April 2023

On April 8th, after beginning his journey in the middle of the Imperial Federation, SQOpenSpellBook rushed to meet his friend, Janky__Judah just east of Nara's Shiroyama in what is known today as Birmingham. After getting more friends online to help with setting off on new horizons, Judah was crowned the king of The United Federation of Birmingham. Judah then pronounced SQ as the Chancellor, or second in command, of Birmingham. More information on Birmingham's beginnings can be found here. SQOpenSpellBook then officially founded Cliqueston, with Birmingham as the capital on April 20th, alongside _BaniShed. In order to successfully accomplish this, Judah needed to be "couped." No fighting went down, hardly making it a coup, but there was a change in leadership, making SQ the executive head of Cliqueston.

May 2023

After over a month of slow recruiting and grinding with relative loneliness, SQ created the Constitution of Cliqueston on May 23rd. Just two days later, SQ met BillyBopBeans and PolyBit. These two were newfriends who were caught doing light raiding in MTA. For whatever reason, SQ felt the urge to protest MTA in a half-joking manner in order to get the officials to release the two. The next day, on May 26th, they were released and created Erhablee. Billy and Poly became the first kings of the Kingdom of Erhablee. On May 28th, SQ was killed by Okx in the Leibniz Exclusion Zone. He was denounced by the state of Cliqueston by SQ the same day.

June 2023

By this time, Cliqueston was prospering. Throughout Cliqueston, there were people questioning whether or not SQ was fit to lead. People saw him as a dictatorship-type leader. So, in an act of democracy, on June 14th, 2023, SQ released a 48 hour confidence vote. After the 48 hours concluded, SQ won with 70% of the majority vote, reassuring him with confidence. After weeks of less and less communication between Cliqueston and Erhablee, on June 19th, Poly and SQ spoke about what they disapproved of within the Arsenio Pact, strengthening ties to much better than they ever were. Thus, the idea to inside the Arsenio Pact was born. The next day, chosentwicelol and SQ hopped in a VC and began talks on insiding the AP. After 8 days of planning, preparing, gathering intel, and convincing, SQOpenSpellBook, PolyBit, BillyBopBeans, and _BaniShed insided the Arsenio Pact's Reluctance Vault. It was a 3 hour-long operation that resulted in all Butternut Pearls getting freed, excluding Ez2Clutch. More info can be found here.

Last updated on 06/28/2023 (MM/DD/YYYY)