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===Returning to Southshire (Second)===
[[File:Southshire-view-from-south-island.png|thumb|View from the South Island property]]
Orinnari returned to [[Southshire]] in December 2017 after server activity was at an all time low due to [[Somber War|The Somber War]], where Orinnari and [[cinzar]] would often be the only players online. [[Cinzar]] became the new leader of [[Southshire]] and the Constitution of [[Southshire]] was abolished in favour of returning to the council system it had previously. The previous Oakhurst land was occupied and the bridge was being used as a tree farm, so Orinnari attempted to build a house at the top of a mountain on South Island, but this fell flat as the path to reach the property was laborious, the biome was ugly, and the build space was too awkward for him to work with. He instead settled for rebuilding the house he once had at the centre of the city but within the Dark Oak District in the northern part of city.
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If we were going to transition to [[Yoahtl]] we wanted to do it properly, and so we devised three steps to complete before pushing the button and making the change.
# '''''Receive and invitation from [[Yoahtl]] via their own processes.''''' We did not want to first secede from the [[Commonwealth]] and then find ourselves in the position of having to wait or possibly being denied, which would cut ourselves off from all federal protection and infrastructure.
# '''''Negotiate with the [[Commonwealth]] to discuss permission and concerns.''''' We wanted to make sure that our plans were acceptable to the [[Commonwealth]] as to not create an international incident, our primary concern being land.
# '''''Conduct a vote within our local government.''''' We wanted to make sure that we did actually want to go through with this, and so the entire government - the council and deputies - were required to vote, and only if the vote was unanimous would we make the transition.
All three conditions were met, and so we made the transition.</blockquote>On 14th January 2018, [[Southshire]] officially became an autonomous town of [[Yoahtl]].
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Progress in [[Southshire]] was slow and Orinnari's attempt to reset his sleeping pattern alienated him from the goings on in [[Southshire]], and it appeared like the population wouldn't truly recover. Orinnari decided in late February to early March 2018 to move to the new capitol, NYC. However he was almost immediate accosted by [[TheOrangeWizard]] for building a property on NYC island outside the city trench. Orinnari quickly dismantled the property in fear of being thrown out and created a slim shop within the trenched city. This shop quickly grew in size however when 1) [[SgtSoda]] agreed to trade his plot for a larger one of his own in the south east part of the city, 2) also when [[Feathercrown]] ceded a small area to Orinnari to square out the plot, and 3) when the ore exchange was moved from under the plot to allow for a basement.
Even with the plot's expansions, it was still dwarfed by [[5point0]]'s mansion, [[Fort Ruina]], and [[SpiderString]]'s brewery, and so he found it perplexing how [[TheOrangeWizard]] would always refer to Orinnari's plot size with an edge. When [[TheOrangeWizard]] was speaking with someone else and their plot, he brought up Orinnari's plot and its size while he was present for the conversation. That moment was when Orinnari realised that [[TheOrangeWizard]] was not going to let that go and would continually dangle this issue in front of him and anyone who'd listen. He decided on the 22nd June 2018 that he couldn't live in Yoahtl anymore if he would continuously face this level of toxicity. This was the longest continuous stretch of time Orinnari had spent in a single nation.
=== Moving to Bloom ===
[[File:Southshire-view-from-south-island.png|thumb|View from the South Island property]]After a short stint back in [[Southshire]] where Orinnari created a house on top of a mountain in South Island in an attempt to regain a view of [[Southshire]] (which failed in part due to the ugly biome, access to the house being troublesome, and a lack of skill to make an aesthetic and useful home in such an awkward position) he ended up in frank discussion with [[ComradeNick]] on Mumble where Orinnari expressed his feelings of aimlessness, that his return to [[Southshire]], or a potential return to the [[Commonwealth]] or back to [[Yoahtl]] felt like a step back rather than moving on. [[ComradeNick]] pointed Orinnari towards [[Bloom]] as it was a new nation and most of its inhabitants were migrants from towny, so Orinnari could delve into integrating and developing them as a civ nation.
Orinnari's shop (later christened as "Forward Settle") would soon kickstart [[Bloom]]'s economy as it brought XP and enchanted diamond tools to the market. He also quickly took interest in [[Bloom]]'s parliament, which while elected did not have the same issues that plague nations like [[Mount Augusta]] and [[Icenia]].
