Sandbox:Battle of Eddie Murphy: Difference between revisions

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Following five hours of uncoordinated fighting (in which [[K0mmi]], [[MrDoomBringer]], [[the__druid]], [[ninjajackh12]], and [[toontasker]] were pearled), all [[Murphy Tech]] bunkers were cracked (in the process, [[yodabird19]] was freed) but one: their easternmost, most fortified bunker, in the [[Geographical Regions#Southern Pripyat Sea|Southern Pripyat Sea]]. The fight coalesced around this final bunker. The attacking forces adopted a two-pronged approach, sending one group ([[Gregy165]], [[NEBULANDD]], [[Troll_Bebek]], etc.) to attack the bunker at ground level, and another ([[1drop]], [[BlueSylvaer]], [[VoteLabour]], etc.) to push a skybridge despite the defenders not actually having a skybunker. [[Gregy165]] and [[NEBULANDD]] were pearled on the ground team, but after two hours, the skybridge reached and broke the bunker's bastion.
The final stage of the conflict centered around the now bastionless and isolated [[Murphy Tech]] bunker. Over a dozen fighters, including [[oko]], [[Ch1pr]], [[BennyZ]] and [[WNS2]], jumped into the bunker to complete their assault. Amidst this chaos, [[MagistraMJWilli]] was banned from [[CivClassic]], she was not pearled. The remaining two - [[Nuts0ni]] and [[Zenos11]] - resisted for an additional hour, brewing potions inside their central room concurrently, and pearling [[yodabird19]] and [[oko]] after hitting them into their central trench.<br>
Finally, as the attackers neared the center of the bunker, [[Zenos11]] and [[Nuts0ni]] burnt all of their valuables both owned and taken from pearled fighters- and logged out permanently. All 11 remaining pearls at the time - [[Mokotowskie]], [[FKA_Twink]], [[1drop]], [[Naglafer]], [[K0mmi]], [[the__druid]], [[ninjajackh12]], [[toontasker]], [[Gregy165]], [[NEBULANDD]], and [[yodabird19]] - were freed.
[[Category:CivClassic 2.0]]