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(Added more modern history, though late 2019 stuff is missing, will add later. Some links are missing, will fix soon.)
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In May 2019, Orinnari, [[iOminous]], and [[Alzdadog|Aleh]] began constructing a new city in [[Bloom]] called New Haven, a successor to [[iOminous]]' Haven city, a trenched city in a northern territory of [[Bloom]]. The idea was to create a larger and closer version that could fit more citizens and be directly connected via rail. [[ThirdOfFive]] soon joined in to help in its construction, but also began proclaiming that New Haven would be the new capitol of [[Bloom]], despite the protestations of the rest of the group. It was a particularly tenuous situation since Orinnari had spearheaded the blocking of legislation that would have privatised the government vault hole, so the construction of a trenched city owned by the dissenters made them uneasy. If they thought that legislation would be forced through to move the capitol to this new trenched city to which might not have access to, it could have shut the entire project down. However, when [[ThirdOfFive]] was told categorically that New Haven would not become the new capital, he dropped out of the project, which caused a quick spiral downwards in motivation and therefore progress.
Orinnari switched focuses between [[Yoahtl]] and [[Bloom]] pretty regularly, but on the 23rd July 2019, Orinnari was a councillor for [[Yoahtl]] and suggested a structured mechanism for proposals which included the ability for the council reject blatantly populist or meme worthy proposals subject to any restrictions imposed by the Chief Justice of [[Yoahtl]]. But this wasn't taken well by [[Tigen]], a long time [[Yoahtl|Yoahtlan]] citizen, who went on to characterise Orinnari's entire personality and contribution to [[Yoahtl]] as being a busybody councillor coming out of the woodwork to accumilate ever more power, thinks players are dumb and aren't worthy of power, and is a shy dictator who's no longer forcing the indignity upon others of having to pretend he's anything but. Orinnari was completely taken aback at the level of spitefulness since it came from nowhere and completely unprovoked, and so decided to step down firguring that he would not tolerate such behaviour from a work colleague or a friend and so shouldn't be expected to tolerate it from a voter.
=== Reattempting Shen ===
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=== Returning to Yoahtl, ''really this time!'' ===
Returning perhaps isn't the right word since Orinnari hadn't left [[Yoahtl]], but was just focusing something outside of [[Yoahtl]]. Nonetheless, Shen seemed more and more like a secondary project, a place to build farms or some sort of weird attraction rather than it be a new home or town, especially since [[specificlanguage]] had made Orinnari promise it wouldn't become like another [[Southshire]] or another Oakhurst. His focus naturally fell back towards [[Yoahtl]] since [[Tigen]] had disappeared again so there was no longer a source of drama in that respect.
=== Moving to Nyasaland ===
Around 24th December 2019, Orinnari went on a spree of joining the Discords linked on [https://ccmap.github.io/ ccmap], one of them being [[Nyasaland]]'s. The community seemed very active and welcoming, which was a surprise since his only interaction with [[Nyasaland]] had been their shop in [[Bloom]]. He was also drawn to them by their mutual liking of the game League of Legends, and would often watch streams of the game in voice channels. His intention was to move Ashelor to [[Nyasaland]] in hopes of it being more active and populated. By 30th December 2019, he had terraformed and constructed the canal system, though the area was not independent or even autonomous, since the area was on [[Nyasaland]]'s main island and they were newcomers, but they nonetheless accepted the idea of it being its own thing and not necessarily complying with the aesthetic of the town.
It however became quickly apparent that a mutual liking for a game was not a substitute for the kind of affinity that smooths group dynamics when he often found himself treading on eggshells around certain longstanding members. He didn't want to cause upset or make waves, but this often meant double checking everything he said, writing disclaimers before writing anything political, and being extremely specific in conversations, which quickly became exhausting and outweighed the benefits of staying, especially since playing League of Legends with the others meant playing on North American servers, thus having very high ping.
=== Ashelor's Statehood of Adina ===
On 10th January 2020 Ashelor was griefed for the second time by [[seanfpa]] and [[xVANCEx]]. As Orinnari was a lot of his time in [[Nyasaland]] and Aleh was largely inactive, Orinnari decided to offer Ashelor as a state to [[Adina]] so that they could use the land for farms and such should Ashelor be abandoned. But over the coming days and weeks, this would never happen since Orinnari was already growing distant from [[Nyasaland]] and instead becoming more involved with [[Adina]]. Ashelor's ascension to statehood also brought with it the federalisation of a version of Ashelor's Habeas Corpus laws. [[Adina]] passed the "Ashelor Integration Act" on 17th January 2020, and Ashelor responded by passing the "Recognising the Ashelor Integration Act" on the same day. On 24th January 2020, Ashelor passed "Integrating into the Republic of Adina" which officially transitioned Ashelor into a state of [[Adina]].
Around the beginning of March 2020, both Orinnari and Aleh found themselves more active and so made an effort to be more involved with [[Adina|Adinan]] affairs, however, the cultural divide between Ashelor and [[Adina]] became more apparent, particular when Orinnari ran as a judge candidate on the principle of separation of powers, that the judge should - in their official capacity - be limited to judicial affairs, and with Orinnari's proposal to make the National Assembly more transparent: to inform citizens of laws being voted on rather than announcing the laws after they've been enacted. This however clashed with unwritten conventions of [[Adina]] thus framing Orinnari as an outsider. It was surprising then when Orinnari and [[pamaxwell]] tied. They were brought into a private room and asked to choose between deciding the winner through random chance, or allowing the National Assembly to vote. After a short discussion, they both decided with the National Assembly since Orinnari didn't want to set the precedent of chosing winners randomly. Orinnari was not surprised however when the National Assembly chose the incumbant who campaigned on extrajudicial promises.
=== Ashelor's secession from Adina ===
On 24th February 2020, ImperatorMendes approached the government of Ashelor with a proposition to build a vault within Ashelor's red desert. Orinnari and Aleh immediately had concerns, mostly to do with its proximity and the implications that would have on the town of Ashelor, but also what it would mean in terms of borders, since it would mean a dramatic reduction in Ashelor's already small land claims. After some research into [[Adina]]'s laws to figure out the specifics of how a land transfer would occur, he found that there wasn't anything specific pertaining to land jurisdiction with the exception of the "Ashelor Integration Act" which stated that Ashelor would retain its borders, thus implying that those internal borders meant something. This was backed up by the fact that [[Adina]] was ''requesting'' Ashelor for the land rather than acquisitioning it.
On 25th February 2020, Ashelor passed "Land Negotiations with Adina" which empowered the Governor - an newly formed governmental role created via statehood of [[Adina]] - the power to negotiate the desired area of Ashelor's red desert with [[Adina]], thus negotiations began. At first there were discussions of a land exchange, but Ashelor quickly stated that a land exchange should be mutually beneficial, that it shouldn't be land area for land area but rather useful land for useful land, but that caused that line of negotation to end pretty quickly. [[Adina]] then bragged about having sold [[Phylon]], an area they had recently been gifted, to [[Odresh]] ([[Odresh-Phylon Conflict|uuuh]]) for 192 diamonds. This inspired Ashelor to suggest a land purchase and while [[Adina]] understood, they felt it wasn't within their budget.<blockquote>"yeah i totally get why you guys do want to be compensated, we just may have to move location if it is too pricey"
- matanic, President of [[Adina]]</blockquote>Ashelor came up with the price of 64 emerald blocks, but after some discussions of a zero-interest payment plan, [[Incentives]] offered to pay bill in full himself, so it seemed like construction would start in a matter of days.
On 14th March 2020, which was two days after the elections in [[Adina]], we received a rather scathing message from matanic which stated in no uncertain therms that the government of [[Adina]] was disappointed with the request for compensation; that they understood that (supposedly) Ashelor didn't feel [[Adina|Adinan]]; that other states do feel [[Adina|Adinan]] thus would give up the land if it were them; that Ashelor should start acting like a state; that Ashelor doesn't deserve to be a state; that if Ashelor citizens wished to exercise their [[Adina|Adinan]] rights then they should act like [[Adina|Adinans]]; that [[Adina]] will be "clarifying" its laws to give powers to the federal government to take land from states without asking.
As you can imagine this wasn't taken well, but civil discussions began nonetheless about whether to transition Ashelor to a different type of territory within [[Adina]] that granted more autonomy. However they were soon made privy to the fact that [[Adina]] was updating its constitution so that autonomous territories would no longer get voting rights on the federal laws they'd still have to follow. This was seen by Ashelor as a blatant attempt to coerce them into handing over the land as a good little state would, or to accept a form of self-imposed and federally enforced isolation from [[Adina]], giving credence to the idea that Ashelor wasn't really [[Adina|Adinan]]. It was also not lost on Ashelor that the federal government could, in theory, pass legislation requiring Ashelor to relinquish the land anyway, so in an abdunance of caution, Ashelor pursued independence.
=== Salisbury Gazette ===
On 20th March 2020, the Salisbury Gazette published a heavily one sided and propagandised article about the recent dispute between Ashelor and [[Adina]], using more dramatic and selective quotes which deliberately left out discussions from voice chats and other channels, as well as curiously making sure to mention how Orinnari and Aleh [closely] lost the election, which could imply certain untrue things to readers. Orinnari posted a [https://www.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/flnlse/salisbury_gazette_ashelor_leaves_adina_after/fkzozwn/ rebuttal] to the article's subreddit post, but it was then that he began to view the Salisbury Gazette as a tabloid rather than a prestigious and unbiased news source.
=== Ashelor's first execution ===
On 20th March 2020, a player by the name of [[MrWiggles|Mr__Wiggles]] entered Ashelor and began breaking chests. Still skittish over the raid in January, Orinnari called in reinforcements. [[Onederful]] from [[Adina]] offered to help. [[Mr Wiggles|Wiggles]] was pearled and [[Onederful]] was compensated for his troubles. It turned out that [[MrWiggles|Wiggles]] thought that Ashelor was abandoned because while wandering around for a few minutes, he didn't see any activity. Orinnari only noticed the raid because he was up late and AFKing in his home. [[MrWiggles|Wiggles]] was then sentenced to two weeks exile pearled, as well items known to be taken from neighbours in similar raids confiscated and returned. However, in Ashelor's laws, someone who is sentenced to pearl time must be ceremonially executed. [[MrWiggles|Wiggles]] was executed by guillotine on 25th March 2020. (Watch here)
[[Category:In Progress]]