Orinnari: Difference between revisions

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(Add all Buttsecs War details. Tea has been spilt.)
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On 16th June 2022, PandaPandel asked Orinnari to be her lawyer in a case she was making against [[Gamer Time69|Truck_Man1234]] for petty griefing. He refused at first, not wanting to get involved in internal [[Icenia|Icenian]] drama, but he accepted after hearing the defence's intended argument: that the Court had no jurisdiction since the crime happened when there were no de-jure laws or constitution. The trial began on 25th June 2022. The Court sided with Orinnari on 30th June 2022, stating that the Court had jurisdiction and that [[Gamer Time69|Truck_Man1234]] was guilty.
And while the trial was plagued with drama and unrecused judges, Orinnari was surprised by how his lawyering was welcomed and praised. This stood in stark contrast to [[Yoahtl]] where law-roleplay and trials are an ordeal only barely tolerated, and any suggestion by Orinnari was met with immediate ridicule and scorn:[[File:Typical-example-of-yoahtlan-attitude.png]]
In addition, [[Yoahtl]] was becoming more and more zealously controlling of its citizens. On 11th July 2022, Orinnari left [[Yoahtl]] for [[Icenia]], becoming a [[Bloom|Bloomean]] once again.
=== The Buttsecs War===
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all you need do is send me your nudes.</blockquote>On 19th June 2023, Orinnari sparked some controversy by comparing a screenshot of a homophobic slur used by [[JuniorTide]] to the negative impacts the war has had on LGBT players in [[Icenia]], saying in part: ''"that slur didn't make me feel anywhere near as belittled or unsafe as being repeatedly and personally targeted."'' Orinnari felt that the screenshot being spread around for all to see for war-propaganda purposes was dishonest given their stated position that the slur is inherently hurtful and has no place whatsoever in the civ-community. Orinnari had a [https://np.reddit.com/r/CivMC/comments/14dmrh4/rip_the_gay_bunker/jos9ilb/?context=7 back and forth] with a seeming [https://np.reddit.com/user/NotHostileIntentions throwaway account] which further explored this idea. This was apparently not received well by [[Butternut County|Butternut]]:
[[File:Bewsiej-mad-at-orinnari-philosophising.png|left|alt=Bewsiej pretending that Orinnari is unhinged]]
On 28th June 2023, the Reluctance vault fell and Orinnari fled to an isolated location. On 1st July 2023, Orinnari requested that he be allowed to return to [[Icenia]] unharmed on the condition that he turn himself in if given a sentence. Orinnari had been repeatedly told he wasn't important and shouldn't expect a long sentence. Nonetheless, this request was granted and Orinnari returned to his shop.
