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#REDIRECT [[Eastern Orthodoxy]]
The Orthodox Faith.{{Infobox
|name = Orthodoxy
|bodystyle =
|titlestyle =
|abovestyle = background:#;
|subheaderstyle =
|above = The Orthodox Faith
|imagestyle =
|captionstyle =
| image = [[file:Orthodox.jpg|thumb]]
|caption = The current Orthodox blazon
|headerstyle = background:#;
|labelstyle = background:#;
|datastyle =
| label1 = Governance
| data1 = Ecumenical Council
| label2 = Leaders
| data2 = ImperatorMendes
| label3 = Converts
| data3 = 17 + affiliated Churches
=== Pre-Classics Period ===
==== Inception and Deviation from Catholicism ====
The Orthodox Faith initially started in 2018. The Frankonian Empire as it was then known had launched in CivEx First Light as initially one of the major nations. It was based architecturally on Napoleonic France and specifically required a Church established.
ImperatorMendes, not new to the genre and having held menial roles in multiple services saw this as an opportunity to do something unique.
Plans were drafted for a Church of St John, to be established as the Catholic official religion of Frankonia. During this process less and less did Catholicism appeal generally and with competition with the Catholics of Antioch, the Church eventually drifted to Orthodoxy by the time of construction. The Church gained its first prominent members during this period, but signs of upcoming conflict began to manifest itself.
In now deleted posts, Saren_Solaris, member of Bastion and Antiochan Catholic, called for a ‘Solarian Inquisition’. To the amusement of the Emperor and a few hours carefully monitoring snitches, nothing of importance happened.
==== Rising Prestige and Competition ====
For a while the fledgling Patriarch remained in Frankonia, which expanded to incorporate the neighbouring states of Normandy and the Isle of Gelie, forming Britannia. Elections were held and Imperator was elected a Member of Parliament, quickly passing three motions regarding a variety of issues- and formally establishing the Church in Britannia. Developments in Britannia would slow, though they would eventually centralise into the Capital of Montgomery, utilising the old Norman settlement.
Meanwhile the general feeling was still one of insecurity. The ‘Solarian Incident’, the still ascendant Great Tree religion and the relative infancy of the Faith all contributed to this. The Patrairch’s house had also been completely flattened in an attack by the Arlingtons. The Patriarch planned to create a Keep of some sorts to both protect his assets and to act as a home for the Faith. To the North of Antioch in a disputed territory between Antioch and Ancompton was castle ruins. The initial plan was to renovate these and turn them into a Coastal Keep. Ancompton started that the purchase of this land would destabilise fragile relations between the two as it would explicitly be a claim of sovereignty. Despite this there was an attempt to negotiation between parties, with the Antiochan side declining the purchase.
Allegedly rumour from the Antiochan side said that the attempted purchase rattled them- in terms of proximity to their capital and the ambitions of the Fledging Faith. Necessary action was discussed, indeed more salacious rumours were of outright holy war. The authenticity of the later point was very much disputable. However, the Patriarch heard of these rumours and acted accordingly. Sovereignty over a strip of the Kasai jungle was purchased from Kasavadi for 17 stacks of iron- 11 upfront and the remainder over two weeks. The Orthodox Coastal Fort was finished soon afterwards. Plans for a new Church were discussed alongside this. The new Church came with assurances from the Chao of diplomatic immunity and security. Indeed the Kasai would become a strong ally of both Churches.
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=== Expedition to Classics ===

Latest revision as of 22:39, 1 February 2023

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