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[[File:Southshire Flag.png|thumb|The flag of Southshire is green and white. The 3 stars in the middle represent the 3 parliament members.]]
==Region of Southshire==
Southshire includes many biomes in it's small area it has. There are many opportunities to set up a variety of farms and small little settlements in each biome. The biomes included are beach, dark oak forest, forest, ocean, river, mesa, and tiaga/spruce forest.
The makeup of the lands in Southshire are mostly into 3 big land masses. The main city is on the biggest land mass which is the dark forest biome. This is connected to the messa biome and The Commonwealth territory. Across from the main land, through the river biome which leads into the tiaga/spruce biome, is called "The Highlands". This is a huge, mostly untouched, territory in Southshire. Very little development has occurred in the highlands with a protected national park. The last main land mass is the island of Terrasilvia. One can travel here by boat or rail from Southshire. This island is the "industrial" island of Southshire. This island includes a big dark oak tree farm, oak tree farm, birch tree farm, and a developing wheat farm. Lots of development is occurring in Terrasilvia, making the island better and more suitable to people.
The climate is a very warm climate. The forest is next to a mesa and a beach, making the temperature very comfortable. Snow is no where to be seen near Southshire. The warm allows many crops and farms to be established in the area.
