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Earyx (talk | contribs)
Earyx (talk | contribs)
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That same day a group of settlers led and guided by [[Earyx]] traveled to the exclave colony and officially founded the village of Q'Barra. This group included [[LunaaCatt]], who helped building roads, [[Bronnakus]] who helped with developing factories, [[BlankestAtlas]] who helped clearing the claim posts around the border of vegetation, and [[MythicPatronymic]] who helped transporting materials. Only a few weeks later [[asakuun]] joined the settlers team to develop the last stretch of the rail connecting Q'Barra to Shiroyama.
Q'Barran culture, architecture and lore is a blend of Aztec, the mesoamerican indiginous people, and Argonian, the fantasy lizardfolk race from The Elder Scrolls series. This blend produces a theme of stony but colorful builds, wooden huts overclaimed by vegetation, big step pyramid temples and a magical lore with The Hist Tree as cornerstone.
====Kajitsu ====