Odresh: Difference between revisions

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==== Mountains ====
Most of Odresh consists of mountainous terrain, making it hard to cross the territory quickly. To solve this, Lokilog built a series of bridges and footpaths from Odresh City to the Auroran border. It contains two paths to Batavia and there are plans for extensionsconstruction to Sozialstaat and the desert to theis eastunderway.
==== Tundra ====
To the west, the Batavian tundra forms a large, flat area with sparse trees. There are a few scatted buildings from abandoned civilizations, but lacks any other infrastructure. It's border with both the mountains and sea are defined by tall cliffs, increasing travel times. There is a single waterdrop and minecart elevator connecting the tundra to the mountains.
==== Desert ====
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==== Batavia ====
Batavia was a nation in the tundra to the north of Odresh, but was annexed after they fell inactive and didn't respond to messages. No one lives there, but abandoned structures include an ice farm and castle-like structure. The elevation change from mountains to tundra and lack of infrastructure makes transportation here difficult, but with the recent addition of a spruce farm, there is a planned waterdrop and minecart elevator were added.
==== Urbania ====
