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Added History and images up until CivClassics
(Added History and images up until CivClassics)
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'''Little Prussia''', officially '''The Kingdom of Prussia''', informally '''Prussia''', is a sovereign Kingdom in the +,- quadrant. The nation has a long, outstanding history within the Civcraft series of servers and joined this latest iteration in early March 2019. "Little Prussia" was chosen as the name of the nation in this iteration as it seeks to be more relaxed than init formerused iterationsto be by remaining focused on its own matters, building smaller towns, and not taking itself too seriously while remaining a trusted and dependable nation on the world stage when the need arises.
== History ==
=== Formation and Pre-CivClassic History ===
==== Civcraft 1.0 ====
Prussia is the direct continuation of the Fourth Reich faction that came to CivCraft on 11 July 2012. Their founding members met and organized on the [|Krautchan /int/ server] and founded Berlin as their first settlement. However, this was on Stevo1066's land, which resulted in friction. Containing a lot of overeager, aggressive members clad in iron, the Fourth Reich annexed Stevo's land. The world police stepped in, and the group was pearled. Most were released on the 13th, but the Fourth Reich lost a lot of members. They decided to interact more peacefully with the server, and founded a second settlement, called Germania. This lived peacefully until the 15 July, when the Jacks faction, wary of the Reich's numbers, attacked unprovoked. They levelled the town and pearled its citizens indefinitely. With no hope of getting out, the remaining peaceful members of the Fourth Reich decided a change of name was in order, so on the 16 July 2012, Prussia was founded. Operating in the End, they constructed Marienburg, a grand castle containing a number of facilities.
[[File:PrussiaDanzigGriefed.jpg|left|thumb|The city of Danzig in 1.0 watergriefed - a common occurence in the early Civcraft.]]
Kinetic_Waffle finally released the Prussians on 8 August. Waffle, dissatisfied with the Jacks' blind pearlings, released the Prussians in protest, and gave them a starting capital from the Jacks' vault. The Jacks dissolved, and the Prussians founded Danzig in the +,+ quadrant on the same day. Fearing there were still hostile feelings among other factions of the server, the location of Danzig was a well-guarded secret for a month. For extra security, Prussia became one of the founding members of the SEA (Southeastern Alliance) on the 22 August. The SEA is an organization for keeping peace within the +,+ quadrant. On 8 September, Danzig went public. Visitors were amazed by the town built by a group originally founded with the goal of raiding. Unfortunately, disaster struck on 13 September, when fighting between Havana and Communa spilled over to Danzig because of Prussia's SEA ties. The city was lavagriefed badly, and it took some weeks to return the city to its previous state. Some Prussians, furious over this attack, renounced their citizenship, and attacked Havana on 14 September. They left no building standing, and planted trees to form Havana National Park. The day has been celebrated in Prussia as a holiday ever since.
On 11 November, another disaster occured. The murderer Jacfriedchicken committed regicide by killing the beloved King Dolan IX of Prussia. A new King was coronated, King Gustav I. Sadly, Gustav was struck down on the 22 February by divine intervention of the Admin ttk2. Gustav had no heirs, and was succeeded by King Wilhelm I.
On the 22nd of December, 2012 Prussia was decorated as "The Coolest Kingdom" at the second Drama Awards held in Mount Augusta.
After longstanding tensions, _dbb_, the defacto "leader" of Prussia and famous diplomat, declared war on Gondolin in a drunken stupor. There were no battles or casualties caused by either side, but both nations remained wary of each other until after 2.0 started.
==== Civcraft 2.0 and the Holy Krautchan Empire ====
[[File:PrussiaBreslauOperaHouse.png|thumb|300x300px|The Breslau Opera House in 2.0]]
After it was announced the 1.0 world would be taken down, Prussia decided to remain together for Civcraft 2.0. During the testing period for this new world, Prussia reformed its Constitution slightly by adding several new entries, and used a creative server for its members to test their ideas and building designs for the new world. Since the beginning of the new world, Prussia has estabilished itself through a number of in-game assets, including the city of Breslau. Even before going public on 23 November 2013, a fair amount of trading, tourism, and international interaction had already been taking place in Prussia.
After the untimely death of Friedrich I, the first King in 2.0, Ludwig I was coronated on 12 April 2014 and survived until the end of 2.0.
On 26 August 2014 the foundation of the Holy Krautchan Empire was spearheaded by Prussia along with Grundeswald, New Katten, and Xia in order to stabilize the collapsing Grundeswegian state and prevent their lands from falling into unfriendly hands. Initially, the HKE was organized into five territories known as electorates. The electorates were Prussia, Prussian Fiefdoms, Grundeswald, New Katten, and Xia. The young HKE quickly found itself involved in a territorial war on the 6 and 7 September 2014, known as the Second Battle of Riverford, or, The Yurtstead Conflict. Driven by the colonialist attitudes of two states involved, as well as prevalent jingoistic nationalism on both sides, it is internationally viewed largely as a reminder that territorial disputes between states should be solved in a civil, diplomatic manner. In the end, quick diplomacy and a shared interest in peace helped prevent what could have been a long and pointless war. Real players would be crowned as Emperors/Empresses of the HKE and the first was Gotter I of Prussia on 25 October 2014. The initially small state of [[Gensokyo]], a subject of Grundeswald, grew in population and independence under their rule. Dissent began to ignite in Gensokyo due to feelings of resentment towards the HKE. Gensokyojin citizens believed they were being mistreated by having no official elector or recognition in the HKE. As time passed, the populace of Gensokyo threatened to riot, loot, and revolt. With no other recourse, on 10 November 2014, The Queen, Screenname of Gensokyo, issued an ultimatum to the HKE, demanding elector status and threatening secession if that demand was not met. An agreement was made and the HKE granted Gensokyo elector status, officially having elevated it to the sixth elector of the empire. Gotter I stepped down as Emperor after a five-month reign due to irl obligations. A heated election process took place, with Screenname of Gensokyo I winning by one vote. She was crowned on 21 March 2015. Greenkitten I of Grundeswald would go on to be crowned Emperor on 24 October 2015 and be the last Emperor of the HKE.
All the while, Prussia continued to expand its own network of assets, capital city, and fiefdoms. Its fiefdoms - a portion of Prussian land dedicated to one player with a vision - included Brandenburg (a town in a nether biome), Rønne/Bornholm (a Danish-styled island town), and Wismar/Mecklenburg (a landscape and north German-styled fortress town).
On 17 January 2016, Civcraft creator and senior admin ttk2 held his "End of the World Speech []" in the Breslau Opera House, followed by shutting 2.0 down. Prussia as a state in Civcraft was formally dissolved on the same day.
==== Civcraft 3.0 and the Teutonic Order ====
Prussia formally declared it would not seek to play in 3.0. However, a handful of Prussians settled in 3.0 under the name of "The Teutonic Order" in order to build a small monastery in the cold mountains of Isolde, but lost interest in the server once its strange approach to the Civcraft goal became apparent.
This group has no connection to any CivClassic groups by the same name or the city of [[Königsberg]].
==== Interserverum ====
The Prussian community thinned out and lost members after the end of 2.0, but the core group remained friends via their Slack and other means of communication. A handful of small servers were made, including vanilla survival, creative, and FeedTheBeast (FTB), for nostalgic purposes. Interest in Civcraft-style servers, such as Devoted, was low and only individual members, commonly under alts, joined for short periods of time.
=== CivClassics ===
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|image1 = [[File:Subdivision_of_Little_Prussia.png|500px350px|center|The geo-political constitution of Prussia]]
