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(added several references. cut out much of the southern border shit and made at least a moderate attempt to have a neutral take (inspired by rekt) on the situation I'd intentionally left out of this page prior)
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=== The Southern Border Kerfuffle ===
=== The Southern Border Kerfuffle ===
During August 2022, Naran citizen Saren_Solaris was searching for bunkers belonging to the raiders harassing Nara and strayed into Gensokyo. He was immediately confronted in DMs by Topaz4293 and was told to leave. Due to the amount and intensity of messages, Saren chose to /ignore her, but did turn to leave. Seeing the available opportunity to attack, Topaz ordered Ferro_Vir and Asu to pearl Saren. In the resulting skirmish, Saren quick-dropped Ferro but was unable to pearl him due to a server glitch. He then turned his attention to Asu and defeated her, securing the pearl. Upon Ferro's return to the scene, Saren re-engaged with him and chased him down to secure the pearl in Tenseimiya. This caused a boiling-over of tensions with Gensokyo, whom already had grievances against Nara due to perceived slights in the form of Naran newfriends mining in Gensokyo's southern claims and accidentally discovering their bunker earlier in the month. Topaz demanded multiple prot sets and stacks of diamond blocks in reparations, while Saren demanded an apology for the attack. Eventually, Saren was banned for comments made to Asu and Asu was banned for doxxing Saren. Ferro was later freed, and Gensokyo went inactive for a long period.
During August 2022, Naran citizen Saren_Solaris was searching for bunkers belonging to the raiders harassing Nara and strayed into Gensokyo. He was immediately confronted in DMs by Topaz4293 and was told to leave. Saren chose to /ignore her, but did turn to leave. Enraged at his decision to ignore her and his prior conduct<ref></ref>, Topaz ordered Ferro_Vir and Asumaru to pearl Saren. In the resulting skirmish, Saren dropped both Ferro and Asumaru<ref></ref>, securing both pearls. Due to a server bug, Ferro was pearled yet still free, and he returned to the scene to re-gear. Saren re-engaged with him and chased him down to secure the pearl in Tenseimiya. This caused a boiling-over of tensions with Gensokyo<ref></ref>, whom already had grievances against Nara for their perceived failure to temper or otherwise remove Saren for his conduct referring to Asumaru. Gensokyo and later Mount Augusta would leave the Alenarith Forum in protest, and in a discussion mediated by Lowtuff between both nations' leaders failed to agree on terms both parties considered reasonable. Both Saren and Asu were banned, and Gensokyo went on an extended hiatus for several months as a result. Following Danzilona's declaration of the territory as a protectorate<ref></ref>, Ferro was freed in a attempt to mend relations.

=== The Generic War and its Conclusion ===
=== The Generic War and its Conclusion ===
While Nara was not party to the Generic War, due to the raiding of Vah and Ez2Clutch (both of which were associated with Rhode Island), Nara suffered declining activity and a scarcity of wealth during the war. There were some wins, such as future Taisho BlankestAtlas quick-dropping clutch in central Shiroyama, but it was a stressful time in Nara. Great focus was placed on building up defenses in the form of bunker upgrades and traps.
While Nara was not party to the Generic War, due to the raiding of Vah and Ez2Clutch (both of which were associated with Rhode Island), Nara suffered declining activity during the war. There were some minor victories, such as future Taisho BlankestAtlas quick-dropping clutch in central Shiroyama, but it was a stressful time in Nara. Great focus was placed on building up defenses in the form of bunker upgrades and traps. In early September, the Rhode Island group (including Clutch) were banned en masse<ref></ref>, meaning Nara was once again at peace. However, the war took it's toll, and burnout set in. Several mainstays of Nara took extended breaks at this point, and the nation appeared to be in decline<ref></ref>. Great effort was still expended by the remaining members of government to turn the tide.

In early September, to the relief of most of the server, the Rhode Island group was largely banned, meaning Nara was once again at peace. However, the war took it's toll, and burnout set in. Several mainstays of Nara took extended breaks at this point, and the nation appeared to be in decline. Great effort was still expended by the remaining members of government to turn the tide.

=== The Revival ===
=== The Revival ===