New Player Guide (CivMC): Difference between revisions

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(Added Namelayer examples.)
(All the items that need to be explained :sob:)
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= Civ101 - A Complete (soon™) tutorial for CivMC mechanics. =
Making a complete tutorial for all of CivMC's mechanics right here. -RedDevel
== 1. Discord Authentication ==
The CivMC discord is the main hub for communication next to the subreddit, where you can receive extra help from players, mods or admins concerning any problems you might have. Either through community support or the ticket system. It’s also a place to discover nations that are open to recruiting in the ads section. Or a place to conduct commerce with players all across the server in the market forum.
To get full access to the discord all one has to do is authenticate themselves by running the command '''/discordauth''' on the minecraft server:
And then running the '''!kira auth''' command with the received code on the discord server:
This will link your Minecraft and discord accounts on the server, Locking your discord nickname to that of your Minecraft account. Doing this opens up the rest of the discord channels such as:
* General,: for discussion of the game with other players all around the world.
* Community-support,: for when you have a question that other players could help with.
* Market-trade,: a channel dedicated to trading, Allowing you to buy or sell goods from, or to other players with ease.
* Nation-Ads,: a place for nations to advertise their country and why you should join them.
== 2. Namelayer ==
Namelayer is one of CivMC’s foundational features, It allows you to make groups, which are then used by a variety of other plugins, Such as [[Citadel]]. One of the main things it does is that it allows members of a created group to talk to each other beyond the local chat range of 1000 blocks.
To make a group simply perform the command '''/nlcreategroup''' (or /nlcg) and then the name for the group you’d like to make.
This is also possible with the GUI which you can access by performing the command '''/nl.'''
To start typing in a group use '''/g followed by the group name.'''
Now only those in the group with the right permissions can see your messages. And if you’d like to return to local chat simply do '''/g on its own.'''
To edit permissions use the GUI by performing '''/nl''' then clicki on the group you’d like to change.
Now on the fence gate top right. Here there are 5 different layers of permissions.
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== 3. Citadel ==
Citadel is another one of CivMC’s foundational features that allows players to protect blocks and lock chests to keep both buildings and items alike safe from other players. It is not complete protection however; anyone can still break both with some effort depending on what is used to reinforce them. By running /reinforcements we can see that in the overworld stone has a health of 50, iron 300 and diamond 2000. Health here equates to how many times a block has to be broken before it is dropped. This is why it is customary on the server to reinforce everything one might build, but because it takes one of those mentioned items to do so for each block, stone is most often used for this, while the others are kept for chests or other important or valuable blocks.
It is not complete protection however; anyone can still break both with some effort depending on what is used to reinforce them. By running '''/reinforcements''' we can see that in the overworld, stone has a health of 50, iron 300 and diamond 2000. Health here equates to how many times a block has to be broken before it is dropped. This is why it is customary on the server to reinforce everything one might build. Because it takes one of those mentioned items to do so for each block, stone is most often used for this, while the others are kept for chests or other important or valuable blocks.
=== Acidblock ===
=== Bunkers ===
=== Dropchests ===
== Hiddenore ==
=== Diamond Veins ===
== Jukealert ==
=== Note block ===
=== Jukebox ===
== ExilePearl ==
=== Essence ===
=== Combat ===
=== Nethertravel ===
== FactoryMod ==
=== Setup ===
=== Use ===
=== XP production ===
=== Bastion production ===
=== Netherite Production ===
== Realistic Biomes ==
== Bastions ==
=== City Bastion ===
=== Vault Bastion ===
== Fun/misc ==
=== Brewery ===
=== Railswitch ===
=== Elevators ===
=== Castlegate ===
=== Athropod egg ===
=== Redstone limits ===
=== Wordbank - ===
== Client Mods ==
=== Warning/Rules ===