Nara: Difference between revisions

2,282 bytes added ,  1 year ago
some updates, probably needs some other updates and to be solidly wacked with some better formatting
(changed roles and added taisho)
(some updates, probably needs some other updates and to be solidly wacked with some better formatting)
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{{Infobox civilization|name=Nara|subheader=|image=Nara_Flag.png|capital_city=[[Shiroyama]] | government_type=Feudal Shogunate|position_title1=Shikken|position_title2=Rensho|position_title3=Daimyo|position_title4=Samurai|position_title5=Komuin|position_name1=[[SwordMaster7777]]|position_name2=[[Prawny331]]|foundation_date=2nd June 2022|preceded_by=[[{{flag|Far Seas Alliance]]}}, [[{{flag|Inferno]]}}|discord=|demonym=Naran|position_name3=[[Bronnakus]], [[Earyx]]||position_name4=[[HPLaptop]], [[Hg__80]]||position_name5=[[JeyHey]], [[Bronnakus]], [[mtfUJi]],[[BlankestAtlas]]|caption=On each side of the flag, one finds three heavenly trigrams<ref></ref> representing the divinity of the nation. In the center the moon rises in a dark night sky.|location=3300, 4700|area=3.05 km^2<ref></ref>|alliance=[[DNA]], {{flag|Independent Southern Powers}}|activity_level=High|settlements=Ichinokawa, Sunatoride, Kajitsu|position_title6=TaishoTaishō|position_name6=[[BlankestAtlas]]}}
Nara is a nation on CivMC, located in the deep (+,+) on the continent of [[Alenarith]]. The nation is Japanese-themed and is rooted in aesthetics and environmentalism.
Nara's territory runs from Lake Biwa in the north to the world border, and reminds many of Chile, to the point that an acceptable, but memeish, alternative demonym for Nara is "Chile Admirer.".
Nara is bordered to the west by [[Dalgon]], the east by [[Free Danzilonan Republic]] and [ Gensokyo], and to the north and northwest by [[Doom City]] and the [[Arsenio Pact]].
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Initially founded in late 2020 by several members of nations in the [[Far Seas Alliance]] in [[CivRealms 2.0]], Nara was planned for the now-cancelled iteration [[CivEx 4.0]]<ref></ref>. Following the decline of player count on CivRealms, Nara was initially planned as a ''nation of states'', much like [[Nro'meagh]] and later the [[Imperial Federation]] (albeit with a more rigid federal structure), to make use of some of the planned mechanics of CivEx. Due to the cancellation of CivEx, many members continued on to play [[CivUniverse]] or [[Devoted Hell]] in the interim. In Hell, many Narans composed the successful nation of [[Inferno]] while waiting for a more serious, stable server to release. This did not occur until the announcement of [[CivMC]] in early 2022. With CivEx out of the picture, Nara was merged under one banner in preparation for launch, and many of the plans for subdivision into smaller nations (such as the planned nation of Nagoya) were abandoned.
=== Launch===
Upon launch, the Narans paired up with the Dalgonians to find suitable land for settlement. Given the nature of both nations' ambitions, with Nara wanting to build its capital by a mountain and Dalgon wanting to live inside a mountain, the two were natural neighbors. Within half an hour of launch, Dalgonian leader Fredhun14 found and shared pictures of beautiful white cliffs by a birch forest. Shikken [[SwordMaster7777]] loved it, and the scattered Narans beelined to settle the area. After switching to the meadows north of the mountains, work quickly began to set up defenses and farms in what would become Shiroyama.
Within a week of founding, Shiroyama had begun construction in earnest. The house of [[Bronnakus]], Nara's oldest building, was built on 6/4/2022, followed quickly by Ukai's house and sheep gauntlet in Noto Point. By the end of the week, Nara hosted a flower shop, wood exchange, multiple houses, and the global headquarters of MofuMofu Wool, the largest provider of both gay and anime girl wool in CivMC. Shiroyama, a city built at a reasonable scale and focused on aesthetics, quickly blossomed into an attractive place for foreign visitors and investors.
=== The First Month ===
Ichinokawa was thought of within the first week, but it was not until week three that [[Paragonius]] began the project in earnest. In that time Shiroyama also was expanding quickly and drawing in newfriends, as well as advancing through the tech tree with the help of Greltam and his farms in the Greltam Special Economic Zone (GSEZ), which is located in north Dalgon. A public factory room was set up, and Komuin Bronnakus continued to encourage settlement and home construction throughout Shiroyama. New parts of the city were seeing growth, and the SpeedyJustice Manor Neighborhood began to take shape at this time with the construction of the eponymous manor.
=== Second Month and Onwards ===
The second month of the server did not go as smoothly as the first, though Nara is still flourishing. During this time the Nara Royal Academy of Sciences, an academy with the mission to collect every written book in the world and allow free access to them, as well as the Nara Brewers Guild, were created. The settlements of Kajitsu and Sunatoride sprung up and many new recruits joined the citizenry of Nara.
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Since then, Shiroyama has blossomed, with new residents and citizens arriving daily attracted by the city's aesthetically-pleasing architecture and burgeoning economy.
== Geography==
[[File:Public Claims of Nara as of 6-8-22.png|thumb|668x668px|The first public claims map of Nara was released on June Eighth, six days after SOTW and two days following [[Dalgon]] publicizing their claims.]]
===Cities, Towns, and Villages ===
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[[File:Bokuso-Chi.png|thumb|A view down one of Old Town Shiroyama's main avenues, Bokuso-Chi Ave.]]
=====Noto Peninsula =====
North of Shiroyama lays the Noto peninsula (named for a place in Japan), flanked by the diverging rivers Ebi and Beartooth. It is the northernmost geographical region of Shiroyama, reaching a northern extremity at Noto Point, the tip of the peninsula. There is a small, unincorporated agricultural community on the peninsula founded by former Komiun [[dynamicbeez]]. Notable features include the headquarters of the Naran Agricultural Department and its expansive farm, spanning the entire northern half of the peninsula. It produces mass quantities of products to be used both nationally and abroad. A lighthouse is planned to be built on Noto Point.
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Ichinokawa ("Rock Quarry Village") is a village in the central birch forest of Nara, located south-east of Shiroyama, right below Ebi river. Almost entirely constructed by mayor Paragonius, the village now features, following quite rapid development in December of 2022, a community center for all residents, the Ichinokawa Public Library, the Amaterasu Tea Shop and a shinto shrine dedicated to Tsukuyomi, kami of the moon. Although originally intended as a place for an aesthetically pleasing quarry to satisfy the stone needs of ever-growing Shiroyama, it took until December to fulfill that intention, making that name a misnomer for just over six months. The focus shifted to Ichinokawa being a serene and atmospheric retreat from the busy capital for the residents of Nara.
==== Kajitsu ====
Kajitsu ("Berry") is a hamlet in Southern Nara founded by [[Ukai]] upon his return to CivMC. The site was chosen due to its remote nature and allows for a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of economic activity and politics. On the site is [[Bronnakus]]'s Berry Cabin, built in early July to "make the southern part of Nara a little less Crayola sixty-four pack with sharpener, and a little more Crayola twenty-four pack" ([[Bronnakus]]), as well as some farms for brewery supplies.
==== Sunatoride ====
On July 22, 2022, it was discovered that a trio of newfriends began building a village in an Arabian style on a small beach in central Nara, unaware of the claims. At the time Komuin of Citizen Management Bronnakus, as well as [[HPLaptop]], discovered the settlement on a trip southwards. After some investigation, the pair was able to determine the owners of the settlement. Rather than reacting harshly, the group was invited to join Nara as an official village. Sunatoride ("Sand Fort") was given as a temporary name while the group decides for itself a proper settlement name.
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==='''Feudal System'''===
Nara is a Feudalist Shogunate led by Shikken [[SwordMaster7777]]. Reporting to the Shikken is his Rensho, [[Prawny331]],with the nation's second-in-command. The rest of the Narana government issplit madeinto upthree ofgroups thein Daiymo,a thedescending Samurai and the Komuin, who oversee specific partshierarchy of the governmentauthority.
==== KomuinImperial ofCourt the Interior====
Reporting to the Shikken is his Rensho, [[Prawny331]], the nation's second-in-command. Also reporting directly to the Shikken is the Taishō [[BlankestAtlas]], the military leader of Nara. The Taisho is in charge of Nara's militia and samurai, military infrastructure, as well as taking effective command of the nation in time of war. These three leaders form the Imperial Court, which functionally acts as a Triarchy.
Coordinates management of natural resource gathering and farming, as well as all land either reserved for national parks or not currently part of a city/village. Initially held by [[dynamiczbeez]], who stepped down in late July to be replaced by [[Greltam]].
==== Daimyo ====
The Daimyo are in charge of a specific region of Nara, and can essentially have complete control over their assigned region (with the exception of military infrastructure), ruling over the land for the Shikken. The most populous prefecture is that of Shiroyama, lead by Bronnakus and containing the city of the same name. The prefecture of Q'Barra is a strategic exclave on the western continent, and is ruled over by Earyx. There is space for the declaration of additional Daimyo, provided their region is either strategic or reasonably populous.
The city of Akheron in the nether was declared a prefecture, ruled over by the Daimyo TolypeVelleda. This position and prefecture were later revoked following an altercation with Dalgon.
==== Komuin of the Treasury====
The Komuin are the civil servants of Nara, and operate much of the day-to-day requirements of the government. There are four current roles, these being;
* '''Komuin of Citizen Management'''
Handles recruitment, plot assignment, coordination of zoning, and promotion from resident to citizen, works with the population to ensure citizens are happy and having fun. PreviouslyCurrently held by [[Bronnakus]]. Several of these responsibilities were merged into Bronnakus' appointment as Daimyo of Shiroyama
* '''Komuin of the Interior'''
Coordinates management of natural resource gathering and farming, as well as all land either reserved for national parks or not currently part of a city/village. Initially held by [[dynamiczbeez]], who stepped down in late July to be replaced by [[Greltam]]. In December the position was filled by [[mTfUJi]], following Greltam's absence.
* '''Komuin of the Treasury'''
====Komuin of the Treasury====
Oversees shop creation and maintenance, promotes Naran business internationally and encourages businesses to open in Nara in coordination with Citizen Management, identifies opportunities for economic cooperation and works with Infrastructure to develop trade routes and ease travel, controls national currency should the need for one arise. Initially held by [[Ukai]], who also stepped down in late July so that [[JeyHey]] could take the position.
* '''Komuin of Culture'''
Responsible for organising international sports events (like the hockey league and winter olympics) as well as furthering Nara's unique cultural identity.
====Naran Infrastructure Committee====
Initally a full Komuin role, the position was transitioned into a joint citizen committee to oversee public infrastructure works such as roads, rails and bridges. This committee is currently chaired by [[Asakuun]], along with Komiun [[JeyHey]] assisting.
====DefuntDefunct Positions ====
===== Komuin of Citizen ManagementInfrastructure=====
Handles recruitment, plot assignment, coordination of zoning, and promotion from resident to citizen, works with the population to ensure citizens are happy and having fun. Previously held by [[Bronnakus]].
=====Komuin of Infrastructure=====
Handled infrastructure for all of Nara, eventually split into the Naran Infrastructure Committee. Previously held by [[JeyHey]] before becoming the Komuin of the Treasury.
==='''International Relations'''===
Nara has a very close relationship with the borderingneighbouring nation of [[Dalgon]]. This is due to the fact that the Shikken [[SwordMaster7777]] is a good friend of the founder of Dalgon, [[fredhun14]]. This close allyship also assisted both nations during the [[CivMC]] launch as they could guard each other's backs from the roaming players at the time, merging their territory until official claims maps could be posted, although this did lead to some confusion with many people believing that the two separate nations were but one. This alliance is yet to be formalised, but has been named the [[DNA|Dalgon-Nara Alliance]], or DNA.
In November 2022, Nara joined the [[Independent Southern Powers]] as a founding member. In early December 2022, Nara and Danzilona formalised a friendship treaty<ref></ref>. The two nations also announced a planned 2023 Winter Olympics<ref></ref>.
Nara maintains friendly relations with most of its neighbors, with an active prescence in the [[Alenarith Forum]], and generally remains neutral on the world stage. Shiroyama hosts a consulate for each of the member nations of the Arsenio Pact, and is connected by rail to Danzilona, Gensokyo, MTA, and is working on connections to ArsenioPridelands and the PridelandsCommonwealth.
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The Naran economy also has a significant amount of shops specializing in brewing items, largely stocked by the Nara Brewers Guild. Presently, there are six shops, bars, restaurants, and cafes in Nara.
==National Associations and Organizations ==
=== Nara Royal Academy of Sciences ===
The Nara Royal Academy of Sciences is an academy and library offering wisdom to all knowledge-seekers of the Civ world. The Academy hosts a library boasting over thirty player-written books, as well as an exchange system allowing for one to borrow and return books via a library card at a low initial cost. Currently, the NRAS offers five courses:
* Botany
* World Politics
* Mathematics
* Cartography
* History and Social Sciences
In addition to these courses, the Nara Royal Academy also hosts several new player guides in the Naran Discord<ref></ref>.
=== Brewer's Guild ===
With the addition of the brewing plugin to CivMC server on July 24, 2022, Nara quickly founded the Brewer's Guild on the same date to discover and perfect brewing recipes.
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The guild is currently led by [[Superbgamer5225]] as Brew Master.
Nara has two national brews:
* Nara Puffer Fish Wine, discovered and perfected by Earyx. Being the first Naran recipe to be perfected, it earned Earyx the title of Auxiliary Brew Master.
* Nara no Uiskui, discovered and perfected by Daiymo [[Bronnakus]], Director of the Nara Royal Academy of Sciences and Recordkeeper of the guild, after pushing through some harsh times with raids and targeted attacks trying to ruin the brewing process.
