Southshire: Difference between revisions

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===Building Era===
Southshire was gaining a lot of players rapidly in early August to mid September. There were many notable players gained during this time period in Southshire like Charlameme and SamVwrathSamuelV. Many new builds were made making Southshire a unique place to visit and gain it's popularity on the server. The Mami trials also happened in August making a great memory and historical moment in Southshire
===Golden Age===
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The giant giraffe shows a symbolism of uniqueness to Southshire. If anyone goes to Southshire, that is always the first thing they notice. It shows how creative and how unique Southshire can be. It is something that is a must see.
[[File:Downtown Southshire.png|thumb|The downtown area is the original and mostthe oldest developed area of Southshire.]]
===Platinum Tower===
Platinum Tower, created by cinzar, is a large quartz building near the center of town. It has several open floors for rent, and also serves as the headquarters of the globally-distributed Yoahtl Sun paper. The latest edition of the paper is available for purchase on the bottom floor.
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