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Following his coronation, Gotterdammer convoked the first imperial session in November 2014. The electors of the HKE would travel to and stay in Wismar for the duration of the session. On the agenda stood a few points to be discussed. First and most timely was the matter of representation for Gensokyo. Gensokyo, although it had joined the HKE along with Grundeswald, had a burgeoning population which did not have a say in HKE matters in the beginning. This was quickly recognized during the first imperial session and the elector of Gensokyo, Screenname, was appointed. Also on the agenda was the creation of a city in which citizens of all HKE member nations could contribute and hold property. The city would also have a massive cathedral in which HKE coronations would be held. The imperial city of Gotterdam (as it would later be named after the first Emperor) was constructed to the east of Breslau at the foot of the snow mountains on the Prussian-Grundeswegian border. For the remainder of the session, other important but smaller topics such as rail line coordination and an alliance with New Leningrad were discussed.
[[File:Starting Electorates of the HKE.png|center|thumb|800x800px|Map showing the electorates of the HKE as they existed after the first imperial session. November 2014.]]
[[File:Breslau Nether Grand Terminus.png|left|thumb|Breslau nether-side grand terminus. January 2015.]]
==== LaterNether Civcraft 2.0 History (temp)Factories ====
In December 2014, after months of discussion on the Civcraft subreddit and preparation by players, nether factories were enabled on the server. These new additions to the factorymod made it possible to travel to the nether in a manner similar to 1.0. Nations who owned a nether factory could dominate map travel due to the compressed nature of nether travel. However, to make their construction more exclusive, only 1 nether factory could be created in a certain radius.
After the untimely death of Friedrich I, the first King in 2.0, Ludwig I was coronated on 12 April 2014 and survived until the end of 2.0.
Prussia naturally, due to accumulated wealth over the life of 2.0, was one of the nations who was automatically assumed to be pursuing acquisition of a factory. Indeed, Prussia had enough resources to create said factory save for one product, end stone. In fact, by the time nether factories were announced, all of the end island had been mined out. Not a block of end stone remained.
On 26 August 2014 the foundation of the Holy Krautchan Empire was spearheaded by Prussia along with [[Grundeswald]], New Katten, and Xia in order to stabilize the collapsing Grundeswegian state and prevent their lands from falling into unfriendly hands. Initially, the HKE was organized into five territories known as electorates. The electorates were Prussia, Prussian Fiefdoms, Grundeswald, New Katten, and Xia. The young HKE quickly found itself involved in a territorial war on the 6 and 7 September 2014, known as the Second Battle of Riverford, or, The Yurtstead Conflict. Driven by the colonialist attitudes of two states involved, as well as prevalent jingoistic nationalism on both sides, it is internationally viewed largely as a reminder that territorial disputes between states should be solved in a civil, diplomatic manner. In the end, quick diplomacy and a shared interest in peace helped prevent what could have been a long and pointless war. Real players would be crowned as Emperors/Empresses of the HKE and the first was Gotter I of Prussia on 25 October 2014. The initially small state of [[Gensokyo]], a subject of Grundeswald, grew in population and independence under their rule. Dissent began to ignite in Gensokyo due to feelings of resentment towards the HKE. Gensokyojin citizens believed they were being mistreated by having no official elector or recognition in the HKE. As time passed, the populace of Gensokyo threatened to riot, loot, and revolt. With no other recourse, on 10 November 2014, The Queen, Screenname of Gensokyo, issued an ultimatum to the HKE, demanding elector status and threatening secession if that demand was not met. An agreement was made and the HKE granted Gensokyo elector status, officially having elevated it to the sixth elector of the empire. Gotter I stepped down as Emperor after a five-month reign due to irl obligations. A heated election process took place, with Screenname of Gensokyo I winning by one vote. She was crowned on 21 March 2015. Greenkitten I of Grundeswald would go on to be crowned Emperor on 24 October 2015 and be the last Emperor of the HKE.
To make up for this, ttk2 announced the end stone event where chunks of endstone would spawn in various nether biomes throughout the world. The event was a huge success for the well oiled Prussian machine who assumed control of the chunk which spawned near the fief of Brandenburg and had it completely mined out within a few hours. Prussia now had more than enough end stone thanks to the event and from our friends in Carson who we coordinated with ever since the first mention of the nether factory mechanic.
All the while, Prussia continued to expand its own network of assets, capital city, and fiefdoms. Its fiefdoms - a portion of Prussian land dedicated to one player with a vision - included Brandenburg (a town in a nether biome), Rønne/Bornholm (a Danish-styled island town), and Wismar/Mecklenburg (a landscape and north German-styled fortress town).
[[File:Prussian Nether Work.png|thumb|Prussians pose for a photo at the bottom of an expended chunk from the endstone event. December 2014.]]
On the day of the nether factory release, the Prussians were one of the first to construct it therefore securing Breslau as a major portal for the Eastern side of the map. Large train stations were constructed in the nether and overworld to accommodate more travelers. An intricate system of rails, horse tunnels and ice roads connecting Breslau to other nations was then constructed by the Royal Prussian Railway.
[[File:Coronation of Screenname I.jpg|left|thumb|Kael NotAGrape bows his head before the Empress-Elect, Screenname, at her coronation. February 2015.]]
==== Election of Screenname ====
On 17 January 2016, Civcraft creator and senior admin ttk2 held his "[ End of the World Speech]" in the Breslau Opera House, followed by shutting 2.0 down. Prussia as a state in Civcraft was formally dissolved on the same day.
In February 2015, the first Emperor of the HKE, Gotterdammer, had reigned for about 4 months. His tenure saw the beginnings of a thriving empire. Two separate imperial sessions in Wismar and Yakumo had been held. The construction of a grand imperial city had commenced in the East. Numerous official documents had been created and Ordnung established. Alliances and friendships were formed which still continue to this day. But now the time had come for a change in leadership and Gotterdammer (as would become customary for Emperors) voluntarily stepped down.
The electors were assembled and a new vote was held for the next leader of the HKE. The candidates this time stood at only 2 individuals: Greenkitten of Grundeswald and Screenname of Gensokyo. The vote was evenly split at first but Screenname achieved a lead in the tally with a unanimous vote from the Prussian fiefdoms. Screenname was thus elected as the second Empress of the HKE.
====Civcraft 3.0 and the Teutonic Order====
Screenname would bring together the electors for a third (New Salisbury), fourth and fifth imperial session. Chiefly among her goals for the empire was recruitment of new players. To attain this, an acquisition of the new state of Chanadia was proposed initially but this was refused by the electors due to poor behavior of the Chanadians at the coronation of Screenname. Even so, Chanadia later became an ally of the HKE. Advertising to join the Civcraft server was planned for posting on strategic sites but Prussia specifically saw little recruitment due to concurrent restructuring of the Prussian constitution and trial citizen system.
The reign of Screenname would have large periods of inactivity in the empire (which mirrored inactivity on the server in general) but would also be punctuated by rising hostility and intense conflict. Despite wanning activity, the capital city of Gotterdam continued to rise little-by-little.
==== Holy Tree and New Phoenix ====
[[File:Holy Tree Claims.png|thumb|The proposed land claims of revived Holy Tree as presented to the HKE by Callid. June 2015.]]
In early Summer 2015, Callid13 attempted to resurrect the long inactive state of Holy Tree. Holy Tree had been created near the start of 2.0 and was located in the area of MTA, NDZ and Western Gensokyo (which then comprised New Detroit and Goten). By June 2015 however, Holy Tree had been uninhabited for over a year and new nations had arisen in the area it once claimed. By attempting to return the city to its former state, Callid reignited the volatile issue of land claims that had been precariously settled in the Yurtstead/Riverford conflict.
Callid had been a Prussian citizen for a time, however he was ousted as a citizen as Prussian law forbids dual citizenship and his activity as effective leader of Holy Tree was deemed incompatible. Callid had shortly discussed his plans for Holy Tree with both Prussian leaders and with the HKE in general. He was swiftly rebuked and it was made clear to him that it was unreasonable to revive a long dead city in the middle of a previously contentious area. Callid ignored all refusals from HKE officials and continually refused to listen to stern answers of “no.” His perverse character was certainly another factor in his removal from Prussia.
When Callid began discussion with MTA, NDZ and Gensokyo, an inequity was quickly discovered. While the territory claimed by Holy Tree against MTA and NDZ was easily ceded without much care due to little development on the sites, the territory of Gensokyo that overlapped with Callid’s claims was immense. Callid again blamed Gensokyo for the failure of negotiations despite the true reasoning being his obstinate irreconcilability.
A intense standoff situation emerged on the claimed borders of Holy Tree. At one point, the Holy Tree player Folters placed a serious of snitches in contested territory for the sole purpose of provoking the opposing party. These were broken by the Prussian 8ofspades who was pearled. Another Prussian, Vogelius, was also pearled in the conflict. After intense subreddit PvP, public opinion came down upon Holy Tree but by then Screenname and Gensokyo had been significantly irked and a ceasefire was declared.
Even before the conflict erupted, the Prussians, also being generally annoyed by Callid, had a grand design for some amusement. The small (and genuinely insignificant save for promoting Holy Tree’s land claims) settlement of New Phoenix was located just to the west of Holy Tree. With great secrecy and efficiency, the Prussians assembled a team and overtook the city. The entirety of New Phoenix (which wasn’t much) was disassembled in a matter of minutes. In the style of Havana from 1.0, the land was naturalized to make it appear that nothing had ever existed on that spot. The Prussians then slipped away without any notice. The removal was not even discovered by Callid until after the ceasefire was declared. Callid then blamed Gensokyo (which was not our intention and admittedly was a slight backfire) who did not even know of the covert removal themselves and replied with genuine confusion.
Callid never did find out who removed New Phoenix and was even accused of removing the settlement himself as a false-flag operation. In the end, all parties exhausted from conflict, the Treaty of New Detroit was signed which settled the land claims (for a second time in this region) with a price of 1800 diamonds made payment to Gensokyo. The conflict ended but would not stay silent for long.
==== Goten Betrayal ====
<blockquote>“Pack it up!”
- Anonymous</blockquote>A few short months after the Holy Tree conflict, the district of New Detroit known as Goten declared its succession from Gensokyo quite suddenly and unexpectedly. Mount August and their newly elected mayor, Prof_TANSTAAFL then declared their support for Goten’s succession and swiftly annexed the territory shortly after. Utterly betrayed but not resigned to defeat, the Gensokyojin army moved in, set up a military defense zone and dismantled infrastructural components between Goten and New Detroit proper.
Gensokyo knew it was the dominant side at that point as they mustered the HKE and their allies. Before long, a coalition of HKE, Chanadian, Hjaltland and Tigercrew volunteers entered the military zone and prepared to retake Goten. At some point, a now unknown player shouted the phrase, “Pack it up” which became the rallying cry for the HKE coalition. The assault commenced and went to plan with all of Goten under the coalition's control. However, the coalition then became informed that Mount Augusta had acquired the support of seasoned PvPers from Nox in helping keep their newly annexed territory. The coalition forces then knew they were no match and they quickly became the side which packed it up. It was discovered that their mumble channel had been infiltrated and all their communications were leaked.
The withdrawal of the coalition forces was a costly defeat as New Detroit was then ransacked and was nearly annexed in its entirety by Mount Augusta. This would prove to be the end of the Western Gensokyo territories and conflicts in the Mount Augusta region for the HKE. Although with understandable hesitation from Screenname, HKE officials and other parties convinced the Empress to relinquish all control of New Detroit and Western Gensokyo and instead focus on the beautiful eastern half of the nation. New Detroit was fully ceded to Bryn in the end and the conflict was concluded.
There was another cost to the defeat, as well. The series of fights had thoroughly exhausted Screenname who then abdicated her position of Empress of the HKE.
However, not all produced from the Goten crisis was negative for the HKE. In protest of Mount Augusta's actions, DJFunktipus and his co-conspirators would resurrect the PILF in the haphazard city. Though nothing much came of their presence in Mount Augusta, a second Foofed Memorial Tenement (known as the Foofed Memorial Tenement Memorial Tenement) world be erected in the city and much fun was had among the players from many nations who visited.
Gensokyo would now focus on the, what many would argue, more beautiful Yakumo and eastern half of the nation ever endeavouring to add to its multitudes of charm.
The Goten crisis would also create new friendships which would be solidified with the election of the third and final Emperor of the HKE.
==== Election of Greenkitten ====
In October 2015 after the abdication of Empress Screenname, the electors were gathered once again to perform their duty. In the third and final election of the HKE, a tie was had between Koentinius of Prussia and Greenkitten of Grundeswald. Koentinius, in a gesture of faith and trust in our Grundeswegian allies, then withdrew his candidacy marking Greenkitten as the third Emperor of the HKE.
The reign of Emperor Greenkitten would be short lived but is remembered to history as a new birth of prosperity within the HKE. The member states of the HKE had left the volitile region of Mount Augusta behind and instead began to focus on their territories in the deep +,+. The capital of Gotterdam was also nearing its completion and anticipation hastened construction further.
Greenkitten would call together the empire for a sixth imperial session in December 2015. Chiefly among topics for discussion during this session was the incorporation of Hjaltland which had been a close ally and had supported Gensokyo and the HKE through the Goten crisis. With this friendship in mind, the electors unanimously voted to expand the HKE with Hjaltland’s addition.
[[File:Greenkitten I Coronation.jpg|center|thumb|800x800px|Painted screenshot showing Kael NotAgrape administering the oath to Emperor-Elect, Greenkitten. October 2015.]]
==== End of Civcraft 2.0 ====
Just as the great cathedral of Gotterdam was nearing full completion, the announcement that Civcraft 2.0 would end was made. As a result of item duping, the server had entered a state that was unacceptable to the Civcraft moderation team.
Server owner ttk2 held his "[ End of the World Speech]" in game to commemorate the great success that had been 2.0. In an act that would solidify the city as a pinnacle achievement of the server, the Breslau Opera House was chosen as the final location for his speech.
With the end of the server and announcements for a new Civcraft iteration, Prussia shared their future plans:<blockquote>“While we are deeply saddened to say so, the Kingdom of Prussia will not be returning as a major faction in Civcraft 3.0. Both Civcraft and Minecraft have drifted in a direction that no longer holds our collective attention, and we have decided that it is best to move on. While some may return, it is highly unlikely that a city such as Danzig or Breslau will be a feature in the future.”</blockquote>The time of Breslau had truly been a golden age of Prussia. The Prussians had acquired great wealth and were even in possession of the ender dragon egg, although it is unknown if this was a duped item. It is theorized that Breslau was spared from much grief compared to other cities due to the impact it made on players as they were struck by its majesty. Images of Breslau still circulate the internet and have even been used as advertisement for various Minecraft products.
[[File:Prussia Civcraft Map.png|left|thumb|800x800px|Map of Prussia and surrrounding territories. Created by Gotterdammer. May 2015.]]
[[File:Gotterdam Final Render.png|thumb|800x800px|Render of of the partially constructed Gotterdam and its great cathedral. January 2016.]]
[[File:PrussiaBreslau2poin0.png|center|thumb|1267x1267px|Final render of  Breslau. January 2016.]]
==== Civcraft 3.0 and the Teutonic Order= ===
Prussia formally declared it would not seek to play in 3.0. However, a handful of Prussians settled in 3.0 under the name of "The Teutonic Order" in order to build a small monastery in the cold mountains of Isolde, but lost interest in the server once its strange approach to the Civcraft goal became apparent.
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=== Biomes and Geographic Features===
[[File:PrussianClaims5.png|alt=|thumb|500x500px|An overview of the Prussian lands as of late April 2021.]]
