--a rarity in the server, to say the least. The concept enamoured many people all across Civcraft, and it wasn't long before dozens of foreigners found themselves applying for citizenship.
[[File:SableLeagueLogo.png|thumb|270px|The Sable League would ultimately change the political status of Aytos forever.]]
Among them were Kovio and Chris, who promptly started a far-right political party, ''the Sable League''. The League was a front for Grundeswegian expansion, and hardly kept that fact a secret. Despite this, they found themselves enjoying a working relationship with the native Aytian government, who were open to the strange methods of Grundeswald and the Sable League. Other foreign parties such as the PILF attempted to assert themselves, but their methods were considered less amusing by the Aytians.
The PILF was ultimately the result of boredom by the server elite, the aristocratic-warrior class who were rich beyond their wildest dreams and tired of the rigmarole of their horrendous laissez-faire, bounty hunting lifestyles. They attempted to purchase large tracts of Aytian property as to satisfy citizenship requirements and stuff the ballot box in their favour, and their intimidation tactics to get the natives on-side resulted in several murders in broad daylight. For whatever reason, the Aytians, who at this point knew their government was going to be run by foreigners in the next election, far preferred the Grundeswegian camp to the Carsonite-Brynian camp of the PILF, and collaborated with the Sable League.
====Green Forest Treaty and the West Aytian Company====
On the eve of the election, Made0fMeat, the incumbent mayor of Aytos, hastily signed the [ ''Green Forest Treaty''], annexing Grundeswald to Aytos for the sole purpose of giving every single Grundeswegian Aytian citizenship. The PILF were furious and abandoned the city. The election was won, and the delegates hand-picked by Grundeswald made their way into Aytian government.
Such a drastic measure had convinced Made0fMeat that the Aytian democratic experiment had failed. Becoming disillusioned with Civcraft, he quickly annulled the Green Forest Treaty and petitioned Grundeswald for annexation. This act ultimately resulted in Ronald Grundeswald being elevated to King of Grundeswald and Aytos, creating the Kingdom of Grundeswald and the [ ''Grundeswegian West Aytian Company'']. The West Aytian Company was wholly unique in the history of the server, selling shares in the ownership of the city of Aytos to the highest bidder. While some Aytians were interested in the arrangement, many left the city entirely or were deadset on purchasing their city back from Grundeswald.
===Kingdom of Grundeswald===
====States and Territories====
[[File:KGrundeswaldMap.png|thumb|270px|The first published map of the states and territories of the Kingdom of Grundeswald. Neighbouring nations are visible as well.]]
The increasing size of the Kingdom of Grundeswald necessitated the creation of administrative divisions in the country. Each major settlement was given a large tract of land to administer, with Grundeswegians of distinction (usually high-ranking members of the GrundesCorp Board of Directors) being made governors of each individual state.
Around this time, the towns of Geldfontein and Gundagai emerged as personal projects of entrepreneurial Grundeswegians. Xia, an Aytos successor state, joined the country as well. However, as the nation expanded, its population remained shockingly low. Very few people moved to Grundeswald for a number of reasons, the first and probably most apparent being the bizarre insular nature of its ruling class. Becoming a high-ranking member of Grundeswald was nearly impossible, and as such, it became incredibly difficult to gain access to the shared resources of the ruling class. A decision was made to advertise Civcraft to people of a similar culture to Grundeswald, and so threads were posted on 4chan's /b/ board.
====FAGT, Schwuldeswald, UIA====
Those who were invited to Civcraft from /b/ quickly established themselves as a settlement in the same quadrant of the server as Grundeswald. Calling themselves the ''Federal Assembly of Grand Territories'', or ''FAGT'' for short, these crude Channers were a bit less subtle in their uncouthness than Grundeswald, but it was determined that they would make ready allies. Feelers were sent out to the FAGT leadership, and it was quickly decided that a confederation between the two nations should be declared.
The first attempt at this was called [ ''Schwuldeswald''], a grotesque attempt at combining a German euphemism for homosexuals with Grundeswald. It floundered out as no one could agree what the ultimate goal of the confederation should be. Following in its footsteps was the [ ''United Imperial Assembly''], a significantly more fleshed-out military alliance that would compliment the strengths of both nations by ensuring that they would always have someone in their corner in political disputes.
This, however, was not the case. On multiple occasions, Grundeswald found itself under attack, and failed to receive aide from its FAGT comrades. During one terrorist attack on the Grundeswegian supply cache in Vault 420, it was suspected that a high-ranking FAGT official had actually orchestrated the carnage. From its inception, the UIA was little more than a nominal alliance that failed to get anything done.
This was exemplified in the Laozi Controversy, a conflict between the Kingdom of Grundeswald and Fellowship over the status of an island in Fellowship's territorial waters. Fellowship had falsely accused Grundeswald of being responsible for the funding of a particularly nasty terrorist group on a bit of bad information, and the ensuing political conflict brought Grundo-Fellowship relations to basically nonexistent. Compounding this was a dispute over the island of Vrystaat where Old Salisbury was located, on which Fellowship had built a small town before Grundesegian settlement. Both of these, of course, were followed by the Laozi Controversy.
Laozi, founded by a Fellowship defector, had been granted independence from Fellowship on a bilateral basis, receiving consent from the Fellowship government to administer itself. When the Laozi leadership petitioned Grundeswald for annexation, however, the Fellowship government quickly recanted and began and military occupation of the island. Grundeswegian soldiers marched to the scene and a standoff began, while propagandists took to producing media to get the rest of the server on-side.
[[File:Laozicomic.png|thumb|100px|A comic mocking the absurdity of the Laozi situation.]]
[[File:Laoziposter.png|thumb|100px|A propaganda poster. These were very common.]]
Eventually, Kovio and Sintralin came to a diplomatic agreement that saw Fellowship recognising Grundeswegian ownership of most of the island of Vrystaat in exchange for Grundeswald relinquishing its claims on Laozi. The Laozi population was invited to resettle in Grundeswald, but no permanent settlement was even constructed.
