Odresh: Difference between revisions

439 bytes removed ,  4 years ago
removed phylon relations
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(removed phylon relations)
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==== Adina ====
Odresh and Adina have a closefriendly relationship with each other. Crusher has aided them in defense against raiders in the past, and Adina has offeredsold Phylon to connect Odresh to their Bloom rail. While no official pact exists, they are generally friends on the international stage.
==== Okashima ====
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==== Aurora ====
Aurora and Odresh maintain friendly relations, a relief for the oldfriends of Odresh who saw the chaos caused by the conflict between the first Odresh and the RSFSR. They have talked about constructing a rail line between their capital cities, and a passage through the mountains already exists.
==== Phylon ====
Because of the Phylon conflict, Odresh and Phylon were hostile since around the start of 2019. The Odreshi government placed a travel ban along the rail line between Phylon and Odresh City, enforced with a simple wall and sign. As time went on, this old wound slowly began to close, and given the two nations have not made any sort of contact since the conflict, they more or less ignore each other.
