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[[File:Odresh Claims.png|thumb|Odresh's claims as of January 2019 (Outdated, see "IntegrationProvince withof Yoahtl" and "Reconstruction") ]]
Odresh is a province of [[Yoahtl]] in the +,+ quadrant. Its capital city is Odresh City, on the nation's southern coast. It is currently led by Crusher6581, whoas holdsGovernor theand positionLokilog ofas GovernorLt. It used to be somewhat of an important name in the relatively unoccupied +,+, though in recent months it has fallen into inactivityGovernor.
[[File:Odresh Flag.png|alt=|thumb|302x302px|Odresh's flag after the original flag was abolished and replaced]]
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==== Auroran Independence ====
As more people arrived to the city of Sozialstaat, it was revealed that it was built by citizens of Aurora, a nation that dates back to CivCraft. Crusher and Lokilog realized that the city was becoming more Auroran than Odreshi, and during discussions with Bennyboo, they Aurorans announced that they wanted to be independent. From here, independence negotiations began, resulting in the full independence of Aurora. Unlike the situation with the RSFSR, the two nations maintain friendly relations. Lokilog later
==== Odresh - Phylon Conflict ====
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==== Return to the Server ====
After the Odresh-Phylon conflict, Odresh fell inactive, partially because of the opening of CivEx. Five months later, though, in May 2019, Crusher6581 and Lokilog returned to activity. Their first task was to clean up and repair Odresh City, but they soon realized that they could expand and use the Batavian XP and ice farms. As they began to harvest more and more XP resources, Okx from Vinland offered to help them build a simple, single-line rail from Odresh to Vinland. Completed in just two days, a vote was initiated within the [[Northern Coast Alliance|NCA]] to accept Odresh into the alliance, passing on May 13th, 2019. During this time, construction began on a large fortress, drawing inspiration from Okashima's castle in Okato. Later, Odresh annexed the two islands to it'sits north, with plans to set up a nether wart farm. However, this project stalled, as they realized it would too much of a pain to make the journey. The nation then switched it's focus farming XP materials, improving Odresh City, and recruiting new members.
==== StateProvince of Yoahtl ====
(To be written, please check back later)
In September 2019, [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ISQdx-HjCt06kJHVk9RgsPoUEOImEVmb1DdxsxBgMT8/edit?usp=sharing Odresh joined Yoahtl] as a non-autonomous town, meaning that Odresh gives up the freedom to form military alliances and agreements with other nations without Yoahtlan consent in return for mutual defense and close economic and legal integration. Odresh also has the right to secede at any time.[[File:Crusher Apartments.png|thumb|A screenshot of Crusher Apartments after the attack. It suffered the most damage from the September 23rd raid of any structure in the city.]]
==== September Raids ====
[[File:Odresh City Greif.png|thumb|A screenshot of Odresh City after the September 24th raid, taken from the floating island at the northern edge of the city.]]From September 20th-24th, Odresh experienced three raids in rapid succession which quickly became known as the September Raids. While no one was pearled, and material loses were minimal, Odresh City's infrastructure was decimated by repeated TNT detonations. The first raid was minor, when Brsxoi entered the city and broke open all houses, stealing whatever valuables remained in the city. After a period of long inactivity, Lokilog logged on soon after and saw this, reported it to Crusher, and then disconnected for the day. On Monday, September 23rd, at approximately 3:51 PM EST, likely alt IkChapDollo repeatedly detonated TNT around the city, wreaking havoc on all structures. While buildings like the Community Center emerged relatively unscathed, places like Crusher Apartments were reduced to crumbling walls. The next day, n8mastercrafter placed major grief around the city, with small pillars of lava and water falling from the tops of buildings, and pumpkins scattered around the city, though they were not reinforced. This was quickly cleaned up, and is best summarized by [https://www.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/d8vnty/odresh_attacked_once_more/ Lokilog's raid announcement on reddit], in which he said "This one hasn't really changed anything? It just gave us a bunch of pumpkins." By the end of the night, most of the damage to the city from both the 23rd and 24th raids had been cleaned up, with the only major exception being Crusher Apartments. It was intentionally left in this state, as there were talks of turning it into a memorial after the city was rebuilt. The residences of both Lokilog and Crusher were torn down, the first buildings to go in the planned period of demolition and subsequent reconstruction envisioned by Crusher after the Sept. 23rd raid. At this point, the raids had caused players from across Yoahtl to pitch into the effort to help Odresh. After the Sept. 23rd raid, 300 diamond bounties were put on both Brsxoi and IkChapDollo, but now military action was being taken. Tlanexcui was stationed in Odresh, ready to log in and attack if necessary, while progress on an ice road to between Odresh and Yoahtl proper saw great advancement. Furthermore, a massive care package was being put together to help the city recover, while Okato Shipping [https://www.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/d8l3pc/introducing_okato_shipping_services/ announced] that they would provide free deliveries to [[Icenia]] (which had also experienced raids) and Odresh for the rest of the month. Talk also shifted to ''why'' this was happening, and why they kept coming back to an already-ruined city. Odresh simply hadn't done anything to provoke these attacks. At present, no perpetrator has been determined, though it is suspected that all attacks are alts from one player or group. Finally, the next day, Crusher and Lokilog successfully pearled the raider as they attempted to place grief in the early morning. This ended the September Raids, and began the period of reconstruction in which most buildings were torn down and replaced. This period of reconstruction ended halfway through completion due to, once more, inactivity.
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When Odresh was founded, it struggled to set up a defined political system. Crusher6581 wanted a monarchy until they had more citizens, while Lokilog pushed for a direct or representative democracy. As the debate flared up and other citizens weighed in, they shifted to two definite positions: Lokilog wanted a direct democracy, while Crusher wanted a representative democracy. Lokilog argued that they didn't have enough people for a representative democracy, and as such, almost everyone would be in a government position. He wanted decisions to be made directly. On the other hand, Crusher believed that a representative democracy was better, because with direct democracy, people who are unaware and not educated in current civpolitics would have control over every decision made. In the end, they voted for an indefinite but temporary direct democracy, and when a certain undecided number of citizens was reached, they would vote once more to determine the permanent system of government. For the nation's leadership, they decided to create the Foreign Affairs Representative, or F.A.R. The job of the F.A.R. was to act that the chief diplomat for the nation, representing it in all negotiations and general appearances on the world stage. In addition, the F.A.R. served as the leader in times of crisis. They could declare a national crisis at any time, allowing them to bypass the legislative process and take action immediately. Of course, there were limitations to this to prevent a dictator from taking charge, but this power was only invoked once, to create a tavel ban to Phylon during the Odresh-Phylon Conflict. Since Odresh's integration with Yoahtl, the positions of F.A.R. and Deputy F.A.R. have been replaced with Governor and Deputy Governor, currently occupied by Crusher6581 and Lokilog respectively.
==== Integration2020 with YoahtlReforms ====
In Septemberearly 2019, [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ISQdx-HjCt06kJHVk9RgsPoUEOImEVmb1DdxsxBgMT8/edit?usp=sharing Odresh joined Yoahtl] as a non-autonomous town, meaning that Odresh gives up the freedom to form military alliances and agreements with other nations without Yoahtlan consent in return for mutual defense and close economic and legal integration. Odresh also has the right to secede at any time.2020[[File:NCA Civball.png|thumb|A Civball image of the member states of the NCA, designed by Lokilog to celebrate Odresh joining the alliance.]]
=== International Relations ===
==== NCA ====
On May 13th, 2019, Odresh was admitted into the [[North Coast Alliance|NCA]], but at present, this is more or less meaningless given that all NCA members are now a part of Yoahtl. For long ti
==== Okashima ====