Orinnari: Difference between revisions

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Orinnari (talk | contribs)
Clarified some things, rewrote some portions to make it more readable, added media, and added release date.
Orinnari (talk | contribs)
Some rewrite plus fixed links
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Orinnari joined after the [https://old.reddit.com/r/worldpowers/ /r/WorldPowers] community Minecraft server shut down. He found himself playing the Minecraft server more than WorldPowers itself, so a friend from the subreddit ([[DarkyDu]]) suggested [[CivClassic|CivClassics]]. He joined the server and after some local chat exchanges,initially settled in [[Westeros]] justafter above, ''and fifteen blocks below'', contemporarysome [[AnburonChat#Mechanics|local-chat]]. Heexchanges, plannedplanning onto buildingbuild a small house with a large basement, but quickly lost interest in the server and covered the basement hole.
[[File:Old-commonwealth-district-map.png|thumb|District map of the Commonwealth showing The Plantation, Strassburg, and the unclaimed area that would become Southshire.]]
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Not long after, [[DarkyDu]] suggested joining him in the [[Commonwealth]] where he owned the area known then as The Plantation. Orinnari accepted and began levelling out a small area of roofed forest along the south western coast. This was until [[SirCrowley]] raided the [[Commonwealth]] on 17th June 2017. At the time not much could be done but logout and hope he got bored before doing any significant damage, however everything Orinnari owned was stolen or despawned. Orinnari then attempted to make an underground base in the hopes of steering clear of any future raiders while still remaining close to population centres. This however fell flat within a day or two when he discovered how [[RealisticBiomes]] was preventing his farms from growing.
Orinnari decided to move to the [[Commonwealth]]'s then unnamed capital for more protection and integration with the community. But on 20th June 2017 he bore witness to and was the victim of an episode of [[MiloY]], who had grown angry at his fellow countrymen for surpassing an unclear boundary and so began to destroy any and all such property surpassing that boundary. This lead to a feeling of alienation since the first week or so of playing had been so unfruitful.
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[[Fadedsoul]] invited Orinnari to join him is Strassburg, a German-themed borough within a snow biome. He accepted though he did not like the snow biome, nor the build style restrictions, so he built a cliffside house and a staircase to it. Soon after, [[StrPlatinum]] joined him in Strassburg after his own experiences with [[MiloY]].
Additional drama occurred when [[fadedsoul]] decided to remove a bridge between [[MiloY]]'s manor and Strassburg. That being said, after a frank and earnest discussion of politics, Orinnari and [[MiloY]] came to respect each other even if they didn't agree, and [[MiloY]] unexpectedly appearedvisited in Strassburg territoryOrinnari, taking a hugenot-insignificant risk in doing so, to return Orinnari'sthe items that were taken during the boundary issue.
===Founding Southshire===
Orinnari and [[StrPlatinum]] decided to search for a place to settle a new borough on 25th June 2017, as while they both appreciated [[fadedsoul]]'s hospitality, they didn't agree with [[Strassburg]]'s direction. A few potential areas were explored but then Orinnari then spotted the empty peninsular south -west of the Capital District, which later became known as Southend. [[StrPlatinum]] acquiesced to Orinnari's pleas to settle there after exploring and finding it to be a roofed-forest biome. [[StrPlatinum]] suggested calling it "Niro" ("Orin" backwards) however Orinnari suggested "Southshire", a play-on name of [https://www.wowhead.com/zone=6170/northshire Northshire] from [https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/ World of Warcraft], since it was south of [[The Commonwealth|Westminster]]. Orinnari then laid out most of what is now known as the [https://civclassic.mirahezecivwiki.org/wiki/File:Downtown_Southshire.png Downtown Area]: the roads, the river, the train station and underground rail tunnel, the bank, the farms, the plots, and the factory building.
===Harassment from a mercenary===
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===Southshire's reconstruction===
On 10th July 2017, after Orinnari had visited the [[The Commonwealth|Commonwealth]]'s capital, he took a liking to the canal design and began a reconstruction of [[Southshire]], replacing the dirt -bank river with a network of canalscanal though without the prohibition on bridges. The reconstruction resulted in the bank being sacrificed and the factory building being being sacrificed and moved respectively. It is also when Orinnari rebuilt his home.
[[File:Southshire-pre-rebuild.png|thumb|Southshire pre-reconstruction]]
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=== The third councillorCouncillor ===
Orinnari and [[StrPlatinum]] had been the only two members of the councilCouncil, a body created by Orinnari to decide things together, or at the very least keep the other informed on any decisions made. Around mid July 2017 a new player called [[SamuelV]] joined [[Southshire]] and immediately showed a skill for building. After a few days, Orinnari and [[StrPlatinum]] decided to extend an invite to [[SamuelV]] to join the councilCouncil. This would lead to the start of the [https://civclassic.mirahezecivwiki.org/wiki/Southshire#Building_Era Building Era.]
===Oakhurst's creation===
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[[File:Oakhurst-southend-government-building.jpg|thumb|Oakhurst's government building and Orinnari's manor]]
[[Oakhurst]] was an area within [https://civstorage.github.io/orinnari/southshire/land-claims/ Southend] that Orinnari had been building in for about a week or so since his house was at the time dead centre of [https://civclassic.mirahezecivwiki.org/wiki/File:Downtown_Southshire.png Downtown], [[Southshire]] and didn't like the sheer amount of snitch pings from passers-by. After the [[Trial of mrmamizoupie]], Orinnari was exhausted since he had dedicated several days to the issue and the conversation surrounding it was boiling and toxic, receiving accusations and verbal abuse. He wanted to get out of the spotlight so stood down from the councilCouncil, annexing [[Oakhurst]] in the process. [[Oakhurst]] was intended to behave like the [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrObZ_HZZUc City of London] and even created the title of "Lord Mayor" to cement that connection. [[Oakhurst]]'s creation didn't receive any resistance from the councilCouncil at the time since Orinnari co-founded [[Southshire]] and they felt he had the right to claim some land for himself.<blockquote>As other things are happening right now, I will keep this short and to the point. The peninsular that I have claimed has now split, legally speaking, from Southshire. It will not become another borough, nor is it claiming independence from the Commonwealth. It is becoming something akin to The City of London, not to be confused with London. And as such, I hereby formally rescind my councilCouncil member status, and any roles that included or implied. I will transfer ownership of the Citadel groups of Southshire, as well as the website's GitHub repository. I am formally dissociating myself with Southshire in order to live and build on my own, to be left alone.</blockquote>[[File:Oakhurst-southshire-view.png|thumb|View of Southshire from Oakhurst]]
===Returning to Southshire===
Orinnari's proclaimedstated desire to dissociate from [[Southshire]] did not last long. When [[JC]], Orinnari's successor, decided to step down on 28th August 2017, Orinnari knew this could be an opportunity to rejoin [[Southshire]]. He knew that his stepping down was a moment of weakness, that after a week he had rested and recovered and was willing to rejoin the councilCouncil should they want him back. HisThe problem however was that, bywhile theOrinnari timewas hetyping contacteda message to [[StrPlatinum]], hean hadelection alreadywas announced to the [[Southshire]] discord that the replacement would be decided by election, so. Orinnari begrudgingly decided to run as a candidate, but knewknowing he would probably fail.
During some candidate questions, [[Charlameme]] brought up that since Orinnari was the leaderowner of [[Oakhurst]], an autonomous territory of [[Southshire]], and was running to become a councilCouncil member of [[Southshire]], there could be a conflict of interest. Thus after some hours of negotiation and agreement, the following deal was struck:
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That kind of negotiating rejuvenated Orinnari's drive to be a legislator, but he also knew he wasn't a people person, which made the inevitable loss of the election even more impactful. He ran not as a John Doe, but as a co-founder, as a previous councilCouncil member, as the builder of [[Southshire]], as a writer of its laws; he knew he wasn't popular but hoped that people would elect him on his ability rather than popularity, but he ended up losing disproportionately to Callum.
===Oakhurst's boroughification===
The complete and total loss of the election lead Orinnari to believe he wasn't welcome and that if he ever wanted to legislate again, he'd need to do so elsewhere, and so when the [[Oakhurst]] Agreement became null and void, Orinnari decided to focus on but also 'boroughify' [[Oakhurst]], to put it on the same level as [[Southshire]]. He figured that if he could build and rebuild [[Southshire]], he could build [[Oakhurst]] just fine. However, opinions of [[Oakhurst]] and Orinnari immediately began to sour; the boroughification was considered another tantrum, a power grab, an attempt to screw [[Southshire]] over. It drew the ire of [[Dr_Oracle]], the then owner of [[Southshire]]'s branch of [[Empty Promises]], though this was resolved when Orinnari sent him [https://civstorage.github.io/orinnari/oakhurst/oracle-essay/ an essay] detailing [[Oakhurst]]'s history.
[[File:Oakhurst-plantation-plans.png|thumb|Oakhurst construction plans in The Plantation]]
Hostilities between Orinnari and [[SamuelV]] reached a peak, so in early October 2017, Orinnari decided to dismantle [[Oakhurst]] and cede the land back to [[Southshire]] to relocate elsewhere. At first Orinnari returned to The Plantation, even going so far as to reconstruct the government building, but this was later abandoned as large swaths of the land was reinforced to [[DarkyDu]]'s groups. [[Oakhurst]] was then relocated again to an island just north of The Plantation, now known as Shen. The island however was small and Teal-cliff'd, thus requiring it to be lowered down to sea level to make it usable. But the move itself from [[Southshire]] turned out to be a mistake as not only was Shen isolated geographically, socially, and infrastructurally, but also because the [[Commonwealth]] refused to recognise it as a borough. This became a very inactive time for himOrinnari.
===Returning to Southshire, ''really this time!''===
Orinnari remained a citizen of [[Southshire]] and would often submit proposals, but he only fully returned towards the end of November 2017. Though server activity was at an all time low due to the [[Somber War|The Somber War]], where Orinnari and [[cinzar]] (the then Chancellor of Southshire) would often be the only players online. They both decided to stage what was effectively a minor coup of the Council to reinstate governance in [[Southshire]]. At first they decided to leave the Constitution of Southshire unchanged, but soon after began submitting petitions ([https://old.reddit.com/r/CivSouthshire/comments/7l6w1g/petition_22_changes_to_and_interpretations_of_the/ example]) to amend and interpret the Constitution to fit more in line with how the government actually worked. A few weeks later however [https://civstorage.github.io/orinnari/southshire/bulletins/government-reform.html the government was reformed] in an attempt to return to a simple three person councilCouncil without abolishing the Constitution entirely, but this ultimately failed. [[Southshire]] had always been lacking in law enforcement, particularly by its own government officials, but with the reformation this became more acute where, for example, citizenships were granted and stripped without regard to the law. And so it was decided by the Council on the 14th January 2018 to [https://civstorage.github.io/orinnari/southshire/bulletins/constitution-dissolved.html abolish the Constitution], using it only as a guideline, and reverting fully to the three person councilCouncil. This however was controversial as it was seen by some as a nuclear option to prevent [[tvman]] from running in the next election. During this time, Orinnari rebuilt the house he once had downtown but within the Dark Oak District in the northern part of city.
===Yoahtl accession===
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#'''''Receive and invitation from Yoahtl via their own processes.''''' We did not want to first secede from the Commonwealth and then find ourselves in the position of having to wait or possibly being denied, which would cut ourselves off from all federal protection and infrastructure.
#'''''Negotiate with the Commonwealth to discuss permission and concerns.''''' We wanted to make sure that our plans were acceptable to the Commonwealth as to not create an international incident, our primary concern being land.
#'''''Conduct a vote within our local government.''''' We wanted to make sure that we did actually want to go through with this, and so the entire government - the councilCouncil and deputies - were required to vote, and only if the vote was unanimous would we make the transition.
All three conditions were met, and so we made the transition.</blockquote>On 14th January 2018, [[Southshire]] officially became an autonomous town of [[Yoahtl]].
=== "Inventory Checking" ===
On the same day that [[Southshire]] joined [[Yoahtl]] as an autonomous town, Orinnari travelled to [[Yoahtl#New Yoahtl City|NYC]] for the first time. TheHowever, serverthe lag was laggingexperiencing likedebilitating crazylag andspikes largewhere groupsswaths of people werewould beingtimeout kickedand from the server at the same timedisconnect. Orinnari was kickedtimed-out twice while on the rails and rode past SouthernBloc along the way who was standing to the side of a rail. After aanother kicktimeout, SouthernBloc was ahead of Orinnari though travelling slowly, so Orinnari caught up fast. After another kicktimeout which effected them both, Orinnari went to his minecart but so did SouthernBloc, seemingly not noticing nor caring about their minecart up ahead. SouthernBloc prevented Orinnari from continuing his journey, forcing Orinnari do try and move past them, and then prevented him again. Orinnari used his axe to one hit his minecart, but SouthernBloc attempted to take the minecart at the same time, causing them to get hit, which was used as justification to kill Orinnari to "inventory check him", stealing all of Orinnari'shis items and his minecart. Orinnari still has claims against SouthernBloc for what they did.<ref>https://old.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/7sg5sp/my_side/dt56d0h/</ref><ref>https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/1-26-18-we-talk-to-bgbba-about-current-conflicts-dramas/id1294943390?i=1000400764199</ref>
===Settling in Yoahtl===
[[File:First-yoahtl-shop.png|thumb|Orinnari's NYC shop]]
Progress in [[Southshire]] was slow and Orinnari's attempt to reset his sleeping pattern alienated him from the goings on in [[Southshire]], and it appeared like the population wouldn't truly recover. Orinnari decided in late February to early March 2018 to move to NYC. However he was almost immediately accosted by [[TheOrangeWizard]] for building a property outside the city trench. Orinnari quickly dismantled the property in fear of being thrown out and created a slim shop within the trenched city. This shop quickly grew in size however when 1) [[SgtSoda]] agreed to trade his plot for a larger one in the south eastern part of the city,; and 2) when [[Feathercrown]] ceded a small area to Orinnari to square out the plot,; and 3) when the oreOre exchangeExchange was moved from under his plot to allow for a basement.
Even with the plot's expansions, it was still dwarfed by [[5point0]]'s mansion, [[Fort Ruina]], and [[SpiderString]]'s brewery. And so he found it perplexing how [[TheOrangeWizard]] would continuously bring up and refer to Orinnari's plot size with more than justa anlittle edgescorn. When [[TheOrangeWizard]] was speaking with someone else and their plot, he brought up Orinnari's plot and its size. That moment was when Orinnari realised that [[TheOrangeWizard]] was not going to let it go and would continually dangle this issue in front of him and anyone who'd listen. And so he decided around mid June 2018 thatto he couldn't live inleave [[Yoahtl]] anymore if he would continuously face this level of toxicity.
=== Returning to Southshire, ''really really this time!'' ===
[[File:Southshire-view-from-south-island.png|thumb|View from the South Island property]]Orinnari returned to [[Southshire]] for a short stint of a few days. The previous [[Oakhurst]] land was already occupied and even then the bridge was being used as a tree farm and so blocked the original sought -after view. He instead attempted to build a house at the top of a mountain on South Island, but this fell flat as the path to reach the house was laborious, the biome was ugly, and the build space too awkward for him to work with.
=== Moving to Bloom ===
Orinnari found himself in a frank discussion with [[ComradeNick]] on Mumble where he expressed his feelings of aimlessness, that his return to [[Southshire]], or a potential return to the [[Commonwealth]] or back to [[Yoahtl]] felt like a step back rather than moving on. [[ComradeNick]] pointed Orinnari towards [[Bloom]] as it was a new nation and most of its inhabitants were newfriends from [[towny]], so Orinnari could delve into integrating and developing them as a civ-nation. He became a citizen of [[Bloom]] on 24th June 2018.
Orinnari's shop (later christened as "Forward Settle") would soon kickstart [[Bloom]]'s economy as it brought XP and enchanted diamond tools to the market. He also quickly took interest in [[Bloom]]'s parliament, which while elected did not have the same issues that plague([d)] nations like [[Mount Augusta (CivClassic 2.0)|Mount Augusta]] and [[Icenia]]. After a particularly devastating raid on his shop that was never repaid, Orinnari withdrew from his business and focused more on local politics: he would later introduce many new laws into [[Bloom]] including trademarks, date standardisation, a ban on the phrase "hub" in official contexts, as well as several improvements to [[Bloom]]'s Constitution.
[[File:Orinnari-bloom-ashford.png|thumb|Ashford's location, size, and purpose]]
In an attempt to restart his business, Orinnari claimed a portion of [[Bloom]]'s eastern territory to establish a farming district called Ashford. It would be segmented into different sections with the most important and first completed section being the tree farms, where the land was expanded into the river to allow for the growth of spruce trees. But he quickly discovered that he wasn't a power farmer, nor had motivation to create farming bots, so he kept to political matters from the safety of his bunker home within the borders of Ashford. Towards the end of 2018 Orinnari disbanded Ashford in favour of rebuilding Forward Settle within [[Bloom]]'s capital.
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=== Founding the Kingdom of Ashelor ===
[[File:Ashelor-first-borders.png|thumb|The Kingdom of Ashelor's borders]]
In November 2018, a player named [[ThirdOfFive]] became a citizen of [[Bloom]]. At first they gravitated towards each other as they both had a great enthusiasm for law makinglegislating, however Orinnari quickly became frustrated by [[ThirdOfFive]]'s inexperience and tendency to insist upon newfriendy solutions that either wouldn't work or would cause more problems than they solved. After a spat in which [[ThirdOfFive]] created a crude knock-off of Orinnari's shop, insisting on his right to do so, and stating that Orinnari should feel flattered, Orinnari and [[dBeatzx]] left for greener pastures on 6th January 2019 and founded the [[Ashelor|Kingdom of Ashelor]]. Since [[dBeatzx]] left with Orinnari, [[ThirdOfFive]] began spreading the lie that Orinnari had poached [[dBeatzx]] and was therefore a traitor.
[[File:Aleh-ashelor-meme.png|thumb|Meme of Ashelor by Aleh]]
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In February 2019, the O.R.I.N. rail was completed in [[Bloom]], standing for Overland Rail In the North.
In May 2019, Orinnari, [[iOminous]], and [[Alzdadog|Aleh]] began constructing a new city in [[Bloom]] called New Haven, a successor to [[iOminous]]' Haven city, a trenched city in a northern territory of [[Bloom]]. The idea was to create a larger and closer version that could fit more citizens and be directly connected via rail. [[ThirdOfFive]] soon joined in to help in its construction, but also began proclaiming that New Haven would be the new capital of [[Bloom]], despite the numerous protestations of the rest of the group. It was a particularly tenuous situation since Orinnari had spearheaded the blocking of legislation that would've privatised the government's vault hole. If they thought that legislation would be forced through to move the capital to this new trenched city to which they might not have access, it could have shut the entire project down. However, when [[ThirdOfFive]] was told categorically that New Haven would not become the new capital, he dropped out of the project, which caused a quick spiral -downwards inof motivation in the rest of the group.
Orinnari switched focuses between [[Yoahtl]] and [[Bloom]] pretty regularly, but on 23rd July 2019, Orinnari was a councillorCouncillor for [[Yoahtl]] and suggested a structured mechanism for proposals which included the ability for the councilCouncil reject blatantly populist or meme worthy proposals subject to any restrictions imposed by the Chief Justice of [[Yoahtl]]. But this wasn't taken well by [[Tigen]], a long standing [[Yoahtl|Yoahtlan]] citizen, who went on to characterise Orinnari's entire personality and contribution to [[Yoahtl]] as being a busybody councillorCouncillor coming out of the woodwork to accumulate ever more power, who thinks players are dumb and aren't worthy of power, and is a shy dictator who's no longer forcing the indignity upon others of having to pretend he's anything but. Orinnari was completely taken aback at the level of spitefulness and vitriol since it came from nowhere and was completely unprovoked, and so he decided to step down figuring that he would not tolerate such behaviour from a work colleague or a friend and so shouldn't be expected to tolerate it from a voterconstituent.
===Reattempting Shen===
[[File:Shen-island-expansion-design.png|thumb|The plan to expand the island of Shen]]
Soon after Orinnari stepped down from the councilCouncil in [[Yoahtl]], he sought out an external project to focus on and remembered Shen, the island that was used for [[Oakhurst]]. He asked the [[AshelorAlzdadog|Aleh]] people to join him however they didn't seem interested since they sensed thatperceived it wasto Orinnari'sbe a personal project, rather than a group project. HeOrinnari wanted to expand the size of the island, transforming it from a small sliver into something more respectable and workable. However the sheer scale of the project worked to demotivate Orinnari, especially since he was determined to fill in the expansion rather than leave it as a shell or hollow island. The expansion plan was soon abandoned, but managed to commission [[alzdadog|Aleh]] to design a bridge to connect the island to the mainland for rail purposes.
[[File:Shen-bridge-design.png|thumb|Shen's rail bridge design]]
===Returning to Yoahtl, ''really this time!''===
Orinnari shifted his primary focus to [[Yoahtl]], given that he had made promises to limit the ambition of Shen, and that [[Tigen]] had disappeared again so there was no longer a source of drama in that respect. However, around the beginning of September, both [[Sventhar]] and [[SpaceVolcano]]'s toxicity became quite acute, so much so that within the next month, [[Sventhar]] would be sued twice ([https://discord.com/channels/278045721742147586/348687557455904778/626478546289688607 <nowiki>first [settled outside of court]</nowiki>] and [https://www.reddit.com/r/CivYoahtl/wiki/judiciary/cases/aki_v_sventhar_oct_2019 second]) for toxicity and harassment. After [[Alzdadog|Aleh]] mentioned exploring old [[Ashelor]] for nostalgia's sake, they both sought to reclaim [[Ashelor]].
Returning perhaps isn't the right word since Orinnari hadn't left [[Yoahtl]], but was just focusing something outside of [[Yoahtl]]. Nonetheless, Shen seemed more and more like a secondary project, a place to build farms or some sort of weird attraction rather than it be a new home or town, especially since [[specificlanguage]] had made Orinnari promise it wouldn't become like another [[Southshire]] or [[Oakhurst]]. His focus naturally fell back towards [[Yoahtl]] since [[Tigen]] had disappeared again so there was no longer a source of drama in that respect.
However, around the beginning of September, both [[Sventhar]] and [[SpaceVolcano]]'s toxicity became quite acute, so much so that within the next month, [[Sventhar]] would be sued twice ([https://discord.com/channels/278045721742147586/348687557455904778/626478546289688607 <nowiki>first [settled outside of court]</nowiki>] and [https://www.reddit.com/r/CivYoahtl/wiki/judiciary/cases/aki_v_sventhar_oct_2019 second]) for toxicity and harassment. After [[Alzdadog|Aleh]] mentioned exploring old [[Ashelor]] for nostalgia's sake, they both sought to reclaim [[Ashelor]].
===Problems with the Salisbury Gazette===
Following the secession of [[Ashelor]] from [[Adina]], on 20th March 2020, the [[The Salisbury Gazette|Salisbury Gazette]] published a heavily one sided and propagandised article about the recent dispute between [[Ashelor]] and [[Adina]] selectively using more dramatic quotes which deliberately left out discussions from voice chats and other channels, as well as curiously going out of its way to mention Orinnari's and [[Alzdadog|Aleh]]'s narrow defeat in the recent [[Adina|Adinan]] elections, which could imply certain untrue things to readers. Orinnari posted a [https://www.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/flnlse/salisbury_gazette_ashelor_leaves_adina_after/fkzozwn/ rebuttal] to the article's subreddit post, but it was then that he began to view the [[The Salisbury Gazette|Salisbury Gazette]] as a tabloid rather than a prestigious and unbiased news source.
===Founding the Admiralty of Wesbury===
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===Relinquishing Ashelor===
Orinnari had been the Lord Protector of [[Ashelor]] since 30th December 2020 when the Royal Prerogative was re-instated with a few minor changes and named as the Lord's Prerogative, hinting at a Cromwell-esque republic which was ''totally'' not a Monarchy. But [[Ashelor]] was growing increasingly inactive. On 3rd February 2021, Orinnari suspended the election cycle due to lack of interest. Later, on 17th May 2021, Orinnari suspended the need for citizens to register to vote and the need for proposals to be seconded. [[Ashelor]] became so inactive that [[Icenia (CivClassic 2.0)|Icenia]] effectively occupied and annexed Old Bloom, however this was instigated by Truckman, a [[Bloom|Bloomean]] and [[Ashelor]] citizen, so the only issue was the [[Icenia (CivClassic 2.0)|Icenia]] didn't consult with or inform [[Ashelor]]'s government. Wanting to move onto other projects, Orinnari passed on the position of Lord Protector to [[7misun]] on 5th July 2021.
=== "PSA Orimmari isn't me"===
On 13th September 2021, a new account joined Civclassics named "[[Orimmari]]", clearly a gimmick account of Orinnari. Made somewhat unsettled by this, Orinnari posted a few notifications to various discords that the account was not an alt and shouldn't be given groups. On 11th October 2021, after someone in global chat wondered how Orinnari could've joined without having logged out, he felt it best to be more active in disassociating himself with the gimmick account: this however backfired, causing interest and memery, including from [[Wingzero54]] (the admin of Civclassics) himself. As this continued, two days later Orinnari tried being more personal by making a subreddit-post explaining the gimmick account, how it made him feel uncomfortable, how the characteristic similarity of the gimmick account posed an inherent risk to security and privacy, etc, but this also backfired: the community thereby feasted gleefully on his vulnerability and attempt to leverage the imitator to stop. While this was spiralling, Orinnari got a good piece of advice from [[bgbba]], andwhich hadled thehim to an idea: to make it seem like he switched to another account. He used a script to re-nickname himself in all civ-related discords and used a [https://github.com/MCCTeam/Minecraft-Console-Client headless client] to afk on his alt account, Remcompti. Shortly after, the account "Remcomptii" appeared, which amused Orinnari found very funny, though he was also somewhat disappointed that the imitator didn't go for a more meme-worthy corruption like "Remcumpti". With that said, Orinnari's opinion of the community was lowered by the whole affair.
==="Dereliction: Ashelor"===
On 1st October 2021, [[Okx]] declared the independence of [[War in Dumnonia|Dumnonia]], a new one-man nation comprised exclusively of [[Yoahtl|Yoahtlan]] territory. Two days later, [[GDAN12]] filed a lawsuit against [[Okx]]. Since [[Okx]] did not trust [[Yoahtl|Yoahtlan]]'s courts to be fair or unbiased, he vowed not to show up to court. At first, Orinnari offered himself as [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amicus_curiae Amicusamicus curiae] to give a second opinion on the numerous charges laid against [[Okx]]. However, [[SpaceVolcano]], the High Justice of [[Yoahtl]] whoand wasthe judge presiding over the case, was insisting on a standard trial without an absentee defendant, so Orinnari became [[Okx]]'s defence lawyer. On 9th October 2021, Orinnari used [[Ashelor]] in his opening statement to court as an example of a technically unlawful secession being nonetheless perfectly acceptable. Half an hour later, [[GDAN12]] posts a dereliction request of [[Ashelor]] to the [[Unified Map Project|UMP]]. In the next three weeks, [[GDAN12]] would argue repeatedly for [[Ashelor]]'s dereliction. When confronted, [[GDAN12]] claimed to hold a general opinion against inactive nations holding claims, and yet to date [[Ashelor]] remains [[GDAN12]]'s first and only dereliction request to the [[Unified Map Project|UMP]]. When Orinnari suggested that [[Ashelor]] should become a protectorate of the [[CCCP]], [[GDAN12]] reacted poorly, arguing that newfriends would be unduly prevented from settling there and keeping the area claimed is wrong no matter how small [[Ashelor]]'s claims are.
===Southshire's trans-flag drama===
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=== The murder of Civclassics===
On 17th November 2021, Civclassics went down for approximately two days for unknown reasons. A couple of days after restoration (21st November 2021) [[Wingzero54|Wingzero]] published an announcement in the Civclassic Official Discord going into detail about the server downtime:<blockquote>Things are winding down on CivClassic. I am closing the Bug Bounty program as I was singehandedly managing the program and will no longer be doing that. I will not be implementing any more changes and will generally not merge any code requests unless they are needed to fix issues. The server being down was because the automatic payment failed and only one person has access and did not notice. It simply took several days to get around to setting it back up. The issue was not a lack of funds. Regarding modmail, I have been handling 99% of it and going forward if your modmail is not of high importance I would not expect it to get answered. That all being said, Kira is down and I'm not fixing it right now and there's nobody else to do it</blockquote>This announcement was ominous enough for people to assume the death of Civclassic but Orinnari was unconvinced. Given that Civclassic development had been lethargic for months, he didn't consider that aspect of the announcement as news. He didn't consider however that the failed automatic payment failingnot but notbeing due to insufficient funds was foreshadowing [[TealNerd|Teal]]'s intentions. On 24th November 2021, [[TealNerd|Teal]] made a subreddit post titled "[https://old.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/r0rsys/end_of_the_year_party_121821_at_1800_utc/ End of the Year Party 12/18/21 at 18:00 UTC]" to send off the year with an in-game party. People began to suspect that this event was an End of the World (EOTW) event and rumours began to spread. On 8th December 2021, [[TealNerd|Teal]] made another subreddit post titled "[https://www.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/rc370p/through_the_roof_n_underground/ Through the Roof 'n' Underground]" which fawned over the success and longevity of Civclassics while also stating in no uncertain terms that Civclassics will come to an end and will not return for a third iteration. Orinnari responded with the following comment:<blockquote>'''THIS IS COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY'''
It beggars belief that you would do this, Teal, that you would post what is now evidently clear an EOTW event over two weeks ago [https://imgur.com/N0e7tVn and letting rumour run wild] only to come back acting all bashful, praising Civclassics' longevity as if you aren't holding the pillow over Civclassics' proverbial face. For anyone not in the know, Teal effectively abandoned Civclassics in all ways but one about three years ago, same as Bagi. These two have categorically refused to cede full control over to their successors, insisting on keeping such things as the Patreon funds, the domain name, and the OVH instance (the actual server itself), etc, to themselves. This is why whenever something goes incredibly wrong, which happens a few times a year, we have to wait until Teal or Bagi fixes it, because we are literally unable to do so ourselves. This is also why they're still listed as owners in the sidebar... because they are.
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=== Start of CivMC===
[[File:Spikey-ice-find-++-quandrant-sotw-exploration.png|thumb|Cool find during SOTW exploration.]]
Orinnari was torn over whether to join [[Southshire]] or [[Yoahtl]] for [[CivMC]]. At first, he resolved to do both, focusing more on [[Yoahtl]] and then, once established, splitting his time between them. However, it soon became clear that there'd be little to no opportunity for legislature-roleplay in [[Southshire]], nor would there be the nostalgia of [[Oakhurst]], nor the enjoyment of the roofed-forest biome. During this time, [[GDAN12]] had blocked Orinnari's access to [[Yoahtl]]'s SOTW channels for not being solely-allegiant to [[Yoahtl]]. The [[Yoahtl|Yoahtlan]] government begrudgingly gave Orinnari access to those channels when [[bgbba]] put his foot down. However, given the allegiance-pedantry, Orinnari compiled a custom version of [[MapSync]] that would [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leecher_(computing) "leech"] from [[Yoahtl]]'s [[MapSync]] server. That said, Orinnari still chose to share his map explorations with the SOTW channels. However, Orinnari was not aware of the equator-poles world generation and explored south until he reached snow, then travelled west, resulting in nothing else but ice and snow.
[[Yoahtl]] first settled in the -,- quadrant, so Orinnari travelled there, but then [[Yoahtl]] soon relocated the next day to the +,- quadrant specifically to move away from historically belligerent nations, something that many people spurned as paranoia. However, the relocation paid off when those nations, unsurprisingly, started the [[Generic War]].
=== Joining Icenia===
On 16th June 2022, PandaPandel asked Orinnari to be her lawyer in a case she was making against [[Gamer Time69|Truck_Man1234]] for petty griefing. He refused at first, not wanting to get involved in internal [[Icenia|Icenian]] drama, but he accepted after hearing the defence's intended argument: that the Court had no jurisdiction since the crime happened when there were no de-jure laws or constitution. The trial began on 25th June 2022. The Court sided with Orinnari on 30th June 2022, stating that the Court had jurisdiction and that [[Gamer Time69|Truck_Man1234]] was guilty.
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- [[Gwua]]</blockquote><blockquote>Someone should tell PhysicsGamer that you're sitting in his chair, for didn't you appoint him Governor, I could swear, but he wont even meet you with a glare, because he doesn't even have a pair.
- Orinnari</blockquote>On 14th June 2023, Orinnari was challenged in voice-chat to write a [https://np.reddit.com/r/CivMC/comments/14971o1/evacuate_icenia_city_evacuate_bloom_vault/jo44f7x/ slam-poetry comment] on the recent [https://np.reddit.com/r/CivMC/comments/14971o1/evacuate_icenia_city_evacuate_bloom_vault/ “Evacuate Icenia City! Evacuate Bloom Vault! Evacuate Bloom!”] post. He wrote ([https://np.reddit.com/r/CivMC/comments/14971o1/evacuate_icenia_city_evacuate_bloom_vault/jo44f7x/ link]):<blockquote>“Evacuate, evacuate”, I’ve heard and repeated,
in defence of our people who’ve fled and retreated,
what other choice do they have or they’ll be mistreated,
by you and yours with your hate so deep-seated.
“Evacuate, evacuate”, to all those in the city,
you just want to play, me too, it’s real shitty,
but they’ll pearl you, burgle you, thinking they’re witty,
don’t let them get you, that’d be a real pity.
“Evacuate, evacuate”, to all those in Whole Foods,
it was safe but were betrayed by those who collude,
but we’re clever and wily and continue to elude,
while keeping them skittish and tired and not in the mood.
“Evacuate, evacuate”, to all those who are invading,
your war is not just, you are not crusading,
you’re ruining the game for those building and trading,
we’ll bring you to justice for your crimes, so degrading.
“Evacuate, evacuate”, to all those in Whole Foods,
we see you, we’re coming, we know your attitudes,
all is not lost, you can end this feud,
all you need do is send me your nudes.</blockquote>On 19th June 2023, Orinnari sparked some controversy by comparing a screenshot of a homophobic slur used by [[JuniorTide]] to the negative impacts the war has had on LGBT players in [[Icenia]], saying in part: ''"that slur didn't make me feel anywhere near as belittled or unsafe as being repeatedly and personally targeted."'' Orinnari felt that the screenshot being spread around for all to see for war-propaganda purposes was dishonest given their stated position that the slur was inherently hurtful to see and had no place whatsoever in the civ-community. Orinnari had a [https://np.reddit.com/r/CivMC/comments/14dmrh4/rip_the_gay_bunker/jos9ilb/?context=7 back and forth] with a seeming [https://np.reddit.com/user/NotHostileIntentions throwaway account] whichwhere furtherhe exploredelaborated thison ideathis. This was apparently not received well by [[Butternut County|Butternut]]:
[[File:Bewsiej-mad-at-orinnari-philosophising.png|alt=Bewsiej pretending that Orinnari is unhinged]]
Line 259 ⟶ 218:
On 3rd July 2023, Butternut posted sentences. Most sentences ranged between a week or two to a month or two. However, Orinnari received the third-longest sentence given: three months. As a result, Orinnari felt extreme vindication in what he had argued in that [https://np.reddit.com/r/CivMC/comments/14dmrh4/rip_the_gay_bunker/jos9ilb/?context=7 back and forth], that [[Butternut County|Butternut]] only cared about the aesthetic of fighting homophobia while directly and unflinchingly mistreating queer people. His sentence being so long while having contributed comparatively little to the war also caused controversy. Orinnari believes that his sentenced was likely spearheaded by [[chosentwicelol]] and so was unlikely to be negotiated down.
On 4th July 2023, Orinnari travelled to [[Vault#Whole Foods (Icenia)|Whole Foods]] to turn himself in, but when [[PhysicsGamer]] appeared on radar and seemed to be trying to intercept him, he jumped to his death, not wanting to be pearled by a [[Temporal Isles#Secession from Icenia|secessionist]], he jumped to his death. Orinnari would later travel, as instructed, to [[Butternut County|Butternut]]'s vault, the [[Nuthole]], to turn himself in. He was pearled moments later by [[XxTBxX3276]].
On 5th July 2023, Orinnari began to truly appreciate how obnoxious and buggy the [[RandomSpawn]] experience was in the Nether. After [https://discord.com/channels/912074050086502470/952314898317189120/1125915354330316931 joking about this] in the [[CivMC]] discord, [[SoundTech]] said he'd appreciate any fix to it. Since [[RandomSpawn]] was one of the few [https://blog.protonull.uk/2023-05-12-gpl-drama/ correctly-licenced] civ-plugins, [https://github.com/CivMC/RandomSpawn/pull/15 he submitted a fix] within the same day.