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Nara has a very close relationship with the bordering nation of [[Dalgon]]. This is due to the fact that the Shikken [[SwordMaster7777]] is a good friend of the founder of Dalgon, [[fredhun14]]. This close allyship also assisted both nations during the [[CivMC]] launch as they could guard each other's backs from the roaming players at the time, merging their territory until official claims maps could be posted, although this did lead to some confusion with many people believing that the two separate nations were but one. This alliance is yet to be formalised, but has been named the Dalgon-Nara Alliance, or DNA.
Nara maintains friendly relations with allmost of its neighbors, and generally remains neutral on the world stage. Shiroyama hosts a consulate for each of the member nations of the Arsenio Pact, and is connected by rail to Danzilona, Gensokyo, MTA, and is working on connections to Arsenio and the Pridelands.
