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# Recruitment: Once phases one and two have been completed, the final step in Reconstruction will be to recruit newfriends. Lokilog has stated that he wants to build a solid community in Odresh, and so made recruitment a central goal of reconstruction. In addition, new citizens will solidify the province as an active part of Yoahtl and the server as whole, while ensuring that it will not fall into inactivity as it has so many times before.
# Recruitment: Once phases one and two have been completed, the final step in Reconstruction will be to recruit newfriends. Lokilog has stated that he wants to build a solid community in Odresh, and so made recruitment a central goal of reconstruction. In addition, new citizens will solidify the province as an active part of Yoahtl and the server as whole, while ensuring that it will not fall into inactivity as it has so many times before.

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== Districts ==
== Districts ==

=== Odresh City (OC) ===
=== Odresh City (OC) ===
[[File:Odresh Districts Reupload.png|alt=|thumb|440x440px|The districts of mainland Odresh, January 2020.]]
[[File:Odresh Districts Reupload.png|alt=|thumb|440x440px|The districts of mainland Odresh, January 2020.]]
Unsurprisingly, the district of Odresh City contains the captial of the province with the same name. OC is a relatively small town with less than 15 structures and only about 5 residents. However, it contains the only two routes out of Odresh, the underground rail, and the Urbania-OC-Phylon rail, although the latter is of little use ''(see Phylon Rail for more details)''.
Unsurprisingly, the district of Odresh City contains the captial of the province with the same name. OC is a relatively small town with less than 15 structures and only about 5 residents. However, it contains the only two routes out of Odresh, the underground rail, and the Urbania-OC-Phylon rail, although the latter is of little use ''(see Phylon Rail for more details)''. OC is also one of the endpoints of the mountain paths.
[[File:Batavia December 2019.png|thumb|A view of Batavia in December 2019, taken from the nearby cliffs.]]
[[File:Batavia December 2019.png|thumb|A view of Batavia in December 2019, taken from the nearby cliffs.]]

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Besides the castle, Batavia is home to a medium-sized, european-themed town. As opposed to the simple builds of Odresh City, Batavi structures have fine much finer detail and create a very different enviroment. Cobblestone towers line the cliffs leading to the ocean, while another more organized town can be found filling in what used to be a bay.
Besides the castle, Batavia is home to a medium-sized, european-themed town. As opposed to the simple builds of Odresh City, Batavi structures have fine much finer detail and create a very different enviroment. Cobblestone towers line the cliffs leading to the ocean, while another more organized town can be found filling in what used to be a bay.

=== Garnet ===
Garnet is a relatively rural district, named after it's only settlement. The town of Garnet was founded by Big Money in mid-late 2019, and contains only a few structures in a valley. Its only connection to the rest of the nation is through the mountain paths, with were extended to connect to the town in December 2019. The rest of the district is mostly comprised of the valley floor, which remains undeveloped.

=== Urbania ===
Urbania is the largest of the six mainland districts, yet has no residents and very little infrastructure. In the southwest of the district is the abandoned city of Urbania. It is unknown who began construction here, but today, there are two unfinished government buildings. Had they been completed, it would be an impressive mark on the land. These days it is a hub for '____ was here' signs. The Urbania-OC-Phylon rail (U-OC-P) has a starting point here.

However, the main feature of the district is the fact that it is more or less a large swath of rugged, mountainous terrain. This mountain biome, with covers most of Odresh, makes travel extremely difficult. As such, other than the aforementioned city, there are no settlements. The only infrastructure here is the mountain path, with provides transportation from the developed west, to the Desert.

=== The Desert ===
This district is comprises the Odresh's portion of the desert biome. Despite being connected to the rest of the province through the mountain paths, these paths end at the cliff's edge, meaning that there is no infrastructure for transport from the cliffs to the dunes below. In the future, this may change, as it would be far easier to reach The East through the desert than through southeastern Urbania, providing a perfect opportunity to extend the paths.

=== The East ===
The East is the most remote district in the province. No infrastructure connects here, and the terrain is more uneven than even that of Urbania. This area has yet to be explored.

== Infrastructure ==
== Infrastructure ==

=== Mountain Paths ===
=== Mountain Paths ===
Starting soon after the founding of Odresh, work began on a series of pathways to allow quick transportation through the mountains. The first connection was made from Odresh City to Urbania, followed by an extension deep into Urbania. There were talks about connecting to Aurora, but it is unlikely this will ever happen.
(To be added, please check back later)

Current Connections:

- Odresh City

- Batavia

- Garnet

- The desert

=== Underground Rail ===
=== Underground Rail ===
After the Phylon Conflict ''(see above)'', the idea of an overland rail to the NCA was abandoned. Instead, a single-line rail was dug as a branch off of an existing underground rail. This is the primary form of transportation to and from Odresh, and allowed the then-nation to be accepted into the NCA.
(To be added, please check back later)

=== Urbania-OC-Phylon Rail ===
=== Urbania-OC-Phylon Rail ===
Built as the original connection to the NCA, construction stopped after the Phylon Conflict. It runs from Urbania to Phylon, passing Odresh City on the way, but until recently the connection to Phylon was closed. However, a recent agreement with Olivay permits the Odreshi use of Phylonian farms, and so this line has once again become useful.
(To be added, please check back later)

== Politics ==
== Politics ==
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==== Phylon ====
==== Phylon ====
Because of the Phylon conflict, Odresh and Phylon were hostile since around the start of 2019. The Odreshi government placed a travel ban along the rail line between Phylon and Odresh City, enforced with a simple wall and sign. As time went on, this old wound slowly began to close, and given the two nations have not made any sort of contact since the conflict, they more or less ignore each other.
Because of the Phylon conflict, Odresh and Phylon were hostile since around the start of 2019. The Odreshi government placed a travel ban along the rail line between Phylon and Odresh City, enforced with a simple wall and sign. As time went on, this old wound slowly began to close, and given the two nations have not made any sort of contact since the conflict, they more or less ignore each other.{{Sovereign States of the Southeast}}
=== Settlements & Infrastructure ===

==== Odresh City ====
As the capital of Odresh, Odresh City was the nation's first settlement. It has a Community Center and Factory Building, accessible by all citizens. The old Community Center was torn down after the Phylon Conflict to reveal the logbox inside, and was turned into a memorial of the event. The rest of the town is relatively small, with a small farm, a few houses, and a work-in-progress rail station.
[[File:Batavia 12-21-19.png|alt=|thumb|Taken in December 2019, this screenshot shows the fortress, farms, and town in Batavia. This region has changed significantly since the Batavis' return.]]

==== Batavia ====
Batavia was a nation in the tundra to the north of Odresh, but was annexed after they fell inactive and didn't respond to messages. During Odresh's first return to the server, the old citizens of Batavia came back, and now live as a semi-autonomous territory within Odresh. The agreement made between the two peoples allows the people of Batavia to have complete control over government, builds, laws, etc. The only exceptions to this are the Batavian Castle and the XP Farms. In addition, all national laws supersede local laws. The elevation change from mountains to tundra transportation to the mountains difficult, but a waterdrop and minecart elevator connect the area with the rest of Odresh.

==== Garnet ====
Garnet is a small town founded close to the geographic center of the province by Big Money. As a relatively new part of Odresh, and having come about in a time of inactivity, it is not a major part of the province, as its creator is its only resident. It is connected to the rest of Odresh through the footpaths.

==== Urbania ====
Connected to Odresh City by rail, Urbania was another abandoned nation directly to the east of the capital. The settlement consists of two large, incomplete government buildings. As with Batavia, it has no inhabitants. At the edge of the city, a mountain pass exists to Aurora, and talks about extending the rail have come up repeatedly. However, with Aurora mostly inactive, this seems unlikely.
==== Footpaths ====
Soon after the founding of Odresh, Lokilog began working on a series of mountain passes to connect Odresh City to other settlements and areas in the nation. At the moment, footpaths connect the Odresh City, Batavia, Garnet, and extend out to the periphery of the desert region. These paths cut across a good portion of the nation, and serve as the main route of transportation within the province.
=== Geography ===

==== Mountains ====
Most of Odresh consists of mountainous terrain, making it hard to cross the territory quickly, though this has been lessened since the completion of the footpaths. This serves as a slight obstacle to the development of Odresh City, though given it's inactivity at the time, this does not pose any significant problem.

==== Tundra ====
To the west, the Batavian tundra forms a large, flat plain with few trees. This used to be the location of Odresh's potato, beetroot, and ice farms during the nation's growing contributions to the NCA, but was turned into a vast wheat and potato farm by the Batavis. Next to the farms, there is a large castle, which has been under development for almost a year and is nearing external completion., and a few scatted buildings from abandoned civilizations. Furthermore, a large town was constructed here by the original Batavians after their return in July 2019. It's border with both the mountains and sea are defined by tall cliffs, increasing travel times, though there is a single waterdrop and minecart elevator connecting the tundra to the mountains.

==== Desert ====
The eastern part of Odresh consists of a vast expanse of desert. As with Batavia, it's border with the mountains consists of cliffs, but is just above sea level, so travel by water is comparatively easy. However, a narrow land bridge to [[Maltovia]] means that travelers must sail around Aurora to reach the desert. The footpaths end at the border between the mountains and desert, though without a proper waterdrop to the latter, travel is still difficult and dangerous.{{Sovereign States of the Southeast}}
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