Nord Co.: Difference between revisions

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| style="vertical-align:middle;text-align:center " |'''Closed'''
| Nord Co. MTA marked Nord Co.'s initial foray beyond the +,- region and represented one of the early shops that ventured beyond the sale of building blocks, food, and farm produce, as far as my knowledge goes.
The shop officially opened its doors on April 2nd, 2023, and it got closed down on January 17th, 2024, thereby remaining operational for 9 months and 16 day. Although the building itself remains accessible, it no longer serves Nord Co. as a retail location. It was closed down do to low sales and the recent downfall of Mta after the [[Doom City Conflict]].
Nord Co. Mta was also the reason why VilyanZ started building Nord Stream (Public Iceroad Network). The reason was that it was taking to long on rail to Restock Shops and needed a faster way.
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|Nord Co. IF
| style="vertical-align:middle;text-align:center " |'''Not Open'''
|Nord Co. Imperial Federation was supposed to be Opened but then the IF Capital Imperia but then the IF Secession Crisis happened and no further plans have been made to open the shop in IF.