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On 24th November 2021, a [[Bonita Springs]] embassy(?) in [[New Yoahtl City]] was trans-flag bombed and covered in signs with progressive messaging. Two days later, on 26th November 2021, a number of [[IMC]] citizens invaded [[Bonita Springs]] with the intention to perma-pearl [[RKFalcon88|RKFalcon]] and level the settlement, using the internal [[Southshire]] flag drama as justification. After Orinnari received frantic cries for help from [[Bonita Springs]], he and [[RoboRik]] began lobbying for the withdrawal from [[Bonita Springs]] and the cessation of violence. It was decided internally not to offer [[Bonita Springs]] reentry into [[Southshire]] - and thus under the protection of [[SATO]] and the [[UDF]] - since this would likely be seen internationally as active support for [[cinzar]] and [[RKFalcon88|RKFalcon]]'s blatant and unapologetic transphobia.
On 24th November 2021, a [[Bonita Springs]] embassy(?) in [[New Yoahtl City]] was trans-flag bombed and covered in signs with progressive messaging. Two days later, on 26th November 2021, a number of [[IMC]] citizens invaded [[Bonita Springs]] with the intention to perma-pearl [[RKFalcon88|RKFalcon]] and level the settlement, using the internal [[Southshire]] flag drama as justification. After Orinnari received frantic cries for help from [[Bonita Springs]], he and [[RoboRik]] began lobbying for the withdrawal from [[Bonita Springs]] and the cessation of violence. It was decided internally not to offer [[Bonita Springs]] reentry into [[Southshire]] - and thus under the protection of [[SATO]] and the [[UDF]] - since this would likely be seen internationally as active support for [[cinzar]] and [[RKFalcon88|RKFalcon]]'s blatant and unapologetic transphobia.

=== The murder of Civclassics ===
On 17th November 2021, Civclassics went down for approximately two days for unknown reasons. A couple of days after restoration (21st November 2021) [[Wingzero54|Wingzero]] published an announcement in the Civclassic Official Discord going into detail about the server downtime:<blockquote>Things are winding down on CivClassic. I am closing the Bug Bounty program as I was singehandedly managing the program and will no longer be doing that. I will not be implementing any more changes and will generally not merge any code requests unless they are needed to fix issues. The server being down was because the automatic payment failed and only one person has access and did not notice. It simply took several days to get around to setting it back up. The issue was not a lack of funds. Regarding modmail, I have been handling 99% of it and going forward if your modmail is not of high importance I would not expect it to get answered. That all being said, Kira is down and I'm not fixing it right now and there's nobody else to do it</blockquote>This announcement was ominous enough for people to assume the death of Civclassic but Orinnari was unconvinced. Given that Civclassic development had been lethargic for months, he didn't consider that aspect of the announcement news. He didn't consider however that the automatic payment failing but not due to insufficient funds was foreshadowing [[TealNerd|Teal]]'s intentions.

On 24th November 2021, [[TealNerd|Teal]] made a subreddit post titled "[https://old.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/r0rsys/end_of_the_year_party_121821_at_1800_utc/ End of the Year Party 12/18/21 at 18:00 UTC]" to send off the year with an in-game party. People began to suspect that this event was an End of the World (EOTW) event and rumours began to spread. On 8th December 2021, [[TealNerd|Teal]] made another subreddit post titled "[https://www.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/rc370p/through_the_roof_n_underground/ Through the Roof 'n' Underground]" which fawned over the success and longevity of Civclassics while also stating in no uncertain terms that Civclassics will come to an end and will not return for a third iteration. Orinnari responded with the following comment:<blockquote>'''THIS IS COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY'''

It beggars belief that you would do this, Teal, that you would post what is now evidently clear an EOTW event over two weeks ago [https://imgur.com/N0e7tVn and letting rumour run wild] only to come back acting all bashful, praising Civclassics' longevity as if you aren't holding the pillow over Civclassics' proverbial face. For anyone not in the know, Teal effectively abandoned Civclassics in all ways but one about three years ago, same as Bagi. These two have categorically refused to cede full control over to their successors, insisting on keeping such things as the Patreon funds, the domain name, and the OVH instance (the actual server itself), etc, to themselves. This is why whenever something goes incredibly wrong, which happens a few times a year, we have to wait until Teal or Bagi fixes it, because we are literally unable to do so ourselves. This is also why they're still listed as owners in the sidebar... because they are.

It also begs the question on who was included in this admin team decision. Was Teal and Bagi included? Was Maxopoly? Wingzero? Civclassics, for all intents and purposes has no administration whatsoever, and this is in large part due to frustrations from the subsequent admins in not having full control.. but why should they decide? Teal promised that Civclassics will remain alive for however long it has funding, effectively ceding the decision over to the playerbase.

It's entirely possible for Wingzero to take a backup of Civclassics and restore it onto a new server with a new domain and a new Patron, it's been discussed many times, but he's decided not to do this in light of Teal's intentions. Indeed, I've just asked him whether he'd allow someone else who wishes to keep Civclassics alive to restore a backup onto a new server, he said no. It's worth noting that Wingzero since (and before) his post withdrawing all active administration from Civclassics has been playing around with creating an alternative civ server of his own.

Civclassics is not dying comfortably of its own accord because players are disinterested, Civclassics is being killed by its admin team.</blockquote>Orinnari felt more than a little betrayed given his contributions to Civclassics' code base, feeling like it had now gone to waste; that the admin team were sacrificing Civclassics in furtherance of their own prospective civ-server projects. [[Wingzero54|Wingzero]] in particular had ruminated and even began working on a civ-server project of his own. To Orinnari, the idea that [[Wingzero54|Wingzero]] had agreed to shutdown Civclassics knowing that his server would be a likely replacement felt macabre to say the least. Most of the community however did not share Orinnari's outrage.

On 17th December 2021, on the eve of the EOTW event, [[CivMC]] was announced with the subreddit post titled "[https://www.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/riqf4c/what_is_civ_a_prelude/ What is Civ? - A Prelude]". [[CivMC]] is [[Wingzero54|Wingzero]]'s soon to be released civ-server.

On 18th December 2021, Orinnari repeatedly asks [[TealNerd|Teal]] during the EOTW event what will happen with the remaining funds from Civclassics' Patreon, all of which he refused to answer. While some players included mentions of the funds in their speeches, the general atmosphere mirrored the lack of outrage and spurned Orinnari for being a "killjoy".
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