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==== Adinan Orthodoxy ====
[[File:IsidoreofSeville.jpg|thumb|St Isidore of Seville, Adina City]]
On the 6th of July, negotiations with the Free CIty of Weizenburg to host the Church concluded. One of the suggestions was that perhaps the Church could set up in their Classics nation also, Pacem. Whilst this work is still ongoing due to architectural issues, this was the main driver of the Church initially to Classics, and to avoid the kind of inactivity some CivEx groups had suffered. The Faith vanguard arrived, with the Patriarch joining the Federation of Adina. On the 17th of July, the Faith’s arrival was heralded by the construction of St Isidore of Seville<ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/cdxs10/the_holy_mission_to_adina/</ref> and a census which revealed 15% of the nation now belonged to the Orthodox Faith.
On the 17th July - 20th July the First Ecumenical Council<ref>https://docs.google.com/document/d/115udtQRVSdB9d04vycTnVEfbc6AzL05VHyR9dVKhAVE/mobilebasic</ref> was convened, confirming long-standing traditions into writing and furthermore realising the vision of an autocephalous Church.
