Southshire: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{Infobox |name = SS |bodystyle = |titlestyle = |abovestyle = background:#; |subheaderstyle = |above = Southshire |imagestyle = |captionstyle...")
(username removed)
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|datastyle =
| label1 = Capital City
| data1 = Southshire
| label2 = Government
| data2 = Parliamentary Democracy (Parliament members
| data2 =
| label3 = Leader
| data3 = cinzar (Parliament members cinzar, StrPlatinum, and TheGameOfLife)
| data3 =
| label4 = Founded
| data4 = June 13, 2017
| label5 = Location
| data5 =,5900,r379
| label6 = Demonym
| data6 = Southshire Cititzen
| label7 = Website
| data7 =
(username removed)