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==== Prussian-Gondolin Cold War ====
<blockquote>''“Prussia's main export is P and drunk Germans.”''<ref></ref></blockquote>So wrote the famous author Timmy-Senpai in his second breakthrough dissertation on the deceptive idiosyncrasies of the anarchocapitalists. A truer statement cannot be said in regards to the start of the Prussian-Gondolin Cold War. In a fit of drunken frenzy, dbb declared war on the state of Gondolin led by Berge and his infamous “40 men in prot.” Perhaps this hostility had something to do with Berge's involvement in the Havana conflict, or perhaps there was bitterness due to the Prussian victory over Gondolin for the much-coveted "coolest kingdom" award. Dbb later explains that the real reason was an excuse to pearl Stonato for laughs. A ceasefire or formal end to the war was never declared, although there have been no casualties from the conflict to date. As a result of the ongoing cold war, the incinerator in the Prussian capital city of Breslau in Civcraft 2.0 would display a sign reading, "Feed me Gondolites" for the duration of the server.
''“Prussia's main export is P and drunk Germans.”''<ref></ref>
So wrote the famous author Timmy-Senpai in his second breakthrough dissertation on the deceptive idiosyncrasies of the anarchocapitalists. A truer statement cannot be said in regards to the start of the Prussian-Gondolin Cold War. In a fit of drunken frenzy, dbb declared war on the state of Gondolin led by Berge and his infamous “40 men in prot.” Perhaps this hostility had something to do with Berge's involvement in the Havana conflict, or perhaps there was bitterness due to the Prussian victory over Gondolin for the much-coveted "coolest kingdom" award. Dbb later explains that the real reason was an excuse to pearl Stonato for laughs. A ceasefire or formal end to the war was never declared, although there have been no casualties from the conflict to date. As a result of the ongoing cold war, the incinerator in the Prussian capital city of Breslau in Civcraft 2.0 would display a sign reading, "Feed me Gondolites" for the duration of the server.
==== End of Civcraft 1.0 ====
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==== A Show of Force in Carbon ====
Early in 2.0, the longtime Prussian parliament member, avid traveler and sign-placer, Gezoerksel, found himself in the city of Carbon. The Carbonites, not knowing of Gezo despite his fame, threatened to pearl him and chased him up a tower where he logged out. Approximately 10 Prussians kitted up and rushed to surround the city of Carbon to come to Gezo’s aid. Dbb entered negotiation with the Carbonites while the Prussians closed in on the city from all sides. The troops all arrived simultaneously and paraded to the city center in a large show of force. Adequately spooked, the Carbonites quickly admitted their mistake and apologized for threatening Gezo. No violence occurred and everyone went their separate ways. This small event remembered as another proud display of the Prussia Stronk spirit.
==== The Red Shirt Rebellion ====
[[File:Prussia Red Shirt Rebellion.png|thumb|A red shirt rebel threatening a Prussian leader on top of the Breslau Rathaus. July 2013.]]
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[[File:Prussian Prancercise.png|thumb|Prussians Prancercising through Breslau’s Danzigerplatz. July 2013.]]
In the Summer of 2013, the original Prancercise fitness workout video became popular amongst the Prussians. A Prancercise session was held in the streets of Breslau with the Prussian uniform replaced with a pink coat to mimic the outfit displayed in the original video. A video recording of this event was taken at the time but has been seemingly lost due to deleted accounts.
==== Steve French: Feline Nobility ====
While the god-king of Prussia has always been a chicken in the style of Dolan I who ruled during the Prussians' stay in the end, they would not be without their rivals from other noble creatures. One such challenge came from the house of French; a noble feline family descended from a black cat tamed from the jungles to the south of Breslau. This first ancestor was given the name Steve French l. The French family resided first in the area that would become the Breslau university until growing resentment and murders of their kin would force their relocation to East Breslau where their secretary, DJFunktipus, would establish the Kittyland Daycare. The family would grow exponentially in their new location until tragedy was to strike. A rogue creeper committed a hit-and-run resulting in the death of patriarch Steve French I. A moving funeral was held in the chapel of St. Hebdo located by the southwestern bridge of the city. It is said that none of those in attendance remained with eyes unmoistened at the moving words of Funktipus' eulogy. Steve French I remains buried in the small cemetery of the chapel. The same cemetery would become host to the many pets of Breslau citizens whose lives were cut short. The resting places of later generations of the French family can be found in the crypts beneath the low altar of the Breslau cathedral.
[[File:Funeral of Steve French Cortege.png|left|thumb|Prussian funeral cortege processes before the Breslau opera house in memory of Steve French I. August 2013.]]
The French family would progress through multiple successors but would eventually languish. The daycare would remain empty for years after a griefer would slaughter the remaining family members. However, the line of French still survives as one Beladonna French had been married off to a noble Grundeswegian gentleman before the fall of her family.
==== The Breslau Mapping Incident ====
As it had been in 1.0 for the city of Danzig, the location of Breslau was initially kept secret and was excluded from all public maps to abate acts of grief and help the city prosper before the Prussians were prepared to go public. This desire of the Prussians was violated in September 2013 when pavel_the_hitman from the nation of Atyos included Breslau on his public map. In fact, Breslau was not the only nation affected by this and many cities which wished to remain more obscure were outraged. By request from other nations affected, the Prussians placed a bounty on and then pearled pavel for this act. The nations of Aytos and Prussia came into conflict over the justification for this imprisonment. In the end, a treaty was signed between _dbb_ and Atyos mayor MadeofMeat with all claims dropped and pavel released. However, this event left a sour taste in many Prussians' mouths with regards to Atyos and some of the worst griefings of Breslau occurred after this mapping. The signing of the treaty itself was seen as an outright joke and might been seen as setting the stage for future events when viewed in hindsight.
[[File:Funeral of Steve French Eulogy.png|left|thumb|DJFunktipus delivers a eulogy for Steve French I. August 2013.]]
==== Lux City ====
Lux city was an enclave located within the upper floors of BlueMoonP’s house on the Danzigerplatz. Primarily constructed by Kawww and Gezoerksel, the city had a very Kowloon Walled City aesthetic and featured the highest population density on the server with many players residing or having vacation homes within about 10 blocks cubed. The enclave constructed while BlueMoonP was away on a PvP mission and he was not pleased with the rapid takeover of 2/3s of his residence. When he returned, he planted himself at the front of his house as he delivered an ultimatum demanding all squatters leave. The Lux City residents refused and took up arms against the belligerent landlord. However, they were scarcely a match for the seasoned warrior in full prot. Kael NotAGrape clambered up to the roof to shout obscenities and to proclaim the squatter's rightful ownership of the enclave city. BlueMoonP drew his powerful bow and took deadly aim. Kael screamed as his arrow struck true. Stumbling, he fell from the roof to his death. He was honored to be remembered as a stalwart defender of Lux City in the small park located in a corner. Despite BlueMoonP’s protests however, Lux city had thus became an object of Prussian cultural significance and was sanctified with the blood of it’s defenders. It now could not be removed. BlueMoonP eventually came around to the city’s existence and even built his own enclave within the enclave. An original block from Kawww's apartment within Lux City was placed in the Breslau museum but this item appears to have gone missing.
==== Breslau Day ====
[[File:Breslau Day Fireworks.png|thumb|Decorations and fireworks for the celebration of the first Breslau Day. September 2013.]]
Fall of 2013 began with the creation of a new national holiday for the Prussians; Breslau Day. On this day which was held 4 times yearly, it became customary to celebrate the founding of the city by decorating it with streamers in black/white (the Prussian national colors) and red/gold (the colors of the city of Breslau). A ceremonial visit to the original Prussian meeting spot on the 2.0 server and repeat journey to the location of Breslau was traditional. The festive decorations were so adored by the Prussian citizens however, no effort was made to dismantle them after the first holiday had passed and they remained in place for the duration of the server.
==== The Coronation of Friedrich I: Breslau goes public ====
Approximately 6 months after it’s first founding, Prussian leadership felt confident that the city was in a sufficient state to proceed with its unveiling to the community. What better way to show off their proud work than to host a grand coronation for the first god-king Friedrich I. The other reason for the timing of the event was the completion of the CIC connection to Breslau via the yellow line through a joint effort of Prussia and Carson. The coronation event was well attended and included a tour of the now public city. It was amazing to see more than 20 players parade through the wide streets of the mighty city. In hindsight, this event would be small compared to later events. As the Breslau cathedral had not been constructed yet, the majority of the festivities took place in the Danzigerplatz and royal palace.
[[File:Breslau Render November 2013.png|center|thumb|800x800px|Breslau render as the city looked during the time of King Friedrich I’s coronation and the city’s going public. November 2013.]]
[[File:Friedrich I crowds 1.png|thumb|Crowds celebrating the coronation of King Friedrich I. November 2013.]]
[[File:Friedrich I crowds 2.png|thumb|Crowds gather in the throne room for the coronation of King Friedrich I. November 2013.]]
==== '''The PILF''' ====
[[File:The Foofed Memorial Tenement.png|left|thumb|The Foofed Memorial Tenement in Aytos. November 2013.]]
Around the time of Breslau going public, the politically minded Prussian, DJFunktipus had taken an interest in the city of Aytos. He noted a flaw in the democratic design of the Aytian government whereby any person who owned property within the city had voting rights. DJFunktipus moved to Aytos and started the Personal Individual Liberty Foundation or PILF. The PILF really had no coherent purpose nor was it ever sanctioned by Prussian officials. Its only motive was chaos. Funktipus thus created the infamous Foofed Memorial Tenement which was meant to be the most unsightly structure ever created as it towered over the city reaching all the way to sky limit. Out of his tenement Funktipus began to rent rooms for free to Prussians at first and then to many people from different nations including, most famously, Carsonites. This made all residents of the tenement voting eligible. Very quickly, the situation became volatile. The Aytians weren't fooled for long by the bizarre fake political talk from Funktipus. The eyesore of a tower and rapid influx of players (Aytos had less than 10 original members and the voting register now listed almost 100) concerned the founding Aytos residents. Attempts were made to block PILF votes. Riots were started by foriegn interlopers. Aytos was griefed repeatedly with pumpkins. Aytians were pearled for sport. Trials were held but were laughed off and completely disregarded as the Aytian government was utterly powerless. It was at this point that the Prussian leadership demanded all its members discontinue any involvement in the affairs of Aytos. The Prussians left promptly. In the end the PILF didn't even win the election but it was already too late for Aytos which was exposed as a weak nation and that anyone could walk in and stir chaos as the PILF had done. Continued interference from other nations including Orion frustrated Aytians who became inactive or moved elsewhere. The Foofed Memorial Tenement was dismantled. Aytos would be mostly abandoned for a time and would be claimed by Grundeswald who had met with no opposition to their political candidates who ran unopposed from an inactive playerbase. In the end, it would be other nations such as Carson who bore the brunt of the blame for the fall of Aytos. However, it should be known that it was Prussia who set everything in motion. The events surrounding the PILF are often regarded as some of the most entertaining political adventures by Civcraft players who experienced those times.
==== The Uniform Ceremony ====
The Prussian uniform is a distinct feature denoting official Prussian citizens. Consisting of an iron helmet, leggings and boots along with a dark blue coat, the Prussian uniform had been well known by many outsiders in the time of 2.0. The uniform had even saved the lives of some and was used to protect Prussians from false claims. When the uniform was recognized there was general knowledge that the wearer was not a newfriend griefer and instead belonged to a long established trustworthy faction.
Another constant of Prussia is its close-knit community. Prussia has always been a small collection of experienced players and efforts were made to keep it as such. To these ends, players wishing to join the faction needed to prove their dedication and good intentions by undergoing a week-long trial process before they gained their rights as a Prussian citizen.
It thus became tradition to bestow upon new Prussian citizens the right to wear their uniform by conducting a short ceremony before the God-King. The first such ceremony was held in late Fall 2013. However, this ceremony has since died out as new Prussian citizens have not been admitted since 2016 and there is no current reigning God-King.
[[File:Prussian Uniform Ceremony.png|left|thumb|Newly uniformed Prussians stand alongside Prussian leadership before King Friedrich I. December 2013.]]
==== Death of King Friedrich I ====
Although alterations in the server mechanics (factory mod, initial lack of nether travel) made their ascension more difficult in 2.0, players from PvP prominent servers such as HCF would again try to make their mark on Civcraft. The history of the world police, formation of America and battles involving the HCF in 2.0 are all topics that, once again, are too detailed to investigate here. Breslau, just like Danzig, was mostly spared from conflict being located far in the +,+ and the fact that Prussians were never a large PvP faction. However, there would be occasions of HCF attacks in Breslau when PvPers were looking to acquire easy gear from unprepared prot wearers. They didn’t get much from Prussia but one Jarl_Heisenburg camped out in Breslau and threatened citizens for days. Eventually fed up with the constant presence of this PvPer in their city, multiple Prussian citizens armed themselves with snowballs and pelted Jarl. This damaged his armor significantly and enraged the invader. He broke his way into King Friedrich’s throne room and slaughtered the chicken. His fire aspect sword charred the remains of the god-king which then fell into the egg collection system. Jarl then left town to fight other battles. A private funeral service was held in the newly constructed Breslau cathedral later that week. The crisped remains of the god-king along with his unborn children were interred within the royal crypts beneath the low altar. The funeral service was followed by months of national mourning in which no god-king would sit upon the throne. As King Friedrich I had no surviving heirs, his line would end with him.
==== First 2.0 Prussian Christmas ====
[[File:Prussian Christmas Tree.png|thumb|Prussian Christmas decorations in Danzigerplatz. December 2013.]]
[[File:Prussian Seasonal Greeting Card.png|thumb|Prussian seasonal greeting card featuring members of Prussia gathered in the cathedral plaza. December 2014.]]
The Prussians would reign in December of 2013 by constructing a large decorated Christmas tree in place of the statue in Breslau’s Danzigerplatz. Snowmen were conscripted and Prussian laborers covered all of Breslau’s streets in a dense layer of snow. Many snowball fights and other Winter shenanigans were had. Christmas seasons in later years were marked by the tree being erected in the cathedral square and snow being limited to central locations only as it was rather tedious to clean up. The Prussians would gather for large photographs which were shared as seasonal well wishes on the Civcraft main subreddit. At the end of the Christmas season the decorations were deconstructed. However, instead of the original equestrian statue, a new Prussian eagle-topped obelisk was constructed at the center of the Danzigerplatz which remains a Prussian iconic landmark to this day.
==== Rise of Prussian Fiefdoms ====
Some of the most prominent features of Prussia notable by the end of Civcraft 2.0 were the fiefdoms surrounding Breslau. There were 3 in total which had approval for construction by the Prussian government. These were: Brandenburg constructed by Vogelius, Rønne constructed by Zarorg and Mecklenburg/Wismar constructed by Gotterdammer. Brandenburg was constructed in the Prussian owned nether biome to the Northwest of Breslau. Rønne was a small island fief to the North of Breslau. The town of Wismar in the fief of Mecklenburg was the most complete of all the fiefdoms and was located to the Southeast beyond the farms of Breslau. Wismar is significant for becoming the main inspiration for Prussian town design in later Civcraft iterations.
==== Coronation of Ludwig I ====
After months of national mourning for the late King Friedrich I, a vote was held amongst Prussian leadership to coronate a new chicken god-king to celebrate the one year anniversary of Civcraft 2.0. The king to be crowned was named Ludwig I as the line of Friedrich had died out. Ludwig I was egged in the jungle biome to the South of Breslau. A grand coronation was held in April 2014 with a large crowd in attendance. The celebration included a tour of the city, speeches in the Breslau cathedral, a live viewing of the god-king’s enthronement and afterparty in the ratskeller. This event was one of Prussia’s largest ever and was even mentioned in comments the following day on the front page of Reddit. There was such an influx of players to Breslau after the event that the doors to the CIC had to be shut for a week to abate acts of grief from newfriends. Ludwig I would survive almost 2 years for the remainder of 2.0 and still sits upon the throne in copies of the server.
[[File:Proclaimation of Ludwig I.png|left|thumb]]
[[File:Ludwig I Coronation Crowds.png|left|thumb|Celebrants process from the Danzigerplatz to the palace. April 2014.]]
[[File:Ludwig I Crowned.png|center|thumb|800x800px|Behold! King Ludwig I is born. April 2014.]]
==== Prussia vs. The Wither ====
[[File:Prussia versus the Wither.png|thumb|Prussians ride the CIC yellow line to NDZ to spawn a wither.  July 2014.]]
Due to an active portal farm in Breslau, Prussia had enough materials to make multiple beacons but delayed actually constructing them due to lack of necessity up to this point. In July 2014, an event was held to make the formation of Prussia’s first beacon a memorable event. The wither would be killed in a dramatic production held within Breslau’s opera house. Prussia vs. The Wither would not necessarily go as initially planned. Despite their numbers, the Prussians repeatedly died to the boss as it floated out of reach and rained down projectiles. Multiple Prussians were hindered/subdued with laughter from the ridiculous situation as well. The beast was smitten after an ordeal, but there remained additional wither skulls to be used. The Prussians then traveled to neighboring cities and spawned withers there in full view of shocked onlookers. The beacons collected would be put to good use digging large underground train stations, clearing land for large builds and gathering materials needed for the nether factory which would be implemented later that year.
==== Annexation of Grundeswald ====
The relation between Grundeswald and Prussia had been hot and cold for the majority of Civcraft history, likely due to the griefing of Danzig conducted by Killer_Chris and Greenkitten on top of generally unsultry behavior as viewed by the Prussians. Things began to change by the time Summer 2014 began however. The Grundeswegians began chatting with the Prussians more frequently and the natural friendship became more apparent. Above all else, the Prussians and Grundeswegians shared a common origin from the Krautchan imageboards. In August 2014, Grundeswald had fallen into disarray with multiple outside claimants to their territory. Killer_Chris and Greenkitten thus approached Prussia with the proposition that Prussia assume ownership and nullify all illegitimate claims to Grundeswald. Grundeswald was therefore annexed by Prussia as an autonomous territory under the governance of Prince RonGrundeswaldJr. Interlopers were mandated to deliver a golden sword to King Ludwig I as a sign of their relinquished claim over what was now Prussian territory. As the Prussians massed their forces and marched into Grundeswald, all usupers ceded their claim and the Prussian flag was flown over the Grundeswegian capital of New Salisbury.
[[File:Annexation of Grundeswald Parade.png|left|thumb|Prussian forces mount up in preparation to invade and annex Grundeswald. August 2014.]]
[[File:Annexation of Grundeswald Monument.png|thumb|A monument depicting unification of the two nations. August 2014.]]
==== Yurtstead ====
By Fall 2014, the area of the central +,+ surrounding Mount Augusta (MTA) had become densely populated by multiple nations both new and old. It is because of this large population that a series of land disputes would entangle Gensokyo/Grundeswald and Prussia. The first among these conflicts is known to posterity as the Yurtstead or Riverford conflict.
The founder of Gensokyo, Screenname, had first made her mark on Civcraft with the founding and construction of New Detroit located just to the east of Mount Augusta. New Detroit thrived as a suburb of the large city. Screenname then had a chance meeting with Kovio of Grundeswald and the two bonded quickly. Kovio offered the opportunity for Gensokyo to join Grundeswald as an autonomous entity and Screenname, seeing the opportunity to enhance her connections and secure her nation’s position, accepted. The annexation of Grundeswald (including Gensokyo) then cemented Prussia’s ties to the region of New Detroit.
Over a month after the founding of New Detroit by Screenname, Seargent_pepper (who is an alias of Gant2000) created the city of Riverford to the east of New Detroit. Gant/Seargent_pepper proceeded to claim an untenable amount of land which abutted New Detroit and prevented any potential expansion as the city was now bounded on all sides by both MTA and Riverford. It is important to note that Screenname never agreed to the proposed land claims of Gant and thus expanded the city of New Detroit eastward over the next few weeks. This expanded area was labeled as “Yurtstead.” Returning after a brief hiatus and seeing the expansion into his illegitimate land claim, Gant gave Riverford’s first ultimatum: Tear down all construction within the contested area or he would tear it down after 24 hours. To enforce his demand, Gant employed the help of the Danzilonian Security Force (whose actions were generally not supported by NDZ during this incident) and its leader, TheTrackball.
A massing of troops on both sides of the contested area then began. The Riverford forces then entered the area and stated another ultimatum: All New Detroit forces were to evacuate the area in 3 minutes or they would assault those present. This threat was ignored. Fighting then commenced with TheTrackball attacking multiple non-involved bystanders per reports. A ceasefire was then enacted which demanded a halt to the violence and prevented construction/deconstruction within the contested area.
After the signing of the ceasefire, non-involved parties which had been attacked by TheTrackball then retaliated. This was seen as a break of the ceasefire agreement by the Riverford forces although this was quickly explained. Forces defending New Detroit then started constructing walls around the contested area which was again seen as a breaking of the ceasefire despite not being in the designated contested area. Multiple DSF members then began removing the walls which caused the conflict to erupt again. TheTrackball then repeated his evacuation demand. This time, however, knowing what was to come, players began leaving the area. Despite this and according to witnesses, TheTrackball entered the territory of New Detroit to assault citizens.
Another ceasefire was declared and negotiations then began in earnest. A final agreement was was made between between the sides in which Riverford rescinded their claim to the contested area and Gensokyo would agree to pay 40 diamonds to Riverford (Screenname was already owned 40 diamonds from a previous conflict from AMBeaudry529 of NDZ / MTA which nullified the payment amount).
The area around Mount Augusta and New Detroit would drag Prussia into two more conflicts in the following year.
==== The formation of the Holy Krautchan Empire and Election of Gotterdammer ====
<blockquote>''“This agglomeration is to call itself the Holy Krautchan Empire… We are Holy, for Civcraft is a desolate, chaotic world in which Ordnung and continuity must be established… We are of Krautchan, for the deepest roots sprung from the youngest seeds on this server, connecting us to what we came from… We are an Empire, in the sense of a union of territories, peoples, and beliefs.”''
- Gotterdammer I von Mecklenburg, Kaiser des Heiligen Krautchannischen Reiches, Kurfürst der Preußischen Kleinstädte und Kleinherzog Mecklenburgs</blockquote>With the annexation of Grundeswald came the states of Xia and Gensokyo which were fully autonomous but nominally owned by Grundeswald. The succession crisis of Grundeswald now averted, a new administrative government was proposed to allow all involved nations to maintain their autonomy but to also form a unified conglomerate of peoples who would all benefit from a coordinated system of mutual support. Based on this ideal, a charter was written and the Holy Krautchan Empire was formed.
The HKE was coordinated by an Emperor who was elevated to leadership by a group of princely electors represented by the leadership of each member nation. At the start of the HKE the electors were: The electors of Breslau, the electors of the Prussian fiefdoms, the elector of New Salisbury, the electors of the Khattan Khanate/42, and the elector of Xia.
With the drafting of the charter and identification of electors made, the next task was the election of the first Emperor. Members from each represented nation were nominated or submitted their intention to pursue the throne. The initial candidates were: _dbb_ of Prussia, Koentinius of Prussia, Gotterdammer of Prussia, Skillzor of Prussia and eccentrous of Xia. Each listed their experience on the Civcraft server and proposed their vision for the HKE. After 3 rounds of voting, Gotterdammer of Prussia was selected as the first Emperor of the HKE.
The Coronation of Gotterdammer I was held in September 2014 in the Breslau cathedral which was adorned with the black, white and blue colors of the HKE. Music filled the Breslau streets as it poured forth from the mouth of mumble inhabitant "Snoop". _dbb_, acting as the officiant of t, anointed Gotterdammer as he stood before his throne. <blockquote>“O Lord t, King of Symbols and Lord of Letters, hear now the supplication of us though unworthy and look forth from Thy holy dwelling place and anoint with gladness Thy faithful servant whom Thou hast been pleased to establish as Emperor over Thy holy people.” </blockquote>Adorned with a golden crown, the first emperor rose to greet those present with a “t” to which all repeated in turn (as is Prussian tradition).
Following his coronation, Gotterdammer convoked the first imperial session in November 2014. The electors of the HKE would travel to and stay in Wismar for the duration of the session. On the agenda stood a few points to be discussed. First and most timely was the matter of representation for Gensokyo. Gensokyo, although it had joined the HKE along with Grundeswald, had a burgeoning population which did not have a say in HKE matters in the beginning. This was quickly recognized during the first imperial session and the elector of Gensokyo, Screenname, was appointed. Also on the agenda was the creation of a city in which citizens of all HKE member nations could contribute and hold property. The city would also have a massive cathedral in which HKE coronations would be held. The imperial city of Gotterdam (as it would later be named after the first Emperor) was constructed to the east of Breslau at the foot of the snow mountains on the Prussian-Grundeswegian border. For the remainder of the session, other important but smaller topics such as rail line coordination and an alliance with New Leningrad were discussed.
==== Later Civcraft 2.0 History (temp) ====