Orthodoxy: Difference between revisions

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<br />{{Infobox
The Orthodox Faith.{{Infobox
|name = Orthodoxy
|bodystyle =
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| image = [[file:Orthodox.jpg|thumb]]
|caption = The current Orthodox Blazonblazon
|headerstyle = background:#;
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| data2 = ImperatorMendes
| label3 = Converts
| data3 = 17 + affiliated Churches
=== Pre-Classics Period ===
==== Inception and Deviation from Catholicism ====
The Orthodox Faith initially started in 2018. The Frankonian Empire as it was then known had launched in CivEx First Light as initially one of the major nations. It was based architecturally on Napoleonic France and specifically required a Church established.
ImperatorMendes, not new to the genre and having held menial roles in multiple services saw this as an opportunity to do something unique. Plans were drafted for a Church of St John, to be established as the Catholic official religion of Frankonia. During this process less and less did Catholicism appeal generally and with competition with the Catholics of Antioch, the Church eventually drifted to Orthodoxy by the time of construction. The Church gained its first members during this period, but signs of upcoming conflict began to manifest.
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=== Expedition to Classics ===
